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Bring It On-Line: Addiction Advice - June 22, 2016

I've suffered from a pornography addiction for a few years now. I know it's wrong, and my parents and pastors have prayed for me and have given me advice. I just can't seem to stop. My mom and I believe that I'm called towards music ministry. ... Read Transcript

And we'll be looking forward to more.

Let's take some questions.

We've got questions.

All right, Joseph writes in, "I've

suffered from a pornography addiction for a few years now.

I know it's wrong, and my parents and pastors

have prayed for me and have given me advice.

I just can't seem to stop.

My mom and I believe that I'm called towards music ministry.

How can I fulfill my call if I can't stop?

Also, how can you recognize God's voice

if you've never heard it?"

Well, you remember the story about Samuel.

His little boy and God called him, Samuel,

and he thought it was Eli.

He said, I'm here.

And Eli said, I didn't call you.

Went back to sleep, called again.

I'm here, you know.

Finally, the man said, the old man said, listen,

it's the Lord talking to you.

You just say, Lord, here I am, your servant.

Tell him what to do.

So that's the whole idea.

God will speak to you.

You don't have to spend a lot of time worrying about it.

He'll identify himself.

The question is the pornography thing.

Look, you've got to get your mind off that stuff.

If you look at Victoria's Secret catalogs,

if you look at any of the stuff that's on the air today,

there are just so many movies, so many series,

having to do with the immorality.

So much skin out there, so much flesh,

so much-- every time you turn.

So Job said, I made a covenant with mine eyes

and I won't look upon a maid.

You've got a problem with porn, you've

got to get your eyes away from that

and start reading and studying something of some substance.

Start reading the Bible, start praying, spending your time

in that way.

But as long as that's in your mind, you're thinking about it.

And you've got to stop thinking about it.

There's a lot more I can say but we're out of time.

But we leave you with today's Power Minute from Psalm 69.

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits,

the God of our salvation."

For Wendy and all of us, this is Pat Robertson,

and we'll see you at the 700 Club, same time, same station.



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