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CBN NewsWatch: May 18, 2016

On CBN Newswatch, May 18: 'It's maddening!' TSA under fire for excessive wait times, Will 9/11 victims soon have the right to sue Saudi Arabia? Read Transcript

> Thank you for joiningus for CBN Newswatch.I'm Efrem Graham. The TSA isworking to reduce airportsecurity wait times in what isexpected to be a record summer.

They are hiring more screenersand even enlisting the airlinesto help move those lines.

American air lines estimatesthat 4,000 people have missedtheir flights in Chicago'sO'Hare airport thanks to extra

wait times. 1300 people missedtheir planes after waiting forhours in the TSA lines. Manyspent the night in cots.

there has to be a better way. those at the O'Hareairport are telling peopleto arrive 3 minutes tobe sure you will make it.

the TSA agent isapologizing for what ishappening in Chicago. we have the busiest city.It's Maddening and could havebeen dealt with months ago. what is happening?

passenger volume isup by as much as 15% thisyear compared to last.

And the number ofscreeners is down.TSA is rushing 15 new securityofficers to Chicago in the nextfew weeks and hoping to hirethousands of workers just in

time for the summer season. OneChicago lawmaker is calling theTSA chief agent to resign ifthey don't improve this

condition.They are looking to hire othersbut they need TSA approvals.

They are bringing in therapyhorses and even bringing inclowns to keep passengersentertained during the long long

wait.Heather cells, CBN news.Efrem: A bill to givefamilies of the victims of 911the right to sue Saudi Arabia.Now it's moving on to the house.The legislation allows thefamilies to sue the Saudiagovernment in court for any role

it might have playedin the terror attacks.That it discusses possibleinvolvement of the Saudis in theattack. They are threatening topull away dollars from the

economy.This could put Americansliving overseas at risk.

Eric manning has beenconfirmed the secondmilitary of the army.

His confirmationhad been stalled overa dispute after Obama'splan to close Guantanamo.They dropped those plans.They lifted the holdon the nomination.He has served as a Secretary ofthe air force for 2013-2015.

> the policy bill that wouldhave required women to registerfor the military draft.

They are taking a jab at genderequality but the provision needsmore research before a decisioncan be made and also question if

the compulsory drafting processshould be replaced altogetherwith an all volunteer force.House rules committee chairmansaid he adamantly opposedcoercing women to the draft.

> the abortion after19 weeks will face a 3 yearsimprisonment and face a fine.

If the mother's life is injeopardy or the baby will notsurvive outside the womb. Shewill sign it almost certainly

into law.> Venezuela is rocked withpolitical unrest and shortagesof food and medicine.Many are fleeing to the UnitedStates and to Orlando, Florida.They told CBN news that churchesare helping the new arrivalsadjust to their new life.

I went to Venezuela to meetwith the pastors there and buildbridges, but at the same timefor an opportunity to preach the


they sponsor jobfairs and research.

For more information,go to CBNNEWS.COM.> leaders that questionclimate change have questionsfrom the top cop and generals.They worry that it's an attemptto stifle free speech that couldhave far reaching implications.We have that story.

energy companies, scientistand think tanks have been put onnotice to dispute the idea ofman-made climate change, you can

expect trouble. the first thing, ladies andgentlemen, it does not give youthe right to commit fraud and weare pursuing this as any otherfraud matter.You have to tell the truth. Youcan't make misrepresentations.

the attorney general and morethan more AG's all democratsinvestigate Exxon Mobil claimingthey kept a secret. Exxon is

challenging that this court.Meanwhile the U.S. Virginislands is asking to hand overthe documents on climate change.

it could be David andGoliath, the Virgin islandsagainst the huge corporation,but we will not stop until weget to the bottom of this andmake it clear, our residentsas well as the American peoplethat we have to do somethingtransformational. attorney general Paul Walkerhas is also subpoenaed nearly100 scientist, universities andthing tanks that have

corresponded with Exxon Mobilwith the institute where he'sthe general council.

they call themselvesAG's for clean power.

they are trying to silencethe government who disagreewith the idea management.

these AG's are treatingclimate change as if it's agiven fact almost as a religionas blasphemy and find and put

the in jail. scientist claim it'sstill a real science. it's almost insane to thinkthat in the United States we nowhave government authority sayingthat they are investigating apotentially prosecutingindividuals over their views onan unproven scientific theory.

what does this mean for anaverage American if companieslike Exxon Mobil are driven outof the business? That meanshigher gas prices for your car. the general for clean powerand activist and formervice-president Al Gore thatdriving businesses is the goal.

we are seeing this more now. he see's the investigationas a turning point. to hold into accountthe best available evidencedeceiving the American people.

there are also concernsthat many see as clearviolations of free speech. do you think this will havea chilling effect on research? definitely because you willsee a lot of researchers if theytake the contrary line on globalwarming they find their fundinggrants being stonewalled andthey have to look elsewherefor the Federal Government forresearch moneys and they are

deprived of their positionsat the universities.It's already happening.

This is an attempt to put thetomb stone on all of that.

both sides are digging in.CBN news Washington.Efrem: ObamaCare is pledgingto use this in the premiums thisyear. The Obama Administrationwill try to hide them throughout

the election. Hebelieves Obama has hidingthem to the democrats. up next, Jesus is becomingmore popular than ever before.

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he was very special.Open your heart.Risen.Rated PG 13.

