Mike and Leslie’s business hit hard times after the 9/11 attacks. They decided to give one strategy a shot that has greatly increased their income. See what they did.
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NARRATOR: In 1994 Mike
Nordlum and his wife
Leslie purchased an
electronic repair
shop, Cascade Electronics,
in Portland, Oregon.
I was in electronics.
And so the owner wanted
to sell the business.
It kind of felt like this is
something we really need to do.
This would be great
financially for our family.
NARRATOR: However in
2001, Mike and Leslie
saw a downturn in business.
We realized that business
slowed down a lot.
And people were holding
their money back.
And we did see a time
where it got pretty bad.
We laid off some
of the employees.
So I started doing most
of the work myself.
And it is-- it is challenging.
Because there are some times
where we realized that maybe
we didn't pay
ourselves that month.
NARRATOR: With their
company in the red,
Leslie began to pray
about they're giving.
The couple had always tithed
10% of their personal income.
But Leslie also want to
tithe off of their business.
Mike was reluctant.
We had gotten on track
with our personal stuff
but trying to get on track
with business was difficult.
So I was like, Lord
if you want this
to work you're going to
need to speak to my husband.
She said there's
so much more for us.
And so I said, well
let's give it a shot.
I released her and said,
all right wherever you think
is important.
and Leslie decided
to give 10% of their business
income to other ministries.
In December of 2010 they
became 700 Club partners.
When we started giving to 700
Club, I saw significant change.
And I'm like, I don't
know how it happens
but there's always enough.
God always makes sure it's paid.
There's always enough.
And we even have a savings.
We've never had a
savings in all the years
that we actually
had the business.
There's a lot of businesses
that in the Portland area
that we know of that have
gone out of business.
And we're still in business.
And we hear that all the time.
How are you in business?
And it's like, we have
the favor of the Lord.
Had we held on to our
money and not tithed,
who knows where we would be.
NARRATOR: Since starting to
give from their business,
their income has increased
so much that they now
give five times they're
starting amount to CBN.
And I will tell you that if you
limit God, you'll be limited.
If you trust God,
the sky's the limit.
Stand in faith on
it, pray about it,
give, and start
watching what God does.