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700 Club Canada: August 23, 2016

Watch the 700 Club Canada for August 23, 2016 Read Transcript

Today on the 700 Club Canada.

If my step-dad wouldn't have

did what he did, I would be a

different person. I would be a

normal girl. I would go to

college. I would have, you

know, been pursuing my dreams.

I would have had a purpose.

But now I am sitting here for

ten years, my life is over.

This is what I get. I was



Welcome to the 700 Club

Canada. I'm Brian Warren.

And I'm Laura-Lynn Tyler

Thompson. It is so good that

you have joined us today.

It's wonderful. One of the

many reasons that the Christian

story is so powerful and

enduring is that at the very

core it offers you a new


It sure does, Brian. You

know, I needed a do over. I

needed a new beginning, and

we have a couple stories

coming up that are so

inspiring. Personally in my

life, I had just made such

errors. You know, I'm not

here because I did everything

right. I'm here because Jesus

is a redeeming God who rescues

your life from the pit.

Then I believe that we're all

here for the same reason.


You know, because I think

so many times when people

look at different parts of the

body and they think that some

have it better than others but

everyone has to go through

the same way cause Jesus says,

"I am the way, the truth, and

the life."

Yeah, so true. So with that

in mind on today's show,

you'll meet two women whose

lives were completely turned

around when Jesus gave them

a fresh start.

And we'll have some

powerful Bible teaching at the

midway point of the program

reminding you to embrace

the future that you have in


But first, Sheila Latisau

vowed her life would be

different from her mother's

life, but her life turned out

rugs, prostitution,

and abuse. Then at the point

of wanting to end her life, she

was saved.



Sheila Latisau grew up the

daughter of a prostitute in

Los Angeles. As the oldest of

seven children, the burden

of parenting often fell on her

young shoulders.

I had no childhood. I

remember being on a Saturday

and I wanted to go outside and

play. I said, "Well, I'll just

this basket of clothes here and

I'll sneak downstairs just for

minute. I'll walk around and,

you know, get some fresh air

and, you know, and I'll come

back upstairs." Well, I don't

think I was there for maybe

three minutes when I heard

my mom yell my name and I just

felt my heart drop. Well, she

didn't take it too well and I

paid for it. I paid for it.

It was times like that that

it was hard.

When Sheila was seven, her

mother had a nervous breakdown.

The children went to live with

different relatives.

Myself and my oldest brother

stayed with my grandma and I

think that was one of the

happiest times of my life

actually because I got to be a

little girl then.

Sheila attended Catholic

school and learned about God.

She vowed her life would be

different from her mother's.

I loved getting up and going to

church. You know, it was just

my time, you know, and if

anybody asked me, "What are

going to be when you grow up?"

I'm going to be a nun.

Despite her good intentions,

Sheila got pregnant when she

was 15. Her mother was not


Her first response was,

you know, of course you can't

keep it. But I told her I

said, "I don't want to get rid

of it." I went to the young

man and spoke to him and he

said, "Oh, no. I want this

baby." In fact he gave me a

ring and he said that you're

going to keep this baby. He

said, "You're going to finish

school and when you finish

school we're going to get


Two months after her

daughter was born, Sheila's

fiancé got into an argument

with someone and was shot

and killed. At 16, Sheila felt

like her life was over.

I felt lost. I felt like at

one point I had some hope.

You know, all my hope was just

gone. You know, I didn't know

what to do.

Sheila's mother tried to

convince her to try

prostitution, but Sheila

resisted. She finished high

school, moved out, and married.

After the birth of her second

baby, Sheila felt her life was

falling into place.

I'm finally happy. I'm

finally getting the brass ring.

You know, I'm finally at a

place where I have some peace.

I have someone who loves me.

Then one morning after her

husband left for his job,

Sheila got a phone call.

It was the president of the

company. He said, "There's

been an accident." So I get

to California Hospital and

there he is. I was 21 years

old. And I remember I just

fell to my knees. I said, "Not

again. Not again."

