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700 Club Canada: June 7, 2016

Watch the 700 Club Canada for June 7, 2016 Read Transcript


Welcome to the 700 Club

Canada. I'm Brian Warren.

And I'm Laura-Lynn Tyler-

Thompson. Welcome. We just

love spending this half hour

with you.

We really do. And partner

week continues, and we're glad

you're here.

Today you'll meet two young

ladies whose lives have been

radically changed at Teen

Challenge, one of our key 700

Club Canada partner ministries.

You know, I just really love

partner week because it really

talks about what you've been

investing in, and yesterday we

talked about Scott Mission and

Peter Duraisami and I just

really love his passion as well

as his conviction for the call

of God.

Right, and, you know, that's

what the 700 Club Canada is

all about

It is.

That we invest in ministries

that are going on here in

Canada that change lives that

radically give a leg up to

those that are in need. And,

you know, that's just one of

the many things that we do


Well, absolutely.

And we're invested in

Canadian culture and making

this a better land.

What we ask you to partner

with us, one of the things that

your dollars do is invest in

Canadian ministries cause we

believe that revival is here

and it's not come from

somewhere else but it's

unearthed those jewels that are

right here in Canada and allow

you to see how not only the

power of God is working but

also how we're being able to

accomplish the goal together.

You know, what I loved,

Brian. I had an opportunity to

go the Wings Maternity Home.


And to meet some of the girls

that they were having their

babies because this home had

taken them in when their

parents were upset that they

had not had an abortion.


And these beautiful young

women, strong, intelligent, and

fully able to be mothers and

choosing that, choosing for

themselves that they would

give birth to this baby and yet

not having the support that

they needed. And these

ministries help to shore up

those who might find

themselves, you know, in a bad

situation having made a


And that's when you look at

Marion Cozens and the work

that she's doing in Wings, and

we're so excited about the

partnership that we have with

them. You're absolutely right.

They need that support so

desperately, and they may not

know Christ when they first

come. But what we do find

over time they do come to a

saving knowledge of Christ.

You know, one of the things

that I appreciate by going to

the homeless and going to those

that are on the streets of

Toronto through Scott Missions

is how we're seeing all of the

different programs continuing

to impact people's lives.

It's so good, so good. You

know, we'll also spend the

midsection of the show

reflecting on your needs and

share some praise reports

from other 700 Club Canada

viewers. We love that part.

And we want to testify to what

God is doing in your lives and

stand with you in prayer as we

wait for your breakthrough.

Your breakthrough. That's

what it's all about. But to

get us on our way, we'd like

you to meet Tammy whose life

of addiction and pain got her

turned around by Jesus at Teen

Challenge. Take a look.


Tammy grew up in a small

fishing community in New

Brunswick as the youngest of

six children. Her father, an

alcoholic, was abusive to their


I think I was probably four

when I remember him locking

my mother out of the house and

hitting her and not being happy

with the meal, not being happy

with the house. You never knew

when he'd come home what kind

of mood he would be in, if he

would just go to sleep or if he

would be angry. Finally she

had just had too much and she

decided to leave my father when

he was fishing one day. So we

found a house to rent, and the

only source of heat was an oil

tank. And he had come home

from fishing and he was a

smoker. So he was hollering

out in the yard and to let me

in and she wouldn't. And so

he threw cigarettes down and

let out oil out. The oil

didn't catch flame, but my baby

sister that was six months old

the next morning had blue

hands and feet and was rushed

to the hospital because it was

so cold.

Family services were called

in to take control of the

situation, and Tammy and her

siblings were split up and

separated from their parents.

My heart must have broke

that day as a six year old and

being taken away from all that

I knew and my siblings.

Tammy was eventually adopted

but struggled with feelings of

rejection and feeling unwanted

and unloved. As she grew

older, she began drinking in an

effort to block out the pain

she felt in her heart.

Of course everybody

graduated, I just continued to

drink more and more and more.

I really knew something was

wrong when I didn't have to

be around anybody to drink.

It became a dark friend.

Tammy ended up having three

children and was married three

times but pain and misery

filled her life. Her drinking

became worse and worse and she

began contemplating suicide.

One night in desperation, she

called out to God.

