'God Is Using It': AI Expediting Bible Translation - Less Than 1,000 Languages Now Need Translating
'God Is Using It': AI Expediting Bible Translation - Less Than 1,000 Languages Now Need Translating
'God Is Using It': AI Expediting Bible Translation - Less Than 1,000 Languages Now Need Translating
Both Ken and Mendy knew that after they graduated from Anderson they'd begin translating the Bible into a...
No Longer Forgotten, Wycliffe Reaches Out to the Deaf with Sign Language Bible Translations
A recent controversy over a scripture translation meant for Muslims has created an uproar. Wycliffe Bible Translators and other...
A husband has bleeding on his brain. All indications point to a stroke. See why he survived. Plus, meet...
UK Abortion Buffer Zone 'Absurdity': Praying Inside One's Home Could Now Be a Risk