After his death, Sheila was


I think at that time I began

a downward spiral because I

couldn't understand why it

was snatched away. So I went

into a state of depression and

I stayed there. I just stayed

there. And I didn't know how

to get out of it. And I

started relying on medications.

Sheila went from taking pain

killers and smoking pot to

using cocaine. During the day,

she tried to be a good mom.

At night she prostituted

herself for drugs.

I was no better than my

mother, and it deeply

disturbed me because I had

become her.

One night Sheila went to a

hotel with a customer. After

they arrived, she discovered it

was a setup and Sheila was

raped by a gang of 15 men.

Physically, emotionally, and

spiritually at the end of her

rope, Sheila cried out to God.

I looked up to God and said,

"You know what, God? I'm

hurting and I don't want to

hurt anymore. I'm tired of

the life that I'm living. Only

person that can help me right

now is you, God." And that

was the first time I ever heard

God speak to me. And I heard

that voice loud and it was

audible. And He said, "I'm

here, and it's going to be

okay." And I'll never forget

that. I'll never forget it.

And that was the first time in

my life I felt secure.

Sheila moved in with her

grandmother and started going

to church.

My whole life changed. I

joined a church and God spoke

to me. When God calls us,

we have to heed.

Today she's an ordained

minister and happily married

to Donald.

He's a man after God's heart.

We've been able to build a

relationship based on the love

of God, and that makes a


Sheila is grateful for the

new life she has found in


You know, it's like that

butterfly. A butterfly has to

go through a metamorphosis.

He has to struggle to be able

to gain his wings. When we

become that new creature, we

get our wings because we are

that new creature in God. God

has built us up from the inside

out just like that butterfly.


That is so powerful. Did

you hear what Sheila said?

She said that in God I am new.

She heard that voice and when

she received it, I'm here, she

knew at that moment that it

didn't matter what the

circumstances were from there,

God was in control. And I like

what she did next as well.

She got rooted and grounded

in a congregation in a church.

So many times people try to

go it alone. You'll get an

opportunity in just a few

minutes to open up your heart

and receive Jesus Christ. But

the second thing that I want

you to do and if don't have a

church and don't know where

to start, you can call the

number and we'll direct you to

a place and a place you can

grow that preaches and teaches

the Word of God. You know,

just like that butterfly, what

she saw, Sheila, is that God

was able to take that dark

moment out, when He was able

to liquefy her past and bring

the butterfly out of the

chrysalis and make her into

a new woman. The Bible

speaks of a woman just like

that in John, chapter 4. And

she was a thirsty woman just

like Sheila. And after she was

changed because she met Jesus

and she met Him at the well

and she was a thirsty woman and

Jesus said, "You had five

husbands and the sixth one

you're living with is not your

husband." But He literally

told her, if you knew who it

was, if you knew who was

speaking to you, you would ask

Him for water and you'd never

thirst again. She dropped what

she was depending on, her water

pot, and she never went back.

But I love what the Bible says

in verse 29. She said, "Come

see a man who told me all

things that I ever did." She

doesn't just tell you what

you did, but He tells you

what you're going to be, and

that's new life. It's a new

day. I want to pray with you.

Pray this prayer. It starts

the new life with Christ, the

butterfly life. Pray this.

Jesus, I'm a sinner. Lord, I

cannot do it anymore. I

open up my heart and I give

you my personal permission

for your heavenly intervention.

Make me the person you want

me to be. In Jesus' name I

pray. Amen. By the Word of

God, according to that, whoever

calls on the name of the Lord

shall be saved. Call the

number on the screen right now.

1-855-759-0700. I want to get

this into your hands. Costs

you absolutely nothing. We'll

be right back.


Hello Canada, We have some it


From September 5th to the 9te

700 Club Canada and CBN is holdg

it's annual Week of Prayer

The theme is 'Pray for Canad'

because we'll be praying for ths

that face our nation as well asr

leaders and you at home.

If you're a partner with us d

received your mailer and prayert

form, please fill out the form d

it back to us so we can

pray for you during our Prayer .

