Miss Virginia 2016, Michaela Sigmon shares what matters most in her life and what it means for her to wear the crown.
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Michaela Sigmon loves to dance,
and the reigning Miss Virginia
is studying to be a
sportscaster someday.
Take a look.
NARRATOR: Michaela
Sigmon has been
dancing since she was four, and
competing in pageants since she
was six.
She joined a professional
dance team at 16.
But Michaela's first
love was pageants.
Last month, her years
of hard work paid off,
and she was crowned
Miss Virgina 2016.
She'll represent her home
state in the Miss America
Pageant in September.
Please welcome to "The
700 Club" Michaela Sigmond.
It's wonderful to have you here.
It's lovely to be here today.
First of all,
congratulations, because this
was a recent victory for you.
Thank you.
It was about six weeks ago.
Was it fun?
It was so exhilarating.
I mean all of my years of hard
work, and reaching my goals,
it's just a dream
come true, really.
I'm living my dream.
That's wonderful.
How has your life changed?
You've had six weeks
of being Miss Virginia.
You're getting ready to go
to the Miss America Pageant.
What's it like?
It's really busy.
But I love being busy.
And I always tell
people that I just
want to share God's
grace, and his love.
Through my walk to Miss America,
whether my feet are tired,
or I'm exhausted and
I just want to sleep,
I take a few cups of
coffee and I'm good.
That kind of is one of the
great learning experiences,
I think, of being Miss
Virginia, Miss America, whatever
is-- that you just,
many days have
to pull yourself up
by the bootstraps
and keep on keeping on.
You've danced since--
we just saw that video--
since you were four years old.
You've been in pageants
since you were very young.
How did that all start for you?
What I think about it
is, I love to dance.
I love to do gymnastics.
And I was actually in acting
and modeling when I was younger.
But for some reason I
always chose pageants.
And I really just feel
like in my generation,
and in this time in history, we
need to promote valuing others.
And the self-worth in
our community right now.
That's my platform,
making it matter.
And that's why I chose
pageants all to begin with.
Because I was meant for
this time and purpose
to share valuing others.
What do you mean when you
say that-- making others feel
How do you do that?
I always say that I don't
know you, but I see you,
and I value you.
I was told this story my
freshman year of college.
And it talked about this
man who had a beautiful job
in the city of New York.
Beautiful family.
But all he wanted is value.
In his suicide letter
that night he wrote,
if just one person
would just smile at me
while I walk down the
streets of Times Square,
I won't commit suicide.
That night, no
one smiled at him.
If I can be that
one person to smile
at, just you know someone,
and make that difference
and save their life,
that's what I'm here for.
Talk a little bit about dance.
Because it's been such a
significant part of your life.
I mean you've danced, as I
mentioned, in some key places.
You've danced here on our campus
at CBN because every September
we celebrate Rosh Hashana.
And you were a part
of a dance troop
that really brings
the spiritual element.
Additional spiritual
element to all of that.
Yeah so I was raised at
Acadamie de Ballet dancing,
and David and Arnora Hummel,
they just really taught me
that dancing is a gift.
It's a gift from the Lord, and
to use it in a powerful way.
And not only to
train at Academie,
but to step outside my limits
to bring light in a dark place.
And that's what I'm hoping to
do on the Miss America stage--
is just show His light and
His guidance in my life.
You know that, I think, is one
of the highlights for girls who
compete in state level
and then national level
in the Miss America
program, is that you
are called upon to do a talent.
And so as a dancer, are
you excited about that?
Are you looking forward to it?
I am so excited.
It's something that I've
done since I was four.
And it's been so many years
of hard work and training,
and I'm just excited to-- I'm
dancing to "Baby I'm a Star",
and if I can make
someone feel like a star,
like a golden star,
I've done my job.
Well, we talked a little
bit about your platform.
When you go to the
Miss America Pageant,
it is like-- every level of
pageant-- it's like it just
gets ramped up a little bit.
What do you think will be the
biggest challenges for you?
Not to be nervous.
I think that God
calls us-- something
that I'm learning in
my journey in six weeks
as Miss Virgina, is He
calls us to be humble.
But He also calls us to
be bold, and courageous,
and to walk in his
guidance, and to walk
and let him speak through you.
And give him the wisdom that
you're supposed to have.
There are a lot of people
in our culture today
that don't value
Christian values.
That wouldn't agree
with some of them.
How do you handle that in
interview situations, where
maybe the judges who
are interviewing you
would not agree with
your value system?
It's so crazy that you say
that, because that my Miss
Virginia interview, I was
told before I walked in
that I had no chance.
Because they believe completely
different than me politically,
And I said that when God was
on this earth, what did He do?
He said the greatest
thing is love.
And so He is love.
And that's what I walk in.
I've learned to
agree to disagree.
It's a beautiful thing.
You have to find
that common goal,
and you have to love someone
in spite of their view.
You have to listen in
value their voice as well.
Your goal is to
be a sportscaster.
Where did that come from?
I mean in the middle of the
dance, and the pageants,
and all else-- here
comes sportscasting.
Well, I was raised in a
home where I had two older
brothers that played sports.
So I was that little
four or five-year-old
who was dragged to
baseball games all up
and down the east coast.
And I just-- I love the
atmosphere of a sports team.
And just the bonding,
the unity, and to be
able to broadcast
that one day would
be an incredible opportunity.
Well, now the Miss
America Pageant coming up,
what's your big focus
as you head there?
My big focus is that
everyone that I meet,
everyone that is helping
me with my mock interviews,
preparing for the Miss America
Pageant, that I value them.
That when I'm on the stage
I want them to look at me
and say, wow, she valued me.
Or when I walk out of my Miss
America interview saying,
there's something
different about her.
She valued me.
I'm supposed to be
interviewing her,
but yet she flipped the
page and she valued me
in spite of the
nervousness that goes.
Practicing what she
preaches already.
Well, we want you to know you
can watch Michaela compete
in the Miss America Pageant.
It's taking place on
Sunday, September 11.
Really right around the corner.
It's 9:00 PM
eastern time on ABC.
And right now you can watch
our web exclusive interview
with Miss Virginia on Facebook.
If you'd like to see that, just
go to facebook.com/700club.
Michaela, we wish you the best.
We'll be watching
and cheering you on
as you go forward
with all of this.
Thank you.
The best gift that you can
give me is your prayers.
Thank you for
being with us today.