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Her Picture Perfect Marriage Wasn't What It Seemed

Amy idolized her "perfect" marriage, but was blindsided when her husband left one day and never came home. Feeling like a failure, she knew she had to find a new way to live her life. Read Transcript

I found my worth, my value, and my identity in my husband.

I was totally wrapped up in the world

that I had created for myself.

NARRATOR: A blushing bride at 21,

Amy Howard did everything she could to create

a picture perfect marriage.

AMY HOWARD: I was a stay-at-home mom.

My focus was my home and my husband and my children's needs

being met, and serving.

We were very involved in church.

NARRATOR: But no matter how hard she tried,

the marriage didn't meet her expectations.

AMY HOWARD: There was no really joy.

We were having arguments and it was usually

based around financial issues.

And he was gone a lot because he was flying.

And I was having to learn how to be able to budget

and it was difficult.

NARRATOR: For nine years they struggled

to navigate life as a couple.

Then not long after Amy's husband

was diagnosed with cancer, he decided

to leave their marriage.

AMY HOWARD: I remember my youngest daughter was sitting

on the stoop in the garage and he left to go run some errands,

and he never came home.

And a couple of days later, he called me

and he said, I know you're looking for me

and you're wondering where I am.

But mowing the yard and taking out the garbage

is just not my gig.

When my husband left, I had no value and no worth.

I was like used goods.

I didn't feel that I had anything to offer any more.

NARRATOR: One night, Amy realized why the plan

she laid out for herself had failed.

AMY HOWARD: It was all about me.

It was all about my plans.

It was all about my control.

It wasn't really seeking God's face.

I was so incredibly broken in that moment,

that I said, Lord, I need you.

I had to repent of my pride.

I had to repent of the idolization of my marriage.

I had to repent of control.

I said, Lord, you got me.

I'm yours.

NARRATOR: Amy began to understand that her identity

and worth came from Christ.

AMY HOWARD: There was a new-found joy and an excitement

that I was on an adventure with God.

It wasn't about me having control any more.

I knew that he had me, and I knew

that he had a plan for my life.

NARRATOR: Shortly after, she discovered a talent and passion

for restoring and designing furniture.

She earned a business degree and launched her company,

Amy Howard at Home.

Along the way, she met and married

Gene, who works by her side.

Amy's unique furniture pieces have

caught the eye of presidents and celebrity shoppers.

Today, Amy's line of do-it-yourself furniture

finishing products are available at Ace Hardware,

and they include beautiful hues of trendy chalk paint.

For Amy, her work is much more than just a business.

Part of my mission and my story now is rescuing and restoring

broken things.

And I realize how God's done that in my own life.

Because when I see a piece of furniture

on the side of the road, I see what color it should be in.

I see the room that it could be in.

And I realized in that same way, that's how God saw me.

He didn't see me in my sin.

That he saw me 100% restored.

NARRATOR: At her workshop, she shares her testimony,

while teaching people how to transform their own furniture

with Amy Howard products.

Nowadays she's a fulfilled wife, mother, and entrepreneur.

But she says most importantly, her identity

is defined as a woman who depends on God.

Every day's not perfect.

There are struggles in my life and everyday,

just like any of us.

But I have to tell you, the joy that I have,

the confidence that I have, the sweetness of walking

with my Savior every day, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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