If you'd like to become a par

with us or are in need of praye,

then call the number on the scrn


Thank you, and God Bless.

I wanted to be just like all

the other little girls, but I

knew that I was different.

This is my sister's

Lucrecia Church can smile

now even as she thumbs through

her childhood photos of a dark

past. Lucrecia was seven years

when her drug-addicted step-

father started molesting her.

He sat beside me and then

the next you know he just

started to pull up my dress.

I didn't know what he was

doing or why he was doing it,

but that's when things really

started to take a change for


Four years later when she

was eleven, Lucrecia's step-

father began having sexual

intercourse with her.

He threatened of course that

if I ever shared what he was

doing with anybody that he

would hurt me, he would hurt

my mom and my sisters and

brothers and my family. I

just wanted to protect them.

Yeah, this is my sisters. I

just wanted to protect them.

And I can't even really

articulate the pain because

it's so deep that people that

are being raped experience

because you're innocence,

your identity, who you are,

all that is stripped away.

The abuse occurred while

Lucrecia's mother was at work

nearly every day. She learned

to escape the emotional and

physical pain but shutting down


I would kind of go into

another world when this would

be happening to me like I

didn't exist. I would just be

there and then I remember

just crawling up and balling

up in a knot when it was all

over and just say I just wish

I wasn't me.

When Lucrecia was a

teenager, she finally told her

mother the secret. When her

mother confronted her step-

father, he immediately denied


And he said, "Why would you

lie to your mamma like that

knowing I would never do

anything to hurt any of you

all. I love you, baby. I love

you. And I looked at my mom

and she said, "Crecia, why

would you lie? Why would you

hurt me like this?" And I

said, "I don't know, Mom. I

don't know." I said, "I'm

lying. I'm lying, Mom."

Sometime later, Lucrecia

learned she was pregnant by

her step-father. After the

baby was born she left her

daughter with her mother and

ran away. Lucrecia became a

crack addict and very


And so when I wasn't sleeping

around with them, I was smoking

crack or sometimes sleeping

with them to get the crack.

Lucrecia continued to make

lots of bad choices over the

next four years which included

a string of relationships with

drug dealers who taught her

how to deal drugs. She also

had a second child.

Even though I was selling

drugs and I didn't even know

that God was real but I would

pray to whatever was out

there and say, "Help me out

of this. I don't want to be

like this."

One night Lucrecia and her

drug-dealing boyfriend were

stopped by the police.

Lucrecia was arrested for

having nearly 60 grams of

crack cocaine in her

possession. She was sentenced

to ten years in a minimum

security federal prison. She

was only 20 years old when

she started serving her


I had mixed emotions. There

was the you're going to be

all right voice that I was

hearing. But then it was the

he's free and I wouldn't have

done any of that if my step-dad

wouldn't have did what he did.

I would be a different person.

I would be a normal girl. I

would go to college. I would

have, you know, been pursuing

my dreams. I would have had

purpose but now I am sitting

here for ten years and my life

is over. This is what I get.

I was angry.

Lucrecia hit bottom and

thought that suicide was the

only solution. That's when

an inmate confronted her and

told her there was someone who

could take away all her pain.

There was something about

that day when she put her hand

in my face and she said, "You

don't need to die. You need

Jesus." And I couldn't do

nothing but say, "You're


Lucrecia went to the chapel

service in prison. She then

went up to pray.

I asked the Lord to come

into my life and I asked Him

to take everything out of me

that was wrong and to help

me and to make me feel better.

I didn't know to call it be

healed but I said to make me

feel better. I want to be

happy. He did. He did exactly

that. He came into my heart

that day, filled me with the

Holy Spirit, and I was on fire

and I chose that day to serve

the Lord for the rest of my


She also began reading the


I got into that Word and I

found out that I was loved.

I found out that my life had

a purpose, and I didn't want

to smile before then. But

when I got in that Word and I

e said that

I was made in His image and

in His likeness, that meant

that I was beautiful. I was

happy. I was free. I was

free, and I began to sing about


In prison, Lucrecia became

the worship and drama leader

and God transformed her life.

