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Bring It On-Line: Divorce - March 16, 2016

Does God permit divorce if the spouse refuses to stop cheating? If they weren't believers why did they get to see Heaven? Is my son right in taking the communion to his wife at home? Read Transcript

All right.

Welcome back to the 700 Club.

It's time to bring it on with your e-mail questions.

And let's start with Jess, who writes in.

Does God permit divorce if the spouse

refuses to stop cheating?

What if you tried everything to make your spouse happy

and they refused to stop cheating, Pat?

Well, you know, that's what Jesus said.

Except for fornication-- or adultery-- I mean,

if that has broken the marital bond the brother or sister can

certainly-- the marriage is dissolved.

That man has dissolved the marriage by his actions.

WENDY GRIFFITH: So they have biblical rights.

If your spouse is--

Absolutely, according to what Jesus says.

That's not the Pauline thing.

That's Jesus himself.



Kathi says, my 34-year-old son recently died

and I started watching life after death stories on YouTube

and have seen them on the 700 Club.

They've been very comforting to me.

I've probably seen 50 and they all have similar experiences.

The details are different but the basic message

is the same, that God is love.

Not all of these people were believers

but they still felt God's unconditional love.

If they weren't believers why did they get to see heaven?

Look, I can't comment on fictional stories

that you've seen on YouTube, or on some story.

I'll tell you what the Bible has to say.

It is appointed unto man once to die

and after that the judgment.

So after judgment you're going to account for what

you've done in this body.

And either you have accepted the Lord

and he's forgiven you all your sin,

or you will have to account for that.

Chauncey Crandall, who's had people die-- the ones

who-- the sinners have found that they've gone to hell

and it's not-- they wake up in some paradise.

If you're a sinner and you're breaking God's laws

and you don't believe in the Lord-- hey,

I wouldn't hold you out a whole lot of hope.

I would now.

I mean, you can always-- there's always redemption now

while you're living.

But once you're dead the deal is sealed.

Keep that in mind.

All right.

What else?


Mae writes in, my son gets an extra communion packet

of bread and wine from the communion plate

on the first Sunday for my daughter-in-law

and takes it home to her after church

because she prefers not to attend church.

Is my son right in taking the communion to her?

You know, I don't think God is all hung up on ceremony.

Jesus said, they that worship him

worship in spirit and in truth.

And the Bible says don't forsake yourself-- the assembling

of yourself together.

So I think to stay apart from any kind of church

is breaking God's plan.

But taking communion in a fashion like that--

WENDY GRIFFITH: Unless you're sick, and, you know--


Unless you're sick and you just can't get there.

But Jesus said, do this in remembrance of me.

Do you think you can take communion

at home so people think--

Of course you can take communion at home.

Where two or more gather together in my name there

I am in the midst.

Of course you can.


All right.

WENDY GRIFFITH: That's what I think.

All right.

John says, I have been a Christian for 30 years.

Four weeks ago I began having panic attacks

when it's bed time.

I've sent the spirit of fear and timidity out of our home.

I sleep two to four hours every three days

and it's really affecting my whole atmosphere.

I enjoy Bible reading and it's even made me too tired to read.

Please give me some ideas how to defeat this spirit of fear.

I'm not sure that's spiritual.

I think you're dealing with something physical.

I think you need to consult a doctor who

deals with sleep disorder, and to see what you've got.

There's something, I think, chemical

that is causing your motor to run over time.

And you're not resting.

And I don't see that as a spirit of fear.

But I don't know you so I can't be precise.

But you're asking for something and that's what doctors do.

They check off certain potential symptoms

to see if that's the one that works.

So I really would go to a physician who

deals with sleep disorder and see

if there isn't something that's triggering this.

WENDY GRIFFITH: How tormenting.

You're trying to go to sleep and then

you're having panic attacks right when you need rest.

That's right.

So hopefully a doctor--

Well, I don't think that's the spirit of fear.

It didn't sound that way.


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