News on The 700 Club: July 26, 2012
As seen on "The 700 Club" for July 26, top headlines from CBN News: Battle Lines Drawn in Chick-fil-A...
As seen on "The 700 Club" for July 26, top headlines from CBN News: Battle Lines Drawn in Chick-fil-A...
Battle Lines Drawn in Chick-fil-A Gay Marriage Flap
Watch the July 26 edition of the CBN News Channel's Morning News with Efrem Graham. Battle Lines Drawn in...
Pro-Gay Marriage ACLU Defends Chick-fil-A
Russia Lowers Its Threshold for Using Nukes Against Ukraine After Biden Okays Long-Range US Missiles
Trump Nominees Vow to Shake Up Washington but Face Opposition
Republicans Win Control of the House on Day of Trump's Oval Office 'Comeback'