And I said, "Lord, please

just take me now. It hurts

too much. I can't go on any

longer. I don't want to live

this way," and I said, "I would

just rather die this way and

die an alcoholic."

The very next morning, Tammy

received a phone call from a

friend asking her to come to a

church service with her.

Though she felt numb with pain

and sadness, she reluctantly

agreed to go with her.

And so there was about 700

people in the audience and she

just explained to us that,

you know, as she talks

sometimes she just sees kind

of a roll of tape of God

showing her things will come

across a screen. And all of a

sudden my body got so hot

and she said, "You in the green

jacket." And I was way over on

the other side. She said, "I

want you to know that God said

you're not going to die an

alcoholic." And I knew that it

had come from God because

nobody else heard. And I said,

"Okay, Lord. I know they come

from you so I'll go. I don't

know what's on the other side

but I'll go."

Tammy had heard of an

organization called Teen

Challenge and felt in her heart

that God wanted her to go

there. Teen Challenge is a

residential alcohol and drug

addiction faith-based program

with centers in Alberta,

Atlantic Canada, Saskatchewan,

and Ontario where those

struggling with alcoholism

and addiction to other drugs

begin their restoration.

I think the biggest thing

that's happened to me is that

I've learned to trust again

and maybe trust for the first

time I should say. I mean I

have made mistakes and some

of it was my fault and bad

choices, but I never did, I

never blamed the enemy for any

of it. I blamed that little

girl that carried for all those


Tammy found the love she had

been searching for all her

life, the love of Jesus Christ.

I'm just learning to start to

pick the flowers and to smell

the roses, actually to know

that they are there for me,

you know, that I deserve to

have a full life, not just to

look at it but to really

experience it. If you just

trust Him, if you just put out

your hands. He doesn't ask

for anything else but just to

put out your hands and to trust

Him. And if you can just give

Him a piece of your heart, the

peace of hope. That's all He

needs and He'll take that and

He will take the ashes and turn

it into beauty cause He's doing

it for me.


Thank you. Because of 700

Club Canada partners, we

provided backpacks and supplies

to over two hundred children

in First Nations Reserves in

Northern Quebec. You gave

them a future, and we showed

them the love of Jesus.

Because of 700 Club Canada

partners, communities in

Toronto and Northern Labrador

have warm clothing to protect

them from the freezing cold

of winter. You brought them

hope and shared with them the

of Jesus. Because of 700 Club

Canada partners, needy families

in Toronto experienced the joy

of opening presents on

Christmas morning and the peace

of having cupboards full of

food. You showed them that

someone cares and most

importantly they felt the love

of Jesus. Become a partner

today. Call 1-855-759-0700.


Laura-Lynn, one of the things

that I really appreciate about

our partners is really their

commitment and their

commitment to prayer, not just

investing in the program but

their time of praying for you,

yourself, and myself and all

the things that we do because

I really believe what that does

is it an assisting in the

anointing, increasing but

allowing us to see the power

of healing, deliverance, and

salvation across this nation.

Right. And there is no

power like the power of prayer.

That is the foundational

fundamental, you know,

investment of our time that

actually, you know, gives such

a harvest back to us. And yet

I don't know, you know, Brian,

sometimes it's hard to actually

invest our own lives into that.

But we're here every day

talking about it.


Talking about it, talking

about the value of it.


How good it is for us.

But you know what? What

I've seen over the years and

ever since we've started and

you know yourself on Facebook

and people how they follow us


and how they follow us

individually as well as

collectively, and every time we

are in the studio, we begin to

pray, it's like a cloud begins

to come into the studio. And

then God begins to give a word

of knowledge and He begins to

speak specifically into issues

and areas of people's lives.

oh, I feel

it even now as the Holy Spirit

is talking. And there is such

a revelation of the word of

knowledge that elevates that

those areas and those ills and

those ailments begin to now

just dissolve under the Word

of God and the rhema Word.

Sure. I think that's why

people watch. I mean we're

sitting here but they're at

home in their living rooms.

They need a breakthrough. They

need some answers to prayer.

