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Walk-In Visit to ER Turns Into Fight for Life

Franklin admits himself to the ER with abdominal pain only to wind up fighting for his life as he hemorrhages blood. Through the prayers of his son and the work of doctors, he experiences a miracle. Read Transcript

NARRATOR: October 15th, 2014.

Franklin Bradford checked himself into an emergency room.

FRANKLIN BRADFORD: I was feeling intense pain

in my abdomen area.

Once they got me back there, I had to have a bowel movement

and it was all blood.

Then everybody was like, there's a major problem.

NARRATOR: Within minutes, Franklin

was in critical condition and transferred

to Raleigh General Hospital in Beckley, West Virginia.

By the time they got me out of the ambulance

and was getting ready to take me in the door, from there,

I don't remember anything.

NARRATOR: In the ICU, doctors worked

to locate the source of the bleeding,

but the blood thinners Franklin had

been taking for hypertension were frustrating their efforts.

Franklin's son, Adam, was there.

They were going to come up with a treatment

to try to thicken his blood.

It wasn't working though.

NARRATOR: Over the next few days,

Franklin continued to have episodes of passing blood.

All doctors could do was replenish what he lost

and wait for the blood thinners to wear off.

The doctors come in, and they told me, be prepared.

This isn't good.

We don't know if we can save him.

I thought I was in a nightmare.

I mean, it was a nightmare.

And I just-- I mean, I felt that he just

wasn't going to make it.

Family members started getting the information out,

then all of a sudden churches were praying,

different areas were praying.

NARRATOR: One day, Adam went to the chapel to pray.

He was trying to recall a Bible verse

he wanted to pray for his dad.

Then, he noticed a Bible sitting on the table.

All of a sudden, this voice resonated on the inside of me

and said, it's in Ezekiel 16.

And I picked it up opened it up-- there it was.

"When I seen you lying polluted in your blood,

I said unto you, live."

I'm like, this has to be real.

This has to be God.

NARRATOR: Adam return to the ICU and prayed the scripture

over his dad.

Later, he had drifted off to sleep when

his father's voice woke him up.

I'm sitting there and all of a sudden, he starts talking.

He started saying, yes, Lord.

I thank you.

I thank you for what you're doing right now.

And my dad concluded saying, yes, Lord.

This will be for Your testimony, for Your greatness.

And then he went unresponsive again.

I knew deep down inside that this was going to be OK.

NARRATOR: The next morning, Adam discovered

Franklin was hemorrhaging massive amounts of blood,

and this time, it wasn't stopping.

Dr. Brian White was the surgeon called in.

This guy was literally dying in front of our eyes,

and we had to do something to save his life.

And the only other thing left was surgical intervention.

They're like, if not, he's dead.

And more than likely, he's going to die on the operating table.

But at least it's a chance that we'd like

to take if you'd agree to it.

And I'm like, yep.

You operate.

We got to the operating room, opened up his stomach.

It was a huge ulcer.

There was a blood vessel in the middle of it just

pumping blood.

NARRATOR: After four hours of surgery, Dr. White and the team

removed the ulcer and repaired the open blood vessel.

But there was still a problem.

He kept bleeding.

There like, he's still oozing blood.

We can't get it to stop.

His blood was still thin because of the medication

he was taking.

So that had to really get out of his system so he could be OK.

NARRATOR: Franklin was put on blood thickening

agents and frozen plasma to get his blood to clot.

Over the next two weeks, Adam and others watched and prayed.

It started working.

The bleeding started to slow down.

The doctors started saying, I think he's going to make it.

I think he's going to pull through.

That was some of the greatest news that you could ever have.

The first thing that I can remember

is Dr. White came walking in the door, and he said,

there's the man with the nine lives.

NARRATOR: After weeks of treatment and rehab,

Franklin fully recovered.

It's a miracle, yes.

He's lucky to be alive.

I didn't expect him to survive that one, and he did.

Jesus Christ is awesome.

He told me that if I trust in Him, He would take care of me.

And He did, and He does, and He is.

There's nothing impossible for the Lord.

Prayer works.

He listens.

He listens to your prayers.

Keep praying.

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