God also taught her how to


God does not want His

children to hate. And I know

that I should hate my step-

daddy. I know cause he

deserved it for what he did

to me. But I said nobody is

without hope. Jesus Christ

died for everybody, even the

child abuser.

After Lucrecia was released

from prison she married. Today

she and Jimmy are raising their

three children. Lucrecia is a

recording artist and ministers

all over the world and tells

everyone she meets about the

love of Jesus Christ.

There you were right there,

you touched me

My story is only triumphant

because of Christ Jesus.

Someone asked me one time

said, "Wow, you have changed.

Prison has really changed you

I mean." And I looked at that

person and I said, "No, prison

is just the change of address."

I said, "Jesus Christ has

changed me.


I love that moment when

Lucrecia had accepted Jesus

as her Lord and Savior and

that big smile that came across

her face and she said she

finally felt loved. She was

no longer discarded or

rejected. You know, she was

20 years old by the time that

she found herself in prison and

all of the wounds from her

life had burst out and the

result of it was that she was

imprisoned. And there was

a man who felt the same way

in the Bible. It's a story in

Luke 7. It was a man with

leprosy. You know, I think

Lucrecia had the same feeling

that she was rejected, that

she'd been discarded, that

the wounds of her life had

caused her to be an outcast.

This outcast that approached

Jesus, he'd had the virus of

leprosy in his body for about

20 twenty years because that's

how long it takes for those

wounds to begin showing up.

And when those wounds in

Biblical days, when you got

leprosy, you became an outcast.

You were no longer welcome

in your family. You were

tarnished and tainted. It was

not a good life. And this man

knew that Jesus was his last

hope, and he made his way

through the crowds and he

began calling Jesus' name.

And while Jesus was in one of

the towns, a man came along

who was covered with leprosy.

And it says, "When he saw

Jesus, he fell with his face to

the ground and he begged him.

Lord, if you are willing, you

can make me clean. And Jesus

reached out His hand and He

touched the man and He said,

'I'm willing. Be clean.'"

That's what Jesus does for

every one of us, those of us

who feel tarnished, those of

us who feel unclean. And

Lucrecia said that she was

now made in His image. When

Jesus heals us, our skin

becomes pure. Our souls

become pure. That's the

offering that Jesus has for

your freedom today. Coming

up after the break, I hope

you'll stay with us because

Brian has an amazing teaching.

He's going to open the Word

with us. Stay tuned.


Welcome to this Hope To Go.

Do you need a fresh start?

Today I want to talk to you

about overcoming your past

and embracing your future.

You've been born again to soar.

In order to do that, to be sold

out a radical, you need to know

what God says about you.

You also need to know what

God says about the devil, that

is the enemy of your soul and

accuser of the brethren. And

you need to know what God says

about Himself. Now, in order

to do this, let me give you

three things. Number one, what

God and what the Bible says

about you. This is a powerful

verse. Second Corinthians 5:17

says, "Therefore if anyone is

in Christ, he is a new

creature. Old things passed

away, behold new things.

Everything has become new."

In Christ you are a new

creation. All things are new.

In Christ, you are indwelled

with the Holy Spirit according

to the Word of God. You are

now a saint. You have been

separated from what was

binding you and holding you

in the past, not a sinner.

When I got that down in my

spirit, it grounded me like

nothing else, and it will also

root and ground you in the

righteousness of Christ where

you no longer look at yourself

through the eyes of

circumstances but through the

eyes of grace and the Son of

the Living God. And when the

devil comes at you and tells

you that you're nothing, that

you are never going to be

able to be anything, you can

look straight in his lying face

according to the Word of God

and tell him, "I am a saint,

not a sinner." If you begin to

believe that you're a sinner,

that you can't be forgiven,

the devil will come hard at

you and he'll devastate you.

First Corinthians 1:30. Listen

to what this says. It says,

"But of him," that's you, "who

are in Christ Jesus who became

for us wisdom from God,

righteousness and

sanctification and redemption."

