Chad Veach teaches on how the “bait of Satan†will steal your joy in difficult circumstances vs the “hope of God†to get you through those to a brighter future.
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When I was growing up, one
of my favorite things to do
was go fishing with my dad.
My favorite part of fishing
though, if I'm being honest,
it was never the fishing part.
It was always stopping at this
little fishing equipment store
place that we'd stop at.
And dad would go get all
the bait that we needed
and my brother and I, we'd
go get all the snacks.
Dad would explain the
different types of baits
that we were going
to use to catch
different types of fishes.
You know, I believe
that Satan always
uses bait to lure you into
a path of destruction.
The bait of Satan is out there
to-- as John 10:10 says--
to steal you and to kill you,
and I hate to be graphic,
but to destroy you.
That's the bait of Satan.
But the invitation
from heaven is always
to bring you into betterness.
This is God.
This is the message of hope.
This is the gospel.
You know, I'm thinking
about the life of Job.
Job experiences the
hashtag worst day ever.
He gets sick, he loses his
kids, he loses his reputation.
All this stuff goes bad,
and even his own spouse,
you know, his wife,
the one that's
supposed to stand with
you in rich and poor,
in sickness and health.
Even his own wife comes
to him and she says Job,
please tell me we're not
going to church this Sunday.
We're not going to
keep praising your God.
Job made a decision.
I'm not going down this
path of bitterness.
I'm not going to get angry
at God and frustrated at God.
Job says things in his resolve
like even if He slays me
I'm going to praise Him.
I know my Redeemer lives.
Job had this resolve
to say I'm going
to get better from
my circumstance,
and I'm refusing to get bitter.
What about you?
What about what
you're going through?
I believe with all my heart
that you can get better
through your circumstance.
You can actually get stronger.
You can get wiser.
You can get healthier.
And you can get happier.
And I'm not preaching
to you out of theory,
I'm actually talking to
you out of my own life.
You know, I've experienced
a lot of tragedy.
Many of you might know
our story, my wife and I.
We got a sick daughter.
When my daughter got sick,
and that was four years ago,
we still face it today.
I had to make the decision.
Am I going to take the bait
of Satan that wants to lure me
to offence and bitterness?
Or am I going to accept the
invitation from heaven that
will allow me to get better?
I can tell you four years
later we are not bitter,
but we are better.
We're stronger.
We're a little softer.
We're a little bit more aware
of other people's struggles.
And it's only
because we've heard
heaven say, if
you allow me to, I
can actually make you
overcome through your tragedy.
I'm inviting you to
do the same today.
Reject the bait of Satan.
Say yes, to the
imitation of heaven.