Is it as beautiful in heaven as they say? Is there any New Testament scripture that proves the Old Testament scripture, "The sins of the fathers will visit their children down 3-4 generations," is no longer applicable? How do I know ...
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We have some questions.
Time for some email, all right?
This first one-- well,
actually, ties in
with what we were
just talking about.
This is Pablo, who says,
"Is it as beautiful in heaven
as they say.
Explain, please."
Ah, it's more beautiful.
The Bible says, "Eye hasn't
seen, neither has ear heard,
neither has it entered into
the heart of man the thing
that God has prepared
for them that love Him.
But God has revealed them
unto us by his spirit."
But yes, heaven is
absolutely glorious.
And it's peace, and it's
joy, and it's love forever.
No death, no sorrow, no
suffering, no crying, no tears.
That's what heaven is.
It's the thing that
God has prepared
for them that love him.
And the apostle Paul
said, look, I've
done everything I could do.
But there's one thing
I'm reaching forward
to is the resurrection
of the dead.
I want to be part
of that family.
I want to be there.
All right?
This is Britt, who says,
"Is there any New Testament
scripture that proves the Old
Testament scripture," quote,
"'The sins of the fathers will
visit their children down three
to four generations' is
no longer applicable?
This scripture is like
a curse, and isn't that
what Jesus died for?
New Testament scriptures
concerning this please."
Well, now, look.
If there's an
alcoholic father, he
may well have
alcoholic sons, who
in turn may have alcoholic
grandsons, who may in turn have
alcoholic great-grandson.
You could have
somebody who's a thief
and in trouble with the
law, and uneducated,
and the next generation will
be in trouble with the law,
and not educated, and on down.
Those things, it's not
so much God doing it,
is part of what we do
ourselves, and that
follows through generation
after generation.
And from what I'm gathering
these days, and more recent,
indicate that we can literally
change the DNA of our bodies
and change the DNA
of our offspring.
And if we're thinking
glorious thoughts,
if we're praising
the Lord, if we're
filled with the power
of the Holy Spirit,
then all of a sudden,
it affects our DNA,
which we pass on to third
and fourth generation.
So that isn't a curse.
It's just the way it works.
It's the way the universe works.
And of course its New
Testament, it's Old Testament,
it's everybody.
That's just the way it works.
All right?
And this is Joy, who says,
"How do I know that something
is or is not God's will?"
Well, the Bible is how
you-- "How can a young man
cleanse his way?
By taking heed thereto
according to thy word.
Thy word have I hid in
my heart that I might not
sin against thee."
That's where you start.
What does the Bible say?
What do the Ten
Commandments say?
What does Jesus say?
What's the Sermon
on the Mount say?
That's how we began to know.
And the Bible also says,
"Let the peace of God
be an umpire in your heart."
And so you have peace.
And if the peace is
there, you can kind of
figure you're on the
right [INAUDIBLE].
If the peace leaves, you're not.
So there are many ways.
But that's peace.
When it leaves you, you know
you're doing the wrong thing.
And you have an emptiness, and
you're out of touch with God.
You know you've done
something wrong.
All right?
This is Meredith, who says, "I
don't think my dad was raised
a Christian, and he
never wants to be
involved with anything that
concerns God or the church.
I've been praying for
him to come to Christ,
but is there anything
more I can do?"
What you can do
is keep on praying.
George "Muh-ler" prayed
for somebody for-- Mueller
[INAUDIBLE] 50 years, and
he finally came to the Lord.
So don't stop praying.
But you can live your life
before your father, and witness
when it's appropriate.
But don't be jamming Bible
verses down his throat.
He'll just get mad.
So just, you know, let him
know that God's blessing you.
And when he sees the
blessing of the Lord in you
and the peace that
you have, he'll
begin to want what you've got.
All right.
This is Marilyn,
who says, "Is it
wrong for elders of
a church to shun me
because they know I drink
alcohol and smoke cigarettes?"
Well, I don't know what
kind of church that is.
They're the old order Mennonites
that shun people [INAUDIBLE].
But shunning, terrible
thing to have happen.
They really ought to
put their arm around you
and try to win you.
But what you're saying
is, are they being wrong?
I'm going to violate
their code of conduct.
Are they wrong because
they don't accept it?
This is the way it is today.
You know, I'm a homosexual,
so you've got to accept me.
I'm a child molester, but
you have to accept me.
You've got to be
forgiving and accepting.
Well, no, not necessarily.
Not necessarily.
Now, some churches don't do that
shunning stuff, but some do.
So, you know, but what
am I supposed to say?
Don't try to excuse
yourself by blaming them.
Is there time for one more?
Oh, they say not.
So we better wrap it up.
But we do want you to know
you can always write to us.
We love getting email from you.
And Pat will take your
questions as they come.
All right.
Well, we leave with
today's power minute
from Proverbs 20:28.
"A faithful person will
be richly blessed."