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Death Is Not Fatal

Dr. Vernon Grose, a leading authority on aviation and space disasters, will discuss erroneous understandings of death—and how it relates to our eternal destiny. Read Transcript


Over the last few decades, Vernon Grose

has been one of the first phone calls

after an aviation disaster.

His job, figure out what happened

and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Vernon says it's not just enough to avoid this,

we need to make sure we are prepared for it.

NARRATOR: Dr. Vernon Grose has spent the last 40

years advising organizations like Boeing and NASA,

how to avoid catastrophic events,

such as plane crashes and terrorist attacks.

This Aviation Authority says that while it's

important to eliminate as many risks as possible,

we should also actively prepare for death itself.

In his new book, "Death Is Not Fatal",

Dr. Grose asserts that as eternal beings,

we need a better understanding of what the process of death

really is.

Vernon Grose is here with us now.

And welcome, it's good to see you again.

It is, Pat, indeed.

You have revolutionized terraplaning.

What is your smart system you figured out

that they use now to identify what the problems are,

what is it?

Well, really, it started back to my work

I did with NASA from the beginning with Von Braun.

I worked on all the space programs,

you know, Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo.

And of course, I knew 10 of the 12 guys

that walked on the moon.

People today don't even know we walked on the moon, I think,

it's ancient history to them.

Well, what is this smart system?

You have a system, how does it work?

It takes a look at any subject.

It could be anything.

But I looked at death as a system.

With known inputs and desired outputs,

that's as simple as I can say it.

And so there are certain inputs that come into our life.

There are certain outputs.

And death can be viewed that way.

Well, let's break that down.

I mean, most of us say, that's the time life stops.

You know, but you say really, your book is "Death

Isn't Fatal", what do you mean?

Well, the thing is that we have abandoned

Judeo-Christian philosophy in our country rapidly.

And it's being replaced by secular humanism, which

is a completely different philosophy.

And of course, secular humanism is

dominating like political correctness comes out

of secular humanism.

And it has on the input side nothingness, and the outside,


My medical doctor for 28 years-- and he

teaches at Georgetown Medical Center in Washington, DC--

I asked him the other day, what's going

to happen to you when you die?

He says, I'm going to nothingness.

Your doctor said that I'm going to do nothingness?

He's going to nothingness.

And that's what is really understood by secular humanism.

They believe the input there's nothing,

and the output is nothing.

And well, that means just nihilism.

There's no meaning for life or existence whatsoever.

And primarily, there's no accountability.

See that's the key.

So you get away from it.

The French Revolution faced that the same way,

when the night Christ was raised from the dead.

Of course, the French, they didn't want accountability.

Because if he was raised in the dead,

we would live after death.

And so that's the thing.

And so you're saying you know, if there's an airplane crash,

there is something after death.

But how pervasive is this nihilistic thinking?

Has it pretty much gained ascendancy

in the academic world?

It's unsaid in a way.

It's there subtly, but it's there.

And if you think about, for example, in my book,

I make the point everybody dies twice.

You and I both already died once.

Colossians 2:20 says "I'm crucified with Christ.

Nevertheless, I live."

So I've died once.

So dying twice, everybody's going to die twice.

The second point of that is that there's known inputs

and desired outputs of that.

If in fact you die, dying has to be done in the right order.

So you have to not only die twice,

but you have to die in the right order.

We've died the right way first, because that

takes care of our second death.

Our funeral will be the along.

Mine will be ahead of yours, but the thing

is that we're going to have a funeral.

But the fact is there's death and then there's second death.

That's just for the Christian, though.

The in-godly person doesn't have that ability?

No, no.

Hitler died too in the bunker in Berlin.

So he died once, but he had his funeral,

or they said a funeral I guess.

I've been to that bunker when it happened.

But this thing is now, Hitler will be raised again.

In other words, we are created in Genesis in the image of God.

God has no end of existence, and every human being

that's ever lived has no end of their existence.

That's something we're not even teaching

in theology like we ought to.