How many of you are starting

to get this, this big picture

that you're a new creation

in Christ Jesus? I pray that

faith is beginning to well up

inside of you for who you are

in Christ. Your name is

written in the Lamb's Book of

Life, and you need to declare

this truth out loud. I have a

relationship. God is my

Father. I am a son. I am a

daughter of God. I am owned

by God. That's going to give

you a fresh start. And number

two, you need to know what

God says about your real

enemy, the devil, Satan

himself. Do you know what the

Bible says about Satan? It

says in John 8:44, "he is a

liar." So what do you think

that he's going to do every

time that he comes into contact

with you? He's going to lie

to you. John 8:44 again says,

"You are of your father, the

devil and you want to do the

desires of your father. He

was a murderer from the

beginning and does not stand

in the truth because there is

no truth in him." Did you get

that? Whenever he speaks,

he speaks a lie. He speaks

from his own nature for he is

a liar and the father of lies.

Satan cannot force you to do

anything. Isn't that good

news? He can't force you to

do anything against your will.

Satan cannot cause you to sin.

You choose to sin and the Bible

says that if you do sin that

you can confess your sin to God

and He's faithful and just to

forgive you of your sin and

cleanse you of all

unrighteousness according to

First John 1:9. Aren't you

glad that that is the truth

of the Word of God? The

enemy of your soul does not

control your destiny. So you

can start fresh and new and

you've got a future and a

hope in Jesus. And finally,

you need to know what God

says about Himself. The Old

Testament book of Numbers says

in the 23rd chapter, 19th verse

and this is God. "God is not

a man that He should lie and

the son of man that He should

change His mind." Now the

prophet Malachi, the last book

of the Bible, he says in the

3rd chapter and the 6th verse,

God, he says, "I am God, the

Lord, and I do not change."

Aren't you glad? "Therefore

you are not consumed O sons

of Jacob." The New Testament,

the book of Titus says, "In

hope of eternal life which God

who cannot lie, promised

before time began." And our

foundation verse, I want you

to get this. This is your

fresh start, baby. Hold onto

it like a pit bull. Don't let

it go. "Therefore if anyone

be in Christ, they are a new

creation. Old things pass

away. All things become new."

That's our foundation verse.

You are now born again to

soar, sold out and radical for

Jesus. And that's your Hope

To Go.


If you're watching and

haven't made the commitment

to become a monthly partner,

can I encourage you to pick

up the phone and call us today?

And as a way to bless you,

I'd like to offer you our

latest DVD called Victory

Through Life's Storms. On

this DVD, you'll witness how

several people, they overcame

the impossible like stage 4

cancer, marital infidelity,

and addiction. Call us today.

Become a 700 Club Canada

monthly partner. You're just

one step away from your



Laura-Lynn, I feel so good

about this because this fresh

start, I really believe

someone's been listening, and

I want to lead you in a prayer

right now, and I want you to

just pray those words with

me. God's not concerned about

your words. He's concerned

about your heart. But if you

want that fresh start, let's

pray. Jesus, I surrender. I

turn from doing things my

way and I turn to you. I give

you my personal permission

for your heavenly intervention.

Make me the person you want

me to be. In Jesus' name.


Amen. If that was for you

today and if you need some

information and some help,

we would love if you'd give us

a call. We want to get this

into your hands. It's

absolutely free. It's called

Free Indeed, and it talks

in here about not giving up

and about getting freedom

from the enemy's attacks

against you. 1-855-759-0700.

Well, we sure enjoyed

spending the time with you.

Hey, write us and tell us what

God is doing in your life.

Until next time, I'm Brian


And I'm Laura-Lynn Tyler

Thompson. Have a great day,


God bless.


To contact us phone

1-855-759-0700 or by email

CBA@700Club.CA or mail

Christian Broadcasting

Associates, Incorporate.

That's 700 Club Canada,

P.O. Box 700, Scarborough,

Ontario M1S 4T4 or visit us

at 700Club.CA.


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