How do we know that Christianity is the real faith? How do we know that Islam or Buddhism may not be the real, true faith? How do we know that we are right and they are wrong? How can sinful man ever be perfect in our earthly bodies? Does this ...
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Well it is time to bring it
on and I believe you look--
Let's do it.
I'm with you.
Let's go for it.
Douglas says, "Pat, my wife
of 25 years filed for divorce
and our 20-year-old
daughter has blamed me.
My daughter moved out of the
house when we talked to her
and told me to never
contact her again.
I have tried to
connect with her,
but I haven't heard from
her in 6 months now.
She even ignored me on her
birthday and over the holidays.
Should I try to contact her
before I leave or should I
obey her wishes?
I missed her terribly and will
probably be moving away soon."
Wife leaves husband.
That's the story.
Wife leaves husband.
They filed for divorce.
I dig it but the wife
is the one who filed.
Yeah, she filed.
Yeah, the wife
filed for divorce.
And so told the
daughter-- who knows
what lies that woman told that
daughter about her husband.
Who knows?
Oh, he was a child molester,
he's addicted to porn,
he's a drug addict.
Who knows what.
And that girl's mind
has been polluted.
But, folks, it is
the most awful thing.
Don't ever do it.
The idea of a wife
trying to, or a mother
trying to gain a
child's affection by bad
mouthing the spouse.
Look, you need to
present a unified front.
Husband and wife together.
And I remember one
of my children say,
I love mommy and daddy.
And the idea is that somehow
I have got to make a choice.
But that wife apparently
polluted that daughter's mind.
How are you going
to get her back?
Well perhaps she
could have counseling.
Or maybe God himself
will show her.
But all I could
say to the guy who
asked the question is continue
to love your daughter.
Continue to let her
know you care about her.
And one of these they she
will wake up and realize.
But you might ask her,
what is it you think I did?
Please tell me.
Please tell me what
it is you think I did
so I could explain it to you.
All right?
Yeah, that's good.
Thanks, Pat.
Well Murray says, "Is it okay
to donate your body to science
after you die?
I have bad health problems
and a kidney transplant
and feel my body would be
useful to medical students.
What do you think?"
Well, absolutely.
Look, once you leave it,
it's just an old shell.
Who needs it?
I mean, it's worth about
$0.90 or something.
So sure you can
donate your organs
to people-- I mean, to medical
science for use as transplants
and so forth.
I think that's a very
worthwhile thing to do.
There's nothing that
I know of that's
unscripture or
unchristian about it.
John says, "I know that
there is all joy, happiness,
and peace in heaven.
My question is this:
I've accepted Jesus
and expect to spend
eternity with him.
A loved one has
not accepted Jesus,
and I pray for him daily.
I hate the thought of
spending eternity without him.
Does God wipe away our
memory of loved ones
who do not make it to heaven?
If not, I would
be eternally sad.
Is there any biblical reference?
You think the story has to do
with the rich man and Lazarus.
And Lazarus was carried by
the angels at Abraham's bosom.
And he talked about the
relatives of the rich man.
The rich man said, I've got some
brothers and sisters back home,
and so forth.
So there was a consciousness of
the people back in this life.
But Abraham says, there's
a great gulf between us.
You can't go over there and
they can't come over to you.
But you ask-- what
will happen is, you'll
be in the presence of God.
His love is going to be
so overwhelming it'll
be like an explosion
of atomic energy.
It'll be so fantastic.
And all the little things
that were here on earth--
the little joys, the little
hurts, the little this, that,
and the others--
all will fade away
in light of his glory and grace.
And I remember there was a
song, turn your eyes on Jesus,
look full of his wonderful
face and the things of earth
will become strangely dim in the
light of his glory and grace.
When you get to heaven you don't
have to worry about the fact
that you left somebody behind.
All the sorrow will be eclipsed
in the glory of the Lord.