Bill joined the Navy on a whim in 1940. Looking back on a life of adventure, sadness, and joy, he appreciates his freedom and the God who has blessed his country.
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Veteran Bill McCumber
spends much of his time
in his workshop carving
intricate works of art with
the tiny blade of a scroll saw.
Many of his creations
are expressions
of his faith in Jesus Christ.
pictures right there,
that is one of the
biggest door-openers.
I've had people come
and know the Lord.
Just starts them thinking,
starts them wanting something.
NARRATOR: Still others are
symbols of his patriotism
and service with the U.S.
Navy during World War II.
is the American way.
I mean we just grew up with it.
NARRATOR: Bill joined the
Navy in the summer of 1940.
He and a buddy were
near Savannah, Georgia,
cutting down trees for his
dad to use as pulpwood.
unfortunately, there
was a telephone line going
through the woods with about
50 wires on that sucker.
Those trees fell
right across it.
I think I had all
the communication cut
between Savannah and Atlanta.
And, Sid looked at me
and look at that wire
and said, what are
you going to do.
I said, I don't know
about you, but I'm
going to joining the Navy.
Because I'd rather face any
body than my dad, right now.
So I put my saw down, and I
went down and joined the Navy.
basic training, Bill
was assigned as a gunner's
mate on the battleship USS New
Mexico based in Hawaii.
From his first night on,
he kept his lifelong ritual
of kneeling by his bed to pray.
BILL MCCUMBER: And I remember
hearing this voice over there,
what's wrong with him?
And I heard some other
guy say, shut up, he said,
the man's praying.
I found out that
there were people
who believed in prayer there
and some didn't believe in it.
NARRATOR: Bill believes
those prayers kept him alive.
In May, 1941 the New
Mexico was reassigned
to the North
Atlantic, seven months
before the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor.
that for some reason
that God didn't want
us at Pearl Harbor.
Because if we'd a
been at Pearl Harbor,
we'd have been on the bottom.
Only after the Japanese
bombed Pearl Harbor
did I really get angry.
I was ready to go take them on.
NARRATOR: The ship was
recalled to the Pacific,
but on the way had to stop in
Norfolk, Virginia, for repairs.
While on shore leave
Bill met Helen Miller.
knew Helen for about 28 days
when we got over
on the west side,
I had already decided
I wanted to marry her.
In fact, I told
everybody that night,
I said I'm going
to marry that girl.
I called her and she
agreed to marry me
and then I went on
out in the Pacific.
NARRATOR: But duty
called and they
had to wait until
September 25th, 1943,
two years later, to marry when
Bill was able to take leave.
All those years Helen
waited and prayed
as Bill manned
anti-aircraft guns
defending the New Mexico
against Japanese dive bombers
and kamikaze attacks.
He fought at Guam, Saipan,
Okinawa and others.
read your Bible,
you wrote letters that
weren't going to be mailed,
and I think everybody was
living within themselves.
I remember sitting
by myself, just
wondering how it's
gonna feel like to die.
NARRATOR: Bill saw many
friends and brave men fall.
them like brothers.
They we're your family.
The first Japanese planes
that ever flew over us
were dive bombers,
but they missed us.
And I remember this guy, Kenneth
Jackson, he was standing there,
after they missed us.
He would, come around again, try
one more time, one more time.
He wanted them to come over.
Of course, I think I
wanted them to go away.
But Kenneth's not
living now, he was
one of those guys
that didn't make it.
thankful to God
that he was one
of those who did.
BILL MCCUMBER: I could have
never gone through the war
without the good Lord.
I couldn't make it
through this life.
I can look back
to so many things
actually that if God hadn't
been there, I wouldn't be here.
I really feel that,
through the war,
I was one step ahead of disaster
because Jesus was looking out
for me.
NARRATOR: After the
war ended in 1945,
he was discharged with the
rank of chief gunner's mate,
and went home to be with Helen.
The couple settled in Norfolk
where they raised two children.
Seventy-three years later,
they're still happily married.
Nowadays he shares his
faith through woodworking.
He gives many of
the pieces away,
especially, his favorite,
a carving of Jesus.
BILL MCCUMBER: I just feel lead
to give a picture to somebody.
Somebody touches my heart,
and I take them a picture.
I don't do nothing,
the Lord does it.
When I'm cutting a
picture, I pray about it,
about people that are
going to see that picture.
That they'll get the same
blessing from receiving it as I
do in giving it.
And they learn to know
him as their Savior.
NARRATOR: Bill fought
alongside men who
died for the cause of freedom.
He is grateful that in
America he can freely
share his faith with others.
flag didn't just happen,
we keep that flag flying.
It's something God gave us.
We were made free because
God wanted us free.
And because it stands for God,
and as long as we uphold God,
that flag will fly.