And it is clear that God is

with us and that God is doing a

great work through the 700 Club

Canada. And they sense that

and they sense the overflow of

that anointing right onto their


You know, it is so true

because one of the things that

the Lord just gave to me and

He says in 15:58 and this is

the Apostle Paul and he's

reading this in First

Corinthians and specifically

for our partners as well. And

he's saying this. "Therefore,

my beloved brethren, be

steadfast, immovable, always

abounding in the work of the

Lord, knowing that your labor

is not in vain." I think

that's so powerful because no

matter what you're going

through right now, he said,

"Be immovable," because

by our self we couldn't be

immovable but together in

Christ one can cast out a

thousand. Two can cast out

ten thousand. And when

Laura-Lynn and I are going out

across this country in those

different areas and when we

get directly in there whether

it's the aborigino, prayer day

in Ottawa or across the country

and those pools of revival in

Atlantic Canada and Winnipeg

and Saskatoon and all those

areas, we see the demonstration

and the activation of the

accumulation of all these

prayers and the power of God

setting people free.



And, you know, when we are

partnering with those other

incredible organizations that

are doing great things that

believe in prayer that are

investing in people's lives

Yeah, we're seeing some

great ones like Metro Kids,

and I remember praying with

the BC Lions. One of the

things that I enjoyed about

Metro Town is I live the

Chinese food there to be

honest with you.

It is good.

Oh, it is really good. You

know, the green onion cakes and

that Szechuan. But what

they're doing is giving out

bags to children. You've been

partnering with that. They're

giving out not only the Word of

God, we've been giving

Superbook with Metro Kids, and

they're doing such a wonderful


Yes, you know, they

in advancing the Gospel.

Absolutely. Like this is a

group that goes into the middle

of a neighborhood in the middle

of the summer and they have

a band. They do some music.

They've got balloons. They

have big blow-up machines,

you know, and have a whole

bunch of fun with the kids and

then they tell them a Bible

story and they thank them very

much. They invite them out to

church and off they go.

And off they go.

Yeah, in the middle of

summer, and all the parents are

like yay. Who are these

people, you know, doing this

great work?

And it's all because of your

partnership. They could not

do that by themselves, but

it takes teamwork to make the

dream work, and the dream is

alive and it's happening right

here in Canada.

And we partner with Union

Gospel Mission which has an

incredible facility taking in

the homeless when it's cold

out, giving those that really

want to get out of their

addiction, an opportunity to

do that.

Yeah, you know what? Last

time we were in Vancouver, we

talked to Pastor Dave Koop and

we were talking about that

and, you know, just partner

ministries and how just having

a heart for the city and how

important it is for having men

and women who are local and

indigenous in those areas who

will dare to step and stand in

the gap and be Jesus in blue

jeans, warts and all. Let's

pray for them even now.

Father, in the name of Jesus,

we want to thank you for our

partners and, Lord, we want to

ask you that you would even

breathe fresh life into their

ministries, that they would be

immovable and steadfast,

always abounding in the work

of the Lord. And we declare

the Lord who chose Jerusalem

rebuke you Satan because we

blend faith together and we

declare one can cast out a

thousand. Two can cast out

ten thousand, so we blow down

the very doors of darkness and

we call for the anointing and

the power of God for even fresh

vibrancy and a fresh anointing

to flow in Jesus' name. Amen.

Amen. So be it.

So be it.

And we've got a couple

comments too as well, Brian.

Well, we do.

From some wonderful people

who watch.

And I love that part because

we've got Heather Gamble and

she's saying that Emma is

Heather's 14-year-old daughter

who had just had brain surgery

to remove a lesion off the left

side of her brain to remove a

noncancerous lesion. Heather

is so thankful for the prayer

partner and the support that

she got during the ordeal.

Emma is recovering well.

Praise God to the glory of



Amen. And that's-and we're

talking about brain, brain


Oh, man, serious.

Things that have been moved

and that she thought she was

going to lose her. Listen to

this one. I thought this was

pretty cool as well. And this

is from Calgary, Alberta, all

the way from Calgary. I love

Calgary is well, Alberta. My

wife is from Alberta. And it

says, "I really appreciate your

prayer line and the follow

up of your prayer partners what

they do which is unique to your

ministry compared to others."

She said, "Compared to other

prayer lines, it is second to

none. It is the best. Thank

you." Well, thank you.


