Author Jonathan Cahn discusses his new book that takes readers on an adventure through Scripture to reveal spiritual truths, end time prophecies, and the secrets of life.
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Well, our next guest
is a biblical scholar
and a real prophet.
I was fascinated some
several years ago
when he began to unfold what
is called "The Harbinger."
And he talked about the
fulfillment of prophecy
and how it had been brought
forth in exquisite detail.
That book sold over
a million copies.
It was very popular,
and then he came up
with another one, called "The
Mystery of the Shemitah."
And people have
looked, and they've
seen the flux of economic events
taking place in our world that
tracks the Jewish calendar.
And now in 2015,
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
gave a prophetic warning to
America regarding Bael or Baal.
A year later, that word
has become a reality.
Take a look at this.
NARRATOR: Messianic
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
is known for his bestselling
novel, "The Harbinger."
He compared the United
States to the destruction
of ancient Israel.
His teachings, which
are known for revealing
the deep mysteries
of God's word,
are broadcast around the world.
In his devotional, "The
Book of Mysteries,"
Jonathan takes you on a one-year
journey to mountaintops,
caverns, and the oil-lit
chambers of scrolls
to uncover secrets that he
says will change your life.
Well, it's a pleasure
to welcome back
a dear friend of "The
700 Club," Jonathan Cahn.
Jonathan, God bless you.
God bless you, Pat.
It's so good to see you.
A blessing to be here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
What is this Bael thing?
Or is it Baal, Bael?
Yeah, well, the template
of "The Harbinger"
is that Israel is warned
and gets the signs,
but they get worse.
And they progress.
We're watching, and I shared
about how these things have
manifested in America.
Well, we're also going on
this path as a culture.
We're defying God.
Well, in the last days
of ancient Israel,
when the harbingers
were happening,
they were worshipping
the god, Baal, or Bael.
And then somehow they lifted up
their children in sacrifices.
They called evil good.
They hunted down the
righteous, Elijah.
And so could the sign of
Bael also manifest in America
since the harbingers are a
sign of a nation that has once
known God but has fallen away?
Well, in the last month,
what's happened, Pat?
It did.
It has manifested
in New York City.
They erected the Arch of Bael.
The arch that the
worshippers of Bael
went through to worship
Bael in Palmyra, Syria,
they put it up on American soil.
I was there.
The woman who spoke
said, we're doing
this is an act of defiance.
This is a sign of a nation
that has turned from God,
once knew God.
Is that it I'm looking at?
That's it.
And she said, it's
an act of defiance?
We are doing this as
an act of defiance.
This is Bael, I
mean, of all things,
identifying the nation that
that is an apostasy from God.
And it actually says, the
arch of the Temple of Bael,
right there.
And we watch this.
And the weird thing was
that about a year and a half
ago, I was on Capitol Hill.
And it was the day after
the Supreme Court was
hearing the case on marriage.
And I was led to give a warning.
And I'm saying, and
the lord said, Elijah.
So that we're standing
between Bael and God.
Choose you this day.
And it looks like it's Bael.
That's the scary thing.
Well, Elijah killed about
500 of them as I recall.
We're not gonna do that.
Well, maybe, he said.
But if the Lord be
God, let him be God.
And God answered these prayers.
He said, oh, God, show
these people that I've
done this at your word.
And suddenly the fire
from heaven fell.
Do you think we're going
to see something like that?
I hope for it because
that's the only hope I see.
I mean, the only way
I see is revival.
That's it.
I mean, no matter what happens
in the political realm,
we've got to pray for revival.
That's it.
Well, talking about
that, you know,
I have studied this name
that the Muslims use,
you know, of their God.
They call him Allah.
I thought it was Hubal,
the moon god of Mecca.
But you look up
the books, and they
say, well, it's a
derivation of Bael,
that they take it from
the Phoenician god,
that that's where they
get this God they serve.
Yeah, well, one
of the things is
that this arch is a reproduction
of what was in Syria actually.
And the thing is, in "The
Harbinger," you remember,
Pat, when ancient
Israel is rebuilding,
they're rebuilding what
the Assyrians destroyed.
