Olympic Gold Medalist in diving, David Boudia knew there had to be more than fame and riches. He shares how his heart changed after the 2008 games.
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In 2008, if you would
have asked me to sit down
with the 700 Club, I would have
been like, are you serious?
Like, no way.
You can keep your Jesus and
do what you want with that,
but I'm over here and I'm going
to do my thing for myself.
It's crazy to think what
God can do to someone who
is so obsessed with himself.
Lay him flat on
his face and say,
David you're not going to
be the ruler of your life.
Just looking back at when
I had this dream of wanting
to become an Olympian and that
pursuit towards that goal.
I've tried to fill that
with whatever I could,
because I thought ultimately
this would bring me
happiness and joy.
And it was all
for David's glory.
All for what David wanted,
and I didn't worship
anyone else besides myself.
Everything that I thought
of, everything that I pursued
was for my own gain.
My first Olympic
games, I just realized
that it wasn't working.
There had to be something
else besides this popularity
or this pleasure--
this desire that I
had to be rich and famous that
this American dream promised
There had to be
something more than that,
and I didn't know
where to find that.
God changed my heart, and it
was no longer look at me--
I'm the best.
Trying to be a
visible representation
of an invisible god-- that's
not the David of 2008.
God has redeemed me, and
I've taken control of my life
to do that for him on
a platform that I never
thought I would be at.
The London games was not a story
I would've written whatsoever.
Going into the finals,
I was the most nervous
I had been in a competition
since I was 14 years old.
And I spoke to a
good friend of mine.
And he said, David, what is
there to be nervous about?
And I was like, OK,
what are you getting at?
And he said, God has
already written it.
It's already done.
What you get to do,
what your opportunity is
is to be a vehicle
for his glory.
So instantly, the weight
was off my shoulders.
I just think of Philippeans 4:6.
It just talks about be
anxious about nothing,
but in prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving, make
your requests known to God.
And that was totally
my perspective
that next day when
I woke up was that.
My six dives in those finals, I
was thinking about two things.
I had one cue.
One thing to think about of my
takeoffs and making it strong.
And the other one was something
my coach, Adam Soldati,
and I kind of made up
years before the Olympics.
And it was 4:6.
And it just goes back to
Philippeans 4:6-- that's
be anxious about nothing.
I knew that I put down six
dives the best that I've ever
done in a competition.
And I got out of
the water, and I
didn't care where
I was finishing--
whether I was first or fifth.
I was content and happy
because I knew I did my best.
And I walked over to Adam, and
he embraced me and hugged me.
And I looked up and
my name was first.
One Chinese diver
still had to go.
And he hit the water.
My name didn't change.
And I still couldn't
fathom-- so my name's first,
and there's no divers left.
That means I won?
And it was-- it's still a
surreal moment to think back
at that specific moment.
Three months after the
Olympics, in 2012, I
got married to my wife, Sunny.
And then two years after that,
we had our first child, Dakota.
And so I get to be Dad.
I get to be David the husband.
And it's a totally
different thing.
God has grown me so much in
my communication with my wife.
The first year
after the Olympics
it was atrocious-- just me
trying to communicate and learn
how to navigate marriage.
And he's grown me
in that so much.
And then, ultimately, trying
to raise a little girl that
fears the Lord.
The road to Rio,
leading up to that,
I think God has changed
me most at really
wanting me to be responsible
and to pursue excellence.
Romans 8:28 says,
God works everything
for the good of
those who love Him,
that are called
according to His purpose.
And that purpose isn't for
my happiness and my joy.
That purpose is so that I can
become more like Christ daily.