What a wonderful prayer

partner, right?

It is really is, you know,

and we love doing what we

do and we love joining and

linking arms with everybody

across this nation that

We really do.

You know, help to make this


Amen. You know, not long

ago, we had an incredible

experience traveling to Israel,

visiting many of the places

that Jesus would have walked

and taught and performed some

of his greatest miracles.

We were able to stand and

teach the Bible in the very

places that we see in these

pages, the pages of God's Word.

And now we want to share those

life-changing messages with

you in this one-of-a-kind

teaching DVD, In His Footsteps.

Yeah. Laura-Lynn and I got

a chance to teach it as a 700

Canada product. But this week

we're also offering you this

new DVD as well, The Bride of

Christ, another 700 Club Canada

teaching series by Hebraic

roots expert, Joe Amaral as

our gift to you for becoming a

monthly 700 Club Canada


We'll show you the incredible

view from the Mount of

Beatitudes and take a walk

around the Garden Tomb. So

call now. 1-855-759-0700.

Become a monthly partner and

we'll send you In His Footsteps

and The Bride of Christ right


Both of those, and we'll be

right back.



Yeah, buddy.

How many nickels are in a


There are 20 nickels in a


How do birds fly? Does milk

really make my bones stronger?

Yeah, yeah.

Daddy, when we die, will

we go to heaven?

Do you have the answer to

life's biggest question? Call

the 700 Club. We'll help you

find answers to the important

questions life brings your way.


I had a great childhood. My

family was very close. We

always had a family vacation,

lots of memories. We did

almost everything together.

Until tragedy struck in

Danielle's life.

My mom had just come home

from teaching an aerobics

class and was just complaining

about a headache. My dad was

getting more concerned, more

concerned, and then I saw her

and she was just white as a

piece of paper. And he came

down and asked me to watch

my sister and took my mom to

the hospital. And by the time

they had reached the hospital

her left lung had collapsed and

the left-hand side of her body

had become totally paralyzed

and she was put into the ICU

right away.

Danielle's mother had been

afflicted with an unexplainable

virus leaving her completely

paralyzed from the waist down.

I was scared because my

e was trying to

protect us, didn't tell us a

ust that Mom was in the

hospital and she wasn't feeling

well and did what he could to


because he was dealing with so

much fear that he wasn't quite

ready to tell us. Then he said

that we were going to go to the

hospital with him one day and

that's the first time that I

saw her. My mom and I were

I just thought the sun rose and

set on her and I couldn't even

tell it was her. Just hooked

to so many machines and tubes

and her face was so different

and body I just looked at

somebody I didn't even know.

Grandma came and stayed with

us because my dad was at work

and then straight to the

hospital, and it was my mom's

mom. She was a very heavy

drinker and a heavy smoker.

And that was hard to deal with.

Anger and bitterness led

Danielle into hanging around

with the wrong crowd. I just

kind of was more drawn to the

people that, you know, hung out

in the pathways and smoked and

got invited to parties where

there was always liquor there

and started to drink. I didn't

think any of it to skip school.

I've been suspended. I slipped

right into the role and it just

became kind of the person that

I was. I didn't want to go

home because I hated seeing my

mom when we did bring her

home from the hospital and she

in a strapped down wheelchair

and needed a lot of personal

care. It devastated my dad

because I was running away and

he had so much on his plate

with my mom and my little

sister and then my grandma,

and he wouldn't sleep and he

was out looking for me all the

time and having to come to the

school and still maintain a

t put a lot of

distress on everybody.

Danielle began using alcohol

to numb the pain.

Drinking continued to be

part of what I did to escape

and eventually it just became

part of a lifestyle. And I was

a functioning alcoholic come in

my later years.

Danielle got a job and got

married but her drinking kept

getting worse and worse.

I knew how many people

I was hurting including myself

f I didn't

think about it or see it then

I could pretend that it wasn't


Her health was beginning to

fail, but still she wouldn't

stop drinking.

Even the doctors would say

to me, "You know, you are very

sick." And they like, "Do you

not understand there's a cure?"

And I could still at that time

put it behind me like it wasn't

really happening cause I just

had cut everything off that was

important because that's the

only time I would hurt.

