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Praying For Your Needs: October 6, 2016

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing. Read Transcript

What an amazing story.

God knows Teresa.

What else you got?

I've got a great one here.

This is Sammy.

Sammy lives in a Rural Retreat, Virginia.


He was experiencing uncontrollable jerking

and shaking in his arms.

He couldn't hold them still and would lose his grip

on the steering wheel because of these tremors.

He was hospitalized for a calcium deficiency,

which the doctors thought was the problem.

But he was still having spasms after he got home

from the hospital.

Last August, Pat, he was watching this program

and you had this word of knowledge.

Somebody is having tremors.

It's not Parkinson's but it's like some kind of shaking.

God right now has just hit you.

Hit you with the power of God and that shaking

has completely stopped now.

Sammy received the word for himself and was healed.

Praise the Lord.

Let's pray right now.

Folks, you know, I'm amazed.

I'm amazed at God.

I think of him-- you know, I was reading the 81st psalm

today earlier and it says, open your mouth wide

and I will fill it.

Open your mouth-- in other words,

God is saying, as much capacity as you have I can satisfy.

And it's up to you to offer the capacity.

So what is your need?

What is your need?

And that's what God told Solomon,

what do you want me to do?

What do you want?

So what do you want?

So Terry and I are going to join hands

and we're going to believe God for you.

And I want to tell you with God all things are possible.

Father, I join hands with my sister in Christ

and we pray together for those in this audience, whatever

their need is you said, open your mouth wide

and I will fill them.

Now Lord is it money that people need?

Whether it's thousands or millions, whatever it is.

Is there a ministry or a business

that needs a large sum of money?

God is supplying it.

Those who-- somebody's got a terrible chest

pain it's like inside your lungs, like something

is in your lungs, some kind of a fungus or a growth.

God is healing that right now.

Just cough and it'll be out.

Terry what do you have?

There's a couple, you've been longing to be

able to conceive a child but you've just-- you've

had a number of failures.

It's almost made you afraid to try again.

God is about to bless you with the miracle your hearts desire.

Just say yes and lift your hands up and receive it.

The woman, I believe the name is Lucille, you've got lupus.

And it's just so painful.

You've got all these symptoms and signs.

And you get rashes and things, and growths.

God right now is just walking like his hands

going all over your body and you're being healed.

The lupus is going away.

You are being touched in the name of Jesus.


And someone else, you have something,

like as you're talking about rashes and growths,

it's all over both of your feet.

And you've tried everything.

You can't get rid of it.

It makes wearing shoes uncomfortable.

It's unsightly.

God is healing that for you.

It's just going to go away.

In the name of Jesus, wherever you are, receive an answer.

Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.

Thank you.




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