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Bring It On-Line: Can miracles occur off of video tape?

Is it still possible for me to receive healing when I'm not praying for the miracle live? Is feng shui complementary or contradictory to the Word of God? How do I know that God loves me? My husband actually hates the idea of me becoming a Christian. Read Transcript

Well, it's time to bring it on with the email questions

that you all have submitted to us.

And Pat, this first one comes from Dana, who says,

"I have to work daily, even though I'm

very sick, so I DVR every episode of "The 700 Club".

I pray with you on each of the healings

although I'm not watching live.

Is it still possible for me to receive healing when I'm not

praying for the miracle live?"

I'll tell you story, but it's kind of a fun thing.

Somebody was watching our program on tape.

They were in Florida.

We were in Virginia.

The show had been taped a week before.

And I was praying.

A woman was watching.

And I said that somebody that has a bad knee and the Lord

is healing it.

I believe it's the right knee.

This woman said to the tape, no dummy, it's the left knee.

At that time, I said on the tape, no, it is the left knee.

And the woman got healed.


So listen.

And we've had things in Africa take place,

where the spirit of God rebuked demon spirits

and drove them out of a-- it's unbelievable what goes on.

The power of God is not limited.

So I mean, God's infinite.


What's next?

This is Lauren, who says, "I just recently watched your show

and you stated that yoga was great for stretching,

but do not participate in the mantra meditation.

I'm so glad you mentioned it because I've always

felt uncomfortable about it.

Is feng shui complementary or contradictory

to the word of God?"

The feng shui-- the idea is that some kind of a chi energy

goes around.

And if you orient a building in a particular direction--

so there's a feng shui master that comes to tell you.

So a company I had rented an office space,

and it was all checked out for feng shui.

Well, the company went bankrupt.

So feng shui didn't do any good.

So, I mean, it's a bunch of superstition.

There's nothing more or less.

But anyhow, the Chinese-- they really believe in it big time.

All right.

This is Mary, who says, "I've been baptized and washed

in the Blood.

I know I am blessed but there is still

an emptiness that consumes me, and I don't know what to do.

How do I know that God loves me?

And how do I know what He wants from me if I am so numb?"

Read the Bible.

Read 1 John.

By this you shall know that the Father loves you.

God is love.

Live and love.

Live and God.

If we walk in the light as He is in the life

we have fellowship with one another

and the blood of Jesus Christ continue

to cleanse us from all sin.

It goes on and on.

You've got to let the word of God--

and you've got to believe the word of God.

In other words, what you're saying is,

I think God is a liar.

You say, oh no, I'm not saying that.

Yes, you are.

You're saying God is a liar, what's in his word isn't true

and I don't believe it.

So just begin to believe what the Lord says about it

and take it and receive it as gospel, which is what it is.

All right.

You know what nobody mentioned to me?

I think it's a good idea to take those promises

and put your name in it.

Write them down.

You know how you often talk about the spoken word.

The written word, too, I think does that.

This is Renee, who says, "I just recently surrendered to Jesus.

I keep the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments,

but my husband refuses to take the Sabbath day off from work.

He actually hates the idea of me becoming a Christian.

I love him very much and don't want to lose him,

but he simply will not follow me.

Do I divorce him?"

I wouldn't think of divorce right now.

What I would think of is pray for the unbelieving spouse.

And listen, there's a lot more to come into Jesus

than whether you quote, "keep the Sabbath", or not.

I don't know what Sabbath-- Sunday or Saturday,

what day you got.

The gospel is a whole lot more than days

of the week and rituals.

So you just pray.

What does the Bible say?

The unbelieving spouse will be won by the godly woman who

lives with him.

So live your life before him and--

That takes time.

Takes time.

So don't be thinking about divorce.

Thinking of restoration and whatever.

Go ahead.

This is Joseph, who says, "While we

are to pray for healing, not everyone is physically healed.

Is it because of a lack of faith or is it because suffering

is necessary and perhaps some of us

would fall into sin if he healed?"

Kathryn Kuhlman said that when she gets to heaven,

she'll ask God why everybody isn't healed.

There's a whole lot to it.

We don't have faith.

We don't believe God.

We don't have power that Jesus had.

We don't address the thing properly.

Some is demonic and we don't know we're dealing with demons,

but we think we are dealing with a virus.

There's so many aspects to healing.

And really, none of us have the complete answer.

When Jesus was here, he healed everybody who came to him.


There was no record of anybody that he turned away.

He made them wait some time, assessed them a little bit.

There was nobody that he turned down.

So he had power to heal everything.

But that was Jesus.

So if we get closer and closer to him,

we can have more and more miracles.

Well, I guess that's all the time we've got.

Thanks so much for being with us and we

hope you have a great weekend.

We leave you with Today's Power Minute from Psalm 103:12.

"As far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions from us."


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