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A story of freedom and forgiveness told through dance. Read Transcript

Wounded, alone, ashamed.

Let no one come near me because I'm filthy.

Let no one see my face, for it no longer shines.

There is neither a song on my lips nor strength in my legs.

Have you felt that weight of oppression that snuffs out

the breath in your soul and chains down your dreams,

your drive to live, your joy and your hope?

Guilt, regret, sin, brokenness.

And no matter how hard you try in your own strength to free

yourself from the ruthless oppressor, you can't.

And in your last attempt, feeble and useless, God draws near.

When everyone else withdraws, when everyone points at you

and mocks you, the spirit of God lifts you up

and breathes life in you.

Your heart begins to beat again.

Your eyes regain their sight, and your feet

remember, the dance of life, God's dance.

And you hear the voice of Jesus telling you,

I already defeated your guilt. I already forgave your sins.

Believe in me.

Follow me.






You are free.

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