Can I ask God to show me He is real through my dreams? How do I ask God for something even though I am not a Christian? I watched the "Protect Your Finances" DVD about investing our money in real estate, mutual funds, precious metals, ...
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Welcome back.
It's time to bring it on
with your email questions.
And Kristian writes in,
"Can I ask God to show me
he is real through my dreams?
How do I ask God
for something even
though I am not a Christian?"
Well, you've got
interesting name, Kristian.
Realize you are a
child of God, that when
God breathed into Adam and Adam
became a living soul, that that
happened to you as well.
And that living soul child of
God, that is for all people
Now, we're estranged
in our own mind.
That's what the Bible says.
You were alienated.
Because of sin.
And we fell from
that place where
God would come down in
the cool of the evening
and talk with us face-to-face.
We fell from that.
The good news is you can turn
to Him at any point in time
and ask Him, will you show up?
I encourage people
to pray that prayer.
Jesus, if you're real,
could you show me?
And you can certainly pray,
could you show me in a dream?
And God speaks through
dreams and visions.
So do that.
Do that.
Let your faith
rest on revelation,
and understand that God wants
to reveal Himself to you.
All right.
Jenny writes, "I watched the
'Protect Your Finances' DVD
about investing our money in
real estate, mutual funds,
precious metals, and
government bonds.
How should I start?
What is the first step?"
Jenny, the first step
is to create a fund
that you then can invest with.
And one of the simple things
to do, you find it on the DVD,
is can you live by 80-10-10,
where 80% of your income
goes into your monthly
living expenses;
then 10% goes into a
tithe, you pay God,
you make sure you check
that; and then 10%,
pay yourself an
accumulative fund.
Once you've accumulated
a fund, then the doors
start to open for you and
you pick what do you want.
And if you want a copy
of this, if you're
hearing the answer here and say
what's "Protect Your Finances,"
it's yours free.
All you have to do is call us.