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Together 2016

700 Club Interactive invites viewers to Together 2016, to see people from all walks of life; gathering to pray for the world and discuss what do we do after. Read Transcript


Hey guys.

We're here at Together 2016 in Washington DC on the Mall.

People have gathered from everywhere

to come and pray for our world.

It's amazing the diversity.

And this thing is huge.

Come follow me.


Wow, this is incredible.

I mean, so excited to be here seeing God move.

DEMETRIA STALLINGS: There's been a lot that has happened

in the last week in our nation.

What is your heart towards those that

have been affected by everything that's been happening?

KAREN: My heart goes out to everybody

that's dealing with anything, especially those

that are hurting right now.

His loving kindness brings us to repentance,

and that's what our nation needs.

DEMETRIA STALLINGS: What is your heart for the people that

have come to this event?

I really hope people are encouraged to see

the church come together.

And I think the event is aptly named Together.

To think that Nick started this five years ago,

having no idea what kind of turmoil

the world was gonna be in-- I mean,

there's no-- there's no such thing as a coincidence.

People talk about a radical change,

but they don't want to change anything.

I want to keep doing the exact same thing I've been doing,

and somehow expect a different result.

And yet in scripture, like, it's so clear,

like, God just promises if you will

put everything else aside and come and seek me,

I will rend the heavens.

I will come down.

I will forgive.

I will heal.

I will move.

And so we're coming to this gathering on the National Mall,

saying the only agenda is Jesus.

After this great event, how can we continue with unity?

I feel like it's time for us to step out

in the great commission and just completely go and make

disciples of nations.

We need to think about the way we treat people,

just whoever we encounter in our lives,

and-- and that it needs to start with each one of us

in our own homes.

I think we believe that the things that divide us

are stronger than the things that unite us.

And we've gone through a big season of that.

And I hope people walk away remembering

they're part of an-- an amazing movement, called the church.

From here, I think, you know, you

understand that there is a greater cause other than us.

It is Jesus.

The Bible says that if we abide in the word of God,

then we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free.

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