Well, it was ISIS, who are
the modern-day descendants
of Assyria, who destroyed
the Arch of Bael.
So now we're actually rebuilding
exactly what happened,
what the Assyrians destroyed.
I mean, it's eerie, and it's
actually happening, yeah.
Where is it placed in New York?
It was placed in city
hall, and actually I
was going to share this.
But we said, OK, if
the arch is here,
where is the Temple of Bael?
So we charted it
out, where it would
have been in New York City.
It led us exactly
to ground zero.
Come on.
Yes, I have that.
I have the map, and it led us
exactly to ground zero, yeah.
Unbelievable, all
right, well, let's
talk about this
"Book of Mysteries."
Tell us about it.
This is kind of a
day-to-day devotional
about this fictional character
who leads us through this.
Tell us what it's about.
If "The Harbinger" is the
opening up of a mystery,
"The Book of Mysteries"
is the opening up
of hundreds of mysteries,
from mysteries of heaven,
mysteries of the end times,
mysteries of the rabbis.
And it is revealed in a
way as in "The Harbinger."
A man goes into the desert.
A man called the teacher takes
him on this one-year journey.
And every day on the
mountaintops and caves,
he opens up a mystery of God.
So the reader is taken
into that journey.
And so every day, you are
seeing another mystery.
So you could you read
it right through,
but it also could be
done as a devotional.
But every day, there's a
mystery, and not just that,
not just to be blown away,
but to take it and apply it
to your life.
Let's take a few
of the mysteries.
You've got one, the
mystery of God's name.
Yes, yes.
Well, in this, the teacher
says to the disciple,
do you know the name of God?
And the disciple
says, I don't know.
He says, you say
it all the time.
Every time-- if I say, I'm
Jonathan, you say, I'm Pat.
Before you say it, you must
say the name of God, I am.
I am Jonathan.
I am Pat.
Before you can speak
about ourselves,
we have to put
God's name when we
talk about ourselves
because our existence comes
from his existence.
Even if I say, I'm sad,
well, it's I am is with me.
If I say, I am alone, well, I
am is with me when I say that.
Even if I say, I'm in
sin, I am-- you know,
this is Jesus-- I am
becomes one with our sin.
So there's so much
here, but just that.
And the thing is that
one of the secrets
is, you know, we live for God.
We're to live to God.
But one of the mysteries
is to live from God,
that every moment,
because our existence,
every moment is from God.
And so to take it, to
live in his living,
to love from his loving,
and to live from I am,
we are all saying it.
Well, now, the next
one is "The Shemitah."
You wrote a book
about that mystery.
About the Shemitah, but this
is the mystery of the Smicha,
a little different.
Oh, I'm sorry, Smicha.
All right, I'm sorry.
It's a little different.
There's so much that
people don't know yet.
Here's the thing.
In order for the
sacrifice to be lifted up,
they had to perform
something called the Smicha.
The sacrifice had to
be taken to the priest.
The priest would have
to lay their palms
on the head of the sacrifice,
called the Smicha, become one
with it, confess their sins
on top of the sacrifice,
then it could be offered up.
If Messiah Jesus is the
sin offering, which he is,
could this have happened?
Well, yes, he was
taken to the priests.
The Sanhedrin were the
priests, and what did they do?
The Bible says that the
palms have to touch.
Well, it says that
they buffeted him.
They touched his head.
They touched his face.
The Greek says it was
the palms of their hands
when they beat him.
That's the Smicha, and they had
to confess the sin over him.
Well, the high priest said,
he is guilty of blasphemy.
That wasn't his sin.
They said, that's their sin.
They're confessing
it over, blasphemy,
which is the sin of
all of us, blasphemy.
And so, Pat, [INAUDIBLE]
even if you people never
heard of it, when you get saved,
you're performing the Smicha.
You're saying, Jesus,
you died for my sins.
So most people
thought they just
slapped him, like in the
flap, but it wasn't that flap.
Well, they did.
But it was a palm.
It literally says
they buffeted him
with the palms of their
hands in the Greek.
Literally, that's the Smicha.
The Smicha, it's amazing, and
we're actually performing it.
And it's to take your life
and touch him with it,
and that's when you get changed.
