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Bring It On-Line: Prayes for Healing - July 1, 2016

My question is about The 700 Club praying for people during the live broadcast who receive healing. Do healings ever happen through the Internet? Should we handle it the same way as if it is inappropriate and we disapprove? The Bible says ... Read Transcript

As we approach the 4th of July weekend--

Yes, it is upon us.

The 4th is on Monday and the weekend is now.


Questions, let's go.

OK, it's time to bring it on.

This first one, Pat, comes from Marcella who says,

my question is about the "700 Club"

praying for people during the live broadcast

and then people receiving healing.

I don't have cable so I watch the Monday through Friday

broadcasts in the evening on the internet.

Do healings ever happen through the internet?

I've yet to hear anything about that.

Well, we don't talk about it, but they happen all the time.

Because this program-- we've begun to understand how God is.

God lives in the eternity, and he gives us a word now.

The thing can be put on a DVD, or recorded,

or go into another country, or translated

and all of a sudden, a miracle takes place.

I don't understand how it works, but all I

can tell you is it does.

God does answer prayer and many times people

talk to a tape and the tape talks back to them, you know?

I'm actually surprised even in watching

the live broadcasts-- I mean, the internet broadcasts.

Usually, when we pray, we begin by sharing stories of people

who've experienced miracles.

Yeah, all the time.

So that should be on there.

I don't know why Marcella is not getting that.

OK, this is Joanie who says, we've

always made it a standard in our home

that an unmarried couple does not

sleep together or share the same bedroom while visiting us.

We have a very good Christian lady

friend who has met a nice gentleman, and they are dating.

They're in their late 70s.

I know for a fact they do not have sex

but are now sharing a bed.

They're coming for a visit from out of state.

Should we handle it the same way as if it's inappropriate,

and we disapprove?

It feels ridiculous to be facing this situation

at our advanced ages.

Please, help.

Oh, I tell you what.

At 78, they're out of the game, honey.

And I wouldn't worry--


--about them committing adultery.

So those of you who are, be encouraged.


I mean, don't worry about it.

If they feel comfortable sleeping next to each other,

who is sinning?

Go ahead.

This is Diane, who says the Bible says

something about, quote, "a way of escape" when being tempted,

but what about drug addiction?

Well, there-- for every sin, there is a way of escape

that you may be able to bear it.

That is talking about persecution and not

just temptation.

It's talking about difficult situations.

And when you're in a difficult situation,

there is a way of escape that you may be able to bear it.

I don't think they're talking about addictions or drug


But there will also-- the Lord will give you a way of escape

if you let him do it.

But it's not-- I think we're talking

about persecution, Christians under terrible persecution.

This is happening all around the world.

So that's the real meaning of that.

Well, that's all the time we've got.

We appreciate you being with us.

We leave you with today's Power Minute from Psalm 34.

"Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing."

Monday, we say, happy birthday, America

and celebrate Independence Day with a salute to the men

and women in our Armed Forces.

So have a great weekend, have a great 4th of July,

and we'll be back for more of the "700 Club" next week.

We'll see you then.




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