No Longer Forgotten, Wycliffe Reaches Out to the Deaf with Sign Language Bible Translations
No Longer Forgotten, Wycliffe Reaches Out to the Deaf with Sign Language Bible Translations
No Longer Forgotten, Wycliffe Reaches Out to the Deaf with Sign Language Bible Translations
Wycliffe Bible Translators Keep Cultures Alive as UN Makes 2019 the 'Year of Indigenous Languages'
By some estimates nearly $100 million people have still not read the Bible in their native language. Bible translation...
'God Is Using It': AI Expediting Bible Translation - Less Than 1,000 Languages Now Need Translating
A husband has bleeding on his brain. All indications point to a stroke. See why he survived. Plus, meet...
A child is rushed to the ER and the brain scans reveal devastating news. See a family confront a...
A woman endures a persistent, needle-like crawling sensation beneath her skin, a mystery that baffled doctors. Discover the unexpected...