Another mystery, ladies
and gentlemen, this
is a fabulous thing you
can go through here.
But the next one is
the bride and groom.
Oh, I love this.
This is the Hebrew wedding.
And this takes place where
the teacher shows them--
they're tent, desert
dwellers, and they're
living like the Bible times.
So throughout the book, you
have a stream of mystery
where they're actually
seeing a wedding take place
that concludes at the end.
Here's the thing.
In the time of the Bible,
the wedding went like this.
For there to be a
marriage, the bridegroom
had to make a journey from
the house of the bridegroom
to the house of the bride.
He had to do it.
And there he would pledge
himself, consecrate his life,
offer a gift called the
mohar to set her free.
If she said yes, they
were considered married.
But then he had to leave her.
They were separated
for over a year.
She'd prepare for the wedding.
She'd prepare to
leave her house.
He'd prepare a home for her, and
then comes the big wedding day.
He's dressed as a
king with a crown.
He comes with torches and
men and a great procession.
Second journey, this time
comes to take her home.
So this time, they
are lifted up.
They see each
other face to face.
They're lifted up
on a sedan chair,
carried in a great
procession, where finally she
sees the house of the bridegroom
that has been prepared for her.
They enter in.
They become one.
Well, the mystery is this.
God is the bridegroom.
We are the bride.
According to the mystery,
he has to make a journey.
2,000 years ago
the bridegroom God
makes the journey from the house
of the bridegroom to the house
of the bride, to Earth.
He comes to our life.
He offers the gift,
which is his life.
He has to leave.
He says, I have to go back.
They have to go back.
Then he says, I'm
preparing a place for you.
So he's preparing a place now.
We're supposed to be preparing
ourselves to get ready.
And whether we live to
that day when he comes
or when we leave this life,
he's going to take us home.
They were already
married, though,
when they confess to each other.
That's right.
Well, in the moment, they are
considered husband and wife.
That's right, even
though they don't
see each other until that.
And then finally it's
consummated when he
comes again, dressed as a king.
He comes in glory, and
we're going to see that.
And finally, we will see the
house that's prepared for us,
and finally we'll be home.
It's so awesome.
And that's the mystery of the
second coming of Jesus Christ.
Yeah, the whole
Bible is that mystery.
All right, let's
try another one.
This is fantastic.
How long did it take you to
come up with these things?
This is fantastic.
Well, I think it's been, like,
30 years of coming up with it.
But I wrote it at night.
Like, from 12
o'clock to 6 o'clock
in the morning this
year, I just said,
I just want to strengthen
God's people because I
believe we have to be strong.
All right, eight day.
Eight day, one of the most
mysterious days in the Bible.
And that is God says at the
very end of this sacred year,
it's called the eighth day.
What's the eighth day?
Even the rabbis don't
know what this is.
Well, if the seventh day
is the day of the end,
the eighth day is what
happens beyond the end.
So when you look at the end
of the Bible, Revelation,
you see seven, seven,
seven trumpets.
Everything is ending.
Then the last two chapters
are the eighth day.
It's the day of eternity and
the day that breaks the bounds.
Jesus, he rose not
just on Sunday,
the first day of the week.
He rose on the eighth
day of the week.
It's the day that
breaks the barriers.
You know, and we worship
on Sunday, many believers.
And so we are children
of the eighth day.
There's a way to actually
enter the day of eternity
even now, heaven now.
Jonathan, is fantastic.
Ladies and gentlemen, this
book-- where can they get it?
It's everywhere. "The
Book of Mysteries"
is everywhere from
online, Amazon,
to Walmart,
everywhere, everywhere.
It looks like one of the
books that the teacher shows,
these ancient books
that he shows.
Here it is, ladies
and gentlemen,
"The Book of Mysteries."
Isn't this fascinating?
Every day, there's
another unfolding
of the mysteries of God.
It will enrich your
spiritual life.
I just love your
writing, brother.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
You are such a blessing.
And I'm reminding you,
I came to the Lord
when I was watching
"The 700 Club."
Thank you.
You're a trophy that
I am proud to claim.
God bless you, Rabbi Cahn.
Ladies and gentlemen,
"The Book of Mysteries."