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Bring It On-Line: Protection - April 8, 2016

Why doesn't God protect us more like we would protect our own children from harm? After you get a divorce, even if it is with the same person you were formerly married to, do you start over with a new covenant? Do you agree that if you are a ... ... Read Transcript

Time for Bring It On.

Do you want to answer some of these questions?

All right, let's do it.

Lay it on me.

OK, this first one is from Ed, who says,

if God loves us so much, why does

He allow so many terrible things to happen to so many people?

Why doesn't God protect us more like we would protect

our own children from harm?

Oh well, God does protect his own children from harm,

and he does it all the time.

He's watching over you.

He's got angels watching over his people.

They're sent to look after the heirs of salvation,

so you couldn't imagine the horrible things that would

happen to you if he wasn't.

But go back to the Bible, God made the world good.

And he said in the world that he made

a beautiful garden that had everything

that a person could desire.

It was beautiful to the touch.

It was beautiful to the taste.

It was beautiful to the smell.

It was just fulfill all of the desire,

but they were seduced by Satan.

Satan had not been destroyed.

And Satan was there to kill and to destroy.

So God allowed that to happen until the end.

And he could have just smashed Satan

but there are principalities and powers looking on right now

to see if there are people who will love God

despite what happens.

And you say, why doesn't God do good things?

He's looking.

You know, Job said, naked I came from my mother's womb.

Naked I'm going to go.

The Lord gives, the Lord takes away.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

And he didn't sin with his mouth,

but he went through this horrible experience

because Satan was there giving him grief.

But Job was exhibit a, he would love God regardless.

And you say, how come?

Well, that's how come.

We're in a tug war between God and evil,

and God is going to prevail.

But in the meantime he wants exhibit a,

that there are people formed in his image who will love him.

So, yes it's tough.

Yes, there are difficult days.

Yes, there are martyrs.

Yes, there are Christians who have been slaughtered.

But the blood of the martyrs, the seed better, the church.

God has got a plan that's going to overcome all this other.

All right.

This is Nicole who says, I got married

when I was 16 to my high school sweetheart.

We both cheated years later, me first.

And we got a divorce five years after being married.

Now 12 years and two children later we

want to rebuild our family.

I'm wondering after you get a divorce,

even if it is with the same person you were formally

married to, do you start over with a new covenant?

I want to be as pure as I can when

it comes to getting married and staying in the same house,

or not staying in the same house,

or having physical contact until we make our covenant in front

of our loving Abba.

Well, I think what you're doing is--

in the Old Testament they didn't allow that to happen,

but in the New Testament that's beautiful

because you're coming back together.

But I really think that you really

got to start all over again.

You might want to have another marriage ceremony

because your other one was irreparably broken.

And so you need to say the vows and go through a ceremony,

I would think, even if it's just between the two of you, maybe

some of friends or something.

And say, we recommit ourselves to a new marriage

because your other one was broken.

So you gotta rebuild something else.

This is Liz, who says, I would like

to know with a born-again man will still

go to heaven if he is unfaithful to his wife

and continues to think his wife doesn't know about it.

He never admits the truth to me, his wife of 16 years,

and doesn't admit the truth to God when we pray together.

I've heard pastors speak about grace is

all that matters if you accepted Jesus,

but surely there are consequences.

Of course there are consequences.

If we confess our sin, he's faithful

and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us

from all unrighteousness.

But it's as if we confess our sin, he that covers his sin

will not prosper.

And this man is, either he's self deluded

or he's pulling a great con, I don't know what it is.

But whatever it is, he's going to pay the price for that.

Temporal price, he'll have trouble.

But in the world to come, he's sinning against God

and I just don't know if he's ever really been born again.

It doesn't sound like he's really come to the Lord.

He's still holding onto the old life.

But he's still being unfaithful.

I mean, I don't know what it is but he needs to get delivered.

He needs somebody that will deal with him straight, honestly,

and get him counseling.

All right.

OK, this is Joyce, who says, dear Pat,

someone recently told me that he never gets sick or even

feels ill because he follows God's word.

He said no true follower of God should ever

have any illness whatsoever.

He said God put sickness on people who fall short.

I'm a Christian who loves the Lord

but there are days when my allergies act up

and I don't feel so great.

Do you agree that if you're a true believer

you'll never have a health problem?

You remember the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy.

He said, take a little wine for your stomach's sake

and your oft infirmities.

Now, if Paul was able to heal everybody,

he'd heal Timothy but he didn't.

And he said, I have a thorn in the flesh.

And they thought he maybe had chronic ophthalmia.

He had oozy eyes, that's what some people think.

They're not sure what the thorn in the flesh was.

But Paul wasn't necessarily completely healed.

And so to say that you're going to have total health if you're

a Christian, and if you sin, you're not,

that just doesn't square with the bible.

Whoever's saying that, they're deluded.

We leave you with today's Power Minute.

For he shall give his angels charge over you,

to keep you in all your ways.


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