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Ryan and Amanda Leak

Planning for a wedding can be stressful, but planning a Proposal and a surprise Wedding for the bride hopeful - that takes one special groom Read Transcript

AMANDA LEAK: Ryan's brother, Cory,

was the worship pastor at the church.

He said, man I found your wife.

I had just gotten out of a relationship in college.

I was like, dude, I am done with girls

for a very, very long time.

I need to be on hiatus.

I need a sabbatical.

I'm done.

And he said, this girl's going to change your mind.

And so he told me, hey, I have your future husband.

And I think my exact words were, I'm good.

No thanks.

That was when Myspace was a hit.

I liked the music that was playing

when I went to her page.

He checked out my Myspace.

I looked at her top friends to make sure they weren't crazy.

I was so happy being single and I was like,

God, if this is what you have for me for the rest of my life,

like, then let's go big.

But if there is a guy I hope that I

can change the world with him.

And the first time we sat down for our first date

I said, so you know, what do you want to do with your life?

And he looked at me and he kind of gave this deep breath

and kind of set into it and just said,

I want to change the world.

And I just thought, you know what,

this is going to be a fun ride.

Because he doesn't settle for normal.

I knew I was going to propose to Amanda when I met her.

So I got this crazy idea for an engagement and a wedding

on the same day.

When I was sitting down with one of my friends,

and she was actually a wedding planner,

and she's going over how stressful

it is to plan a wedding.

I just looked at her and kind of casually said,

you know what would be really cool?

To get engaged and married on the same day.

I was in the room but it wasn't like I

was a part of the conversation.

And so for the next year and a half

I just simply began studying is it possible.

So the first part of strategy was

doing a lot of the recon work.

If she says, hey, I'm going out with Desiree today,

I'd call Desiree and say, hey, can you just

talk about future wedding stuff and then send me the notes?

And the second part of the strategy, just in keeping it

a secret, the only way that you can do that is just

threaten people

Never once did I think, oh maybe

my boyfriend is planning my wedding.

So I was like the Lord, just pull

the plug if it's not supposed to be this way.

And he didn't pull the plug.

I was hanging with another friend in Chicago

and he was like hey, I've got a condo on South Beach,

in the Miami area.

Why don't you just get married there?

We were actually trying to figure out

how to get her there.

Like what reasoning does she have

to go to Hollywood, Florida, let alone Miami, whatever.

So I'm just super stressed out, really zoned out.

And she says, I really feel like we're

supposed to help Normandy and Shirley move.

And so I get home and I was like,

hey Normandy, where are you guys moving again?

He was like, Miami, June 6th.

Well our wedding was planned for June 7th.

So I was like, hey, we're going to help you move.

I was on a plane and I was journaling telling God,

you know I've never had a biological father.

But you've just been such a good dad

and you have surpassed all of my expectations

and you've given me these sweet surprises along the way.

And my last few sentences were, God I don't know what's next,

but surprise me.

And I closed my journal, put it away, flight landed.

When I got out Ryan was there.

Once she got into town, in a sense,

I stopped caring about all the stuff.

I just want to get married.

And then a hurricane comes sweeping through Miami.

I'm in a monsoon.

I literally told the cinematographer,

I don't have a plan.

I have no idea what's going to happen.

Ryan tricked me into believing that we were

making a video for our friends.

They had just started at a new church

and they took over a youth group and so

he told me that we were going to be doing something

for their youth group.

There were two ladies that were there that said,

are ya'll famous?

And I was like, I'm actually proposing right now.

So that's why.

She didn't even know?

No, she did know.

I just figured that he was just trying to make them laugh.

Ryan and I had decided that we weren't

going to say I love you.

It meant that I will love you forever.

I love you.

I knew then that this was definitely the day

that he was going to propose.

So we get to the resort and he gets down on one knee.

So he proposes and then he gets up right away

and he kind of starts like leading me over somewhere else.

And so he walks me over to this lounge and he said,

you know one of your dreams was to get engaged and married

on the same day.

And he asked me, you know what would we need to do that?

And I said, my family.

And a hundred of our family and friends

were standing there with a huge sign.

And as soon as I opened the door they all yelled today.


Ryan said, the real question is will you marry me today?

That's when it hit me, this is happening today.

So after that I just ugly cried like crazy and then

I walked around and everybody was so excited.

So I think for any young girl who sees this the biggest

deal to me was, obviously it's a grand gesture that Ryan did,

but the fact that he listened to a really small desire

that I had and he made it happen.


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