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Efrem: Nepal isa Hindu nation.Now, it's churches are reachingnew heights. The countryhas the most growing Christianpopulation in the world. The

number of Christians hastripled to more than 300,000and those numbers continueto climb. We have this story.

more than 80% of theNepalI population is Hindu.This is where otherHindus join together. they observe differentrituals believing this cangive them good health andprosperity and good life.

they follow theseHindu practices.But as a teenager, Harrystruggled because there weretoo many rules to follow. someone die in our familymembers, I have no faithin god in that religion.But still I'm worshippingthat god. Still I'm doingworshipping the idol.

Harry hopes that bydoing so, the gods can gethim out of his problems.Unfortunately, his financialproblems became worse. He wasforced to live abroad with anuncle who sponsored his

education. when I was in UE, Iheard about Jesus Christ.My friends told me about that.He encouraged me to read theBible and read the word of god.

5 years later, Harry wentback home to Nepal, where afriend brought him to an annualyouth camp organized by Evelyn

Martin.She and her daughter Samlive in Nepal where theyteam -- people about god.

our goal is to teach them thegospel. The young people arealso on fire and they share thiswith their classmates through

their family members andthey have become bold. it was in one of these youthcamps that Harry had anencounter with the one true god. I could not believe thatthere were people like me.From that time, my faithis growing bigger and biggerand I say, wow, god is alive.

God is alive. not only is Harryfree from depression, butdemonic oppression as well. some of my familyare witch doctors.It's very hard for me to do thatsince I have become a Christian.

I wish my family were like me.

more are becoming Christians.They say one reason for therising number of ChristiansNepal is a new Constitution it

recently adopted.Turning the Hindu kingdominto a secular state.There is more freedomand practicing this isstill punishable by law.They continue to sufferinequality and persecution.Despite the opposition, Nepaleseare growing in Christianity

because of thelove shown to them. Nepal is growing in theChristian population. They areworshipping 300 million gods.

CBN news, Nepal.Efrem: Next, the Muslim leaderchanting to Isis, why aren't wedoing more to support him. Hestands up for the Islamic ally

when we come back. the all new my CBN app.Download the appat, connect, have fun.

The all new my CBN app.Efrem: Christiansin a Pakistani villagewere given to options.Convert or die.Thousands of fled after radicalMuslims are fleeing their homes.They reportedly planned to sethim on fire but he managed to

escape. the country of Jordan isone of the Middle East nationsand could be the next targetfor Isis and is one of the key

nations to protect Israel. it's important for the UnitedStates to support this alley. Isis shot the world byburning a Jordanian pilot alive.And this put the Islamicstate in Jordan on a force.

A strategic asset to Israel.Here is why.Jordan sits on the easternborder and forms a NationalGeographic and strategicbarrier on the eastern front.

That's why it plays a crucialrole to the Middle East. many Westerners don'teven think as Jordanas an important country.

But Jordan is the eastern cornerstone of the securityarchitecture that keeps Israel abay and as the front line buffer

against the wave ofIslamic Jihad that arecoming towards the west. best selling author,Joe Rosenberg wrote aboutJordan in his latest series.Meet king AbdulA,the king of Jordan. the king ofJordan, king AbdulA.

He read it.A friend gave it to him and heenjoyed it and he invited meand my wife to come visit him.

Rosenberg invited the latestto the book and he mentioned atthe normous pressure.

nobody knows whoexactly each person is.

How many of them are membersof Isis. Nobody knows.

it's a concern shared byIsraeli deputy chief of staff.

it's terrifying by thepresence of the Islamicstates, and Jordan is --

while optimisticabout Jordan's stability,agrees that Isis couldturn it's sights there. we know that Isis is tryingto bring down the governmentof Iraq, we know that Isisis trying to bring down Syria.Where do they go from there?I'm not saying that Jordan willbe the next place they try tooverthrow, but it makes sense.

Jordan is ready for anythreat from Isis. Trained as acommando, he serves as generalcommando with special forces. He

claims he personally leda strike against Islamicstate after they killedthe Jordanian pilot.

he understands how to fightterror and how to train militaryand the security forces to dealwith this threat.

But will that be enough?That's the question. the Syrian refugeequestion is also a burden.Since this war began, Jordan'spopulation has exploded 30%. 30% is 60 million people.Imagine having to providefood, shelter, education,for 60 million people?

he the United States can domore to help the strategic ally.

Jordan has 12 helicopters.They need more.The United States promised togive eight more Blackhawks atthe end of 2017.

I have to ask, why are wewaiting? If Jordan's king iswilling to be in the fight, isin the fight against Isis, why

don't we give himthese helicopters now? also the tie to Muslimleaders the west needs now. he's a moderate and believesin Jews and Christians workingtogether and believes in theradicalism and from Islam, this

is a guy who wants tohelp and is helping.This is what we want.We often hear people say, whydon't we hear Muslims standingagainst these radicals, standingup against these Jihadist, whyaren't we doing anything? He is.

The king is helping. Of when wewake up to find out we didn'tdo enough and they are gone. eye opening reports.Stay with us.We'll be right backwith more CBN Newswatch.

Efrem: It is now timefor your Wednesday word.I have two for you. Considerthe words great and greater.God will move you toplaces even greater.It is yours today andregardless of the circumstancesthat surround you.

With those words, make thisa wonderful Wednesday. Thatis going to do it for now forthis edition of Newswatch.You can find more coverage onnews you care about at this a wonderful Wednesday.See you tomorrow.



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