My husband gets offended when I talk to him about praying to them. What can I do? Is it good to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior every time I pray-even though I accepted Him already? Am I sinning every time I use a vapor? Will I be punished ...
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But I think now it is time
to get into some questions.
We've got some good ones.
All right, Iris writes in. "I've
been saved for three years now.
My husband has not been
open to Christianity yet.
He prays to other gods
like St. Michael, Buddha,
and nino Jesus.
My husband gets offended
when I talk about him
about praying to them.
What can I do?"
Oh you know, the Bible
says without a word,
a godly woman can lead
her husband to faith
by not saying anything,
just the way she lives.
And I think that's the answer.
Live your life with the Lord.
Show the radiant joy of
the Lord in your life.
And hopefully your husband
will get free of the delusion
that he's engaged in.
But he'll begin to
say, how come you
are so happy in the midst of
the troubles we're having?
You say, well, it's
because I have Jesus.
That's what you do, OK.
Danielle says, "Dear
Pat, I was wondering
if it's good to ask
Jesus to be your Lord
and Savior every time I pray--
even though I accepted Him
I love Him and
appreciate everything
He did for me and many
others from around the world
by dying on the cross.
I am saved."
The question is,
you get married
and would you like to
get married because you
love your wife.
And then she's
good to you and see
[INAUDIBLE] get married again.
And then you have
a nice meal and you
want to get married again.
You have a pleasant evening,
you want to get married again.
You're married.
So stay married.
Be happy at it and
get on with your life.
I think it's the same
thing with the Lord.
You don't keep getting saved.
You've given your
heart to the Lord.
He is yours, you are His,
and you're born again.
So enter into that relationship.
Well it might be fun to put
that wedding dress on again.
Well just make sure it fits.
Josh writes in, I'm
a reborn Christian.
I gave my life to
Christ back in February.
And since then, I have felt
convicted to drop habits
and cut away from
a sinful nature.
I have stopped all habits.
I used to smoke, and then I
moved to a vapor containing
nicotine to get off tobacco.
Am I sinning every
time I use a vapor?
Will I be punished if I
continue to use nicotine?
God doesn't sit up in heaven
waiting to punish people
because you smoke
a cigarette or you
look at a pornographic
magazine or something.
God is God, and he
loves you, and he wants
you to be part of his life.
And he wants to share
his life with you.
And what you have done is clean
you're act up and you say,
I want to present myself
wholly to the Lord.
So you've got a vapor machine.
You know, the Bible says
whatever is not a faith is sin.
So if you feel it's
wrong, then it's wrong.
If you don't feel it's
wrong, it's not wrong.
I mean, it's one
of those things.
But you're not
going to lose heaven
because you've got a vapor
machine in lieu of cigarettes.
It just, it doesn't
work that way.
God loves you and he wants
you to be part of his kingdom.
At least he's trying
to get off nicotine.
Yeah, well you're
working at it.
But I mean, that's not the key.
The key is, you love him.
You love him.
John, Peter, do you love me?
Yes Lord, I love you.
That's what He
wants is our love.
Love covers a
multitude of sins.
You got it.
Michelle says, my
parents don't let
me watch anything that they
consider of this world.
Sometimes I sneak and watch
a show that I really like.
I don't think anything
is wrong with the show,
but it is wrong to-- is it
wrong to disobey my parents?
I think this rule is
a bit over the top.
Look, I think it's a
little over the top too,
but the best thing to do
is to obey your parents.
You know the problem is, in
the ancient Talmudic tradition,
they said all right,
here is the law.
Now somebody might
break the law,
so let's build a fence
around the law here.
So they'll have to break
the fence before they get in
to break the law.
Then we'll build another
fence around the fence,
and before long, there's so
many rules and regulations.
And then the next
thing you know,
somebody breaks
one of these, they
think they've sinned
against God and they've
lost their access to the Lord.
That's what this terrible
legalism will do.
It's love.
Love isn't a series of rules.
It's a love affair with God.
It's just like with Mary, just
a love affair that is involved,
not a set of regulations.
And people need
to understand it.
Apparently the churches
are teaching regulations.
God isn't interested
in regulations.
He's interested in you
and He together as one.
Guess what?
That was it.
What happened to the time?
Well you did so
great that we're
going to stop right
here while you're ahead.
Well it's nice to be with
you, and thank you again
for all of you being with us.
We leave you with "Today's
Power Minute" from Psalm 91.
"I will be with him in trouble.
I will deliver
him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy
him and show him My salvation."