When author Bonnie Floyd’s parents were murdered, she faced a tough choice. Would she obey the Lord’s command to forgive?
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Sheila Walsh calls it
a story with more twists
and turns than the wildest
roller coaster ride.
Bonnie Floyd knows
that to be true
because she had to
live it, and it all
started with an unexpected
phone call Bonnie received
more than 20 years ago.
NARRATOR: Bonnie Floyd's
nightmare started in 1994
at 6 o'clock in the morning.
She answered the
phone and learned
her parents, who were
sailing in the West Indies,
were murdered, along with
two others in cold blood,
aboard the yacht Challenger.
Two years later, the
quadruple murder trial began.
Closure and justice were
about to be served--
or so she thought.
"Bound to a Promise"
tells the true story
of love, murder, and redemption,
and how Bonnie found peace
in the midst of tragedy.
Joining us now is
international speaker, author,
and bible teacher Bonnie Floyd.
Bonnie, welcome.
It's so good to have
you with us today.
It is wonderful to be here.
What a story you have here.
Let's start a little bit with
that phone call that came
at 6 o'clock in the morning.
I mean, this happened
right at a point
where your dad's
relationship with you
was beginning to flourish.
And through divorce
and just life and time,
you all had kind of parted
company with each other,
not so much antagonistically,
it's just it happened.
So this call must have been--
it would be devastating, period,
but then to have been
building this relationship
and have it happen.
Tell me about the
call and when it came.
Well, the time apart
was because they
had sailed around the
world for seven years.
This is your father and
your step-mom, right?
And then when they
returned, God just
began to just grow
our relationship.
And we couldn't have been
any closer at the time.
And I had become a Christian
while they were sailing,
and I couldn't wait to
share Jesus with them.
And so they had been growing
and growing in the Lord,
but never prayed the prayer.
And so when I got the call
that they had been murdered,
I was told that they had
been murdered in their sleep.
And my dad had promised me-- he
had made me a promise just six
months before that if he
ever got into a position
that he feared for his
life, that he would
call on the name of Jesus.
So when this happened and you
get this terrible phone call,
and your dad and your step mom
are now no longer in your life,
and you feel like
they came to that end
without ever knowing what
was going to happen to them,
what did you feel spiritually?
Because you had
done what you felt
you were supposed to do
as a follower of Jesus.
You had said, do this.
In an emergency, do this.
What did you feel?
I was devastated.
But then I later found
out that they had not
been shot in their sleep,
but they had actually
been bound and gagged for hours,
and tortured before they died.
And that would seem to be
such torturous information,
but for me, I fell to my knees
in praise and thanksgiving
because it bought them
time to keep their promise.
The promise was then enacted.
You know, that would
be such devastating news
to most people to hear
that, but for you,
because you loved them
so much and wanted
to know that they had found
salvation it was the key.
And you had shared your
faith a lot with them--
Yes, I had.
---not just a little.
Oh, yes.
So they surely
knew at that point.
Bonnie, how did you-- your
dad meant so much to you.
From the time you were a little
girl, you were a daddy's girl.
I mean, how did you rise
out of the ashes of this?
Well, I first had to
fall into the ashes.
I was at a very low
point in my life,
and I had nowhere
else to look but up.
And people had been
telling me about the Lord.
God was placing people in my
life, Christians in my life.
And so I prayed one
day, and I called out,
because there weren't just
Christians in my life,
but there were also other
religions in my life
that were also
telling me-- and they
would to use the name of Jesus.
And so I prayed out to the
one true God, and asked him,
don't let me make a mistake.
And so it was just
a few weeks later
that I prayed, and God showed
me that his true self was
Jesus Christ, was his son.
And you're so candid in the
book about the restoration
of your personhood under Jesus.
You were searching for love in
all the wrong places because
of losing your dad, not in
death, but just in distance
as a young person.
And then when Christ came
into your life, I mean,
everything changed.
But even with your
husband-- you share
about meeting him and the
family, and all of that.
Learning to accept yourself when
you know you've made mistakes
is hard for a lot of us.
How did God work that
out in your life?
Well, I just began
a love relationship
with the word of God.
And I believe what it says.
I know that sounds so
simple, but serving God
isn't difficult. And I
believe what it says.
And 1 John 1:9 says that if we
confess our sin, he's faithful
and just to forgive us
our sin and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.
And so I was free from
everything I'd done.
Later on in this story with
your dad and your stepmother,
this horrible murder scenario.
You actually, when
this went to trial,
felt compassion for one of
the murderers who was there.
Did God's forgiveness
of you play
into your being able to find
compassion for this man?
Honestly, I went to
the prison because God
spoke to me during the trial.
And I was having
compassion for him,
and I didn't want to feel what
I was feeling, and so I excused
myself and went out onto the
balcony of this courtroom.
And I asked the Lord,
what's happening in here?
And he said, what you're feeling
is my compassion for him.
And I said, what do you
want me to do with this?
And he said, I want
you to go to the prison
and I want you to
tell him about my son.
And so I went to the prison
as an act of obedience.
I did not walk into that
prison to tell him, Donaldson,
I forgive you for what you did.
I was going to go in,
be obedient to the Lord,
tell him about Jesus--
And get out.
---and get out.
But God had another plan.
So what happened?
So he was so sorry for what
he did, and he kept telling me
how sorry he was.
And he said, I didn't
actually pull the trigger.
And I said, no, but you
bound and gagged them
with black tape.
And there's a price
to pay for sin,
and your price is 15 years.
And so then we just prayed,
and forgiveness just flowed.
I think that forgiveness
came in my act of obedience.
That's when it happened.
And I was able to pray with
him and lead him to the Lord.
And now Donaldson is-- he's
my brother, and I love him.
That is so hard for
people to imagine,
but you have just
spoken such a truth,
that when we trust
God enough to be
obedient in the hard
things he asks us to do,
there is a freedom
that comes with that
that's beyond measure.
You and Donaldson
are actually friends.
We are very close.
And God has brought me back
to the island of Antigua
and Barbuda just this year.
And an amazing
event happened where
the entire island of Barbuda
came and asked me-- I preached,
and then they asked me
to forgive them for what
they did to my parents.
And then asked me,
after I forgave them,
to pray, and ask God to
lift the curse that has been
on the island for 22 years.
Everything that existed 22
years ago now lies in ruins.
Anything that has started
has been abandoned.
There has actually been
a curse from the shedding
of innocent blood 22 years ago.
This is a package totally
wrapped up and tied up
with a bow at the end of God's
goodness and grace and mercy
and fresh beginning.
It is a fresh beginning.
For you, for Donaldson,
for the island.
Yes, absolutely.
Restoration personified.
It's an amazing story.
It really is a movie.
Watch for it.
Somebody's going to do this.
Bonnie, we just thank
you for being here.
Your book is quite amazing.
There's so much
more to her story.
We've skimmed the surface.
You can find out by
getting her book.
It's called "Bound
to a Promise,"
and you can get your
copy by going to cbn.com.
We'll tell you how to
move forward with that.
It's a wonderful story.
Thank you so much.
A story about redemption.
Thank you for having me.
I love "The 700 Club,"
and have for many years,
so it's a blessing to be here.
Thanks, Bonnie.
So nice to have you with us.