Her husband left, unable to

watch Danielle kill herself

with drink.

When I hit rock bottom, I hit

really hard. I had lost well

of course everything that I

love, everything I'd worked

for, everything I went to

school for. Anything that

mattered to me was gone. I

couldn't even imagine having

a future and just now the shame

and guilt that I lived with

every day I didn't even really

want to continue.

With her liver, heart,

pancreas, and gallbladder all

at risk, Danielle was told she

might not survive the night.

It just overwhelmed me and

I literally got on my knees

and I cried, and I said to God

that I know you're still there

because you took care of me

when I sure have not been.

So somebody was taking care

of me and He's much bigger

than me. I said whatever you

want me to do, whatever you

tell me to do, whatever you

want me to say, go, I will do

it. But just don't hit me


Miraculously Danielle

survived the night. She knew

she had to do something.

My parents just-they had

heard about Teen Challenge.

Teen Challenge is a

residential alcohol and drug

addiction faith-based program

with centers in Alberta,

Atlantic Canada, Saskatchewan,

and Ontario where those

struggling with alcoholism and

addiction to other drugs begin

their restoration.

All the plans were set in

motion for me to come, and

I was so scared but yet I had

this strength that I hadn't had

for as long as I can remember.

When I landed I do I think that

Jesus was here and he was

waiting for me, and I swear

brought me to this place that's

full of angels and people like

I have never met.

Danielle quit drinking, and

her health improved.

The place I'm at now I can't

believe that this is my life,

and the grace of God. It's

a peace and a goodness and

I'm excited about living again.

To feel so lost and to feel so

brand nehere's no

words, and it's an honest truth

that I didn't know existed.


So cool. Laura-Lynn, when I

look at Danielle, it's not only

a ministry that we support,

but it's also a changed life

for the glory of God.

Yes, and it's so inspiring

and encouraging. Some of us

it's inspiring because, you

know, our kids maybe need

help. We hear from those

people all the time who want

to have hope that God will

intervene, you know.

Well, you know what? It's

so true because I think when

you look at a testimony like

that which you realize is

there's a lot of parents that

are just crying out for their

children and saying, "God,

would you touch them," and

they're wondering is there a

place, is there someone who

can really help my child.


And this is proof positive


That God is doing the work.

And maybe this is a place

somebody is being stirred that

I've, you know, this is an

option, and it sure is a good

one. Absolutely.

Isn't it?


And another option, and we

appreciate this. I don't know

if anyone else is doing this

but we take it serious praying

for your prayer concerns, and

we ask you because this is the

greatest upper room that we

have as far as praying for men

and women across the country.

Would you put on your prayer

list Valentina, and she's in

Richmond. She's praying for

total healing. She needs

healing now.

And Allison in Hamilton,

Ontario has a prayer for a

situation with her marriage.


And for God to, you know,

restore some of that. So we

believe with you, Allison. We

know that God is a faithful


Let's believe. And, Father,

Valentina, Lord, there is an

emergency in her life for

total healing now. And we

thank you that your arms are

not too short to save and your

ears are not too dull to hear.

Nothing is too hard for the

Lord, so we take this prayer

request and we come into

agreement with Valentina, and

we come into agreement with

your intercession for her, and

we pray now that it would be

so, that healing would come

speedily. Send your Word and

heal her diseases, in Jesus'


Father, we just ask you,

Father, to intervene in

Allison's life, Lord. You

know the situation. You

know what's going on. Lord,

you know the complications.

Sometimes life is complicated,

God. I pray that you would

give her peace, that you would

giver her wisdom and strength

as she journeys through this

season, oh, God. Would you

show her the path? Make the

path straight and clear. We

come into agreement for her

hope, for her peace, for

restoration in Jesus' name.




Well, it's such a privilege

to come into your home and

thank you. And until next

time, I'm Brian Warren.

And I'm Laura-Lynn Tyler-

Thompson. Have a great day,


God bless.


To contact us phone

1-855-759-0700 or by email

CBA@700Club.CA or mail

Christian Broadcasting

Associates, Incorporate.

That's 700 Club Canada,

P.O. Box 700, Scarborough,

Ontario M1S 4T4 or visit us

at 700Club.CA


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