No end of existence.

No end of existence.

So when you die or I die, if we're Christians,

we will spend eternity with the Lord.

But if we're not Christians, what happens?

There is a second death.

It talked about in the book of Revelation.

Hitler will be resurrected.

Everybody will be resurrected, incidentally.

Hitler will be resurrected, Mao, Stalin,

and all these other scoundrels.

They'll be resurrected too, but every believer

will be resurrected.

I have a diagram in my book that makes this simple for people.

But in there, you'll see there's two resurrections,

the righteously resurrected, the unregenerative

will be resurrected.

And Hitler, Mao, Stalin and those monsters,

their resurrection will be to eternal torment?

Is that what it means?

That's-- that's right.

That's what the scripture teaches.

It will never end.

Well now, that the secular humanists do not

want to face that fact.

Oh, obviously, so--

So what do they do?

I mean, is it the antinomy, is it

they believe they can do what they want to do?

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow, you die?

Well, there's actually authors I

quote in my book who really make the point that they

come from nothingness, they're going to nothingness.

So they escalate man's importance.

And man is everything.

In fact, you know, I just found out yesterday under Obamacare,

there are now 70,000 reasons to die.

They're coded, and every doctor or health administrator

or anybody else has to select from 70,000 different reasons

to die.

And they have to put that in there

or they won't get compensated for their work.

70,000 reasons?

70,000 reasons to die.

How can it possibly be?

Well, you know how one of the most

over-regulated society in history.

And so the regulators have gone in

and, they're silly things like catching fire

while you're water skiing is one reason to die.

Oh come on, catching fire while your water skiing?

Come on, Vern.

They don't say that.

That's one of the codes.

They couldn't be that crazy.

They are that crazy.

Catching fire while you're water skiing?

All I do when I water ski is fall on my face in the water.

I don't catch fire, I get wet.


Well, that's a point I think that's got to be elevated

and brought out, and that's why I wrote

the book is to get that out there, that death

is the most important thing.

If you take terrorism, for example, that's death.

All it is unplanned death or sudden death,

or something like that.

But aircraft crashes, I did 170 interviews just TW800

when it exploded over New York in '96.

It's still being debated whether it was a terrorist act

or it was the center wing tank.

What was your conclusion on that, by the way?

Initially, for two years, I believed

that I was the center wing tank because I'm

a physicist by education.

And there could have been arc tracking

if there had been fuel in the tank,

but there was no fuel in the tank.

So it was hit by a missile.

There was no fuel in the tank?


Taking off, they just took off without any fuel?

Well, in the center wing tank, there was no fuel.

They bled this off.

And I knew the captain that bled the tank.

So there was no fuel and there was no way it could explode.

So it had to be a missile was shot?

It was a missile, yes.

And it's still a conspiracy sort of like JFK conspiracy.

But it's still out there.

And I favor telling the truth.

Are you still working with the National Transportation Safety?

Well, I'm always on television.

I've been on over 500 times interviewed

on disasters like that, including Germanwings.

You know, when the pilot took it down in the Alps last year?

You know, they decimated the bodies.

There was nothing bigger than a symbol of.

But they put in there they wanted to recover the bodies.

See, they wanted closure.

And incidentally, closure's a new term part

of secular humanism, closure.

Why is that secular humanism?

Because they've invented that term

to close out the idea of someone they knew or something

and get over it.

Because there's nothing beyond that.

There's nothingness.

So if you've known somebody and you love them

and maybe they're your relatives.

They want to say they've gone to nothingness.

But you can't have closure if you believe the eternity.

There's no closure.

No, no, there is.

There's accountability.

Where do you get this book?


You can get it on Amazon or any other book stores.

"Death Is Not Fatal".

Isn't that interesting?

Man, it will shred the secular humanism.

I hope they get shredded [LAUGHING].

Vern, thank you so much.

Our time is up.

And God bless you for being here.

It's a pleasure to be with you again, Pat.

Thank you my brother.


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