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Bring It On-Line: - June 10, 2016

According John 7: 39, the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified. So how were John the Baptist, Mary, Elizabeth, and Zacharias filled with the Spirit in Luke? Read Transcript


I want to take a minute to Bring It

On with a question that's been sent in to us

by Sawra, who says, "According to John 7:39,

the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not

yet glorified.

So how were John the Baptist, Mary, Elizabeth, and Zacharias

filled with the Spirit in Luke?"

Because God is able to do all things.

And just get that settled, that he's not

under any kind of restrictions.

You look at the Old Testament.

There were numerous heroes of the faith who were

filled with the Holy Spirit.

I love, you know, what it says about literally

are clothed with the Holy Spirit.

They put on the garment.

It's a wonderful description.

Now, what John is talking about in John 7

is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for all flesh.

And, doctrinally, you have to get that straight.

I know I grew up with you have to first be baptized in water.

You have to make a profession of faith.

You have to be properly instructed.

And then, if you go to an all-night prayer meeting,

you can get filled with the Holy Spirit.

That whole doctrine had to be revised when I found Hindus.

I was preaching in India.

And Hindus started getting filled with the Holy Spirit.

They weren't even Christian yet.

They hadn't made a profession of faith.

But God was pouring out His spirit on all flesh.

That's the distinction here-- that the Holy Spirit

is for everyone.

We leave you with these words from 1 John 3.

"Whatever we ask, we receive from Him

because we keep His commandments and do those things that

are pleasing in His sight."



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