Quiet Time is the Right Time at Some Churches
By Kevin Williams - Religion News From Scripps
Howard - Hundreds of candles shone in the sanctuary of First Christian
Church in Boulder, Colo. The candles, along with a soft light
in the chan cel, provided the only illumination for the 22 people
gathered there. The group had assembled for the church's second
evening of Taize (pronounced TAZA), a unique style of worship
that focuses on slowing down and removing the stress from one's
daily routine.
The worship tradition, originally created by Brother Roger in
Taize, France, in 1940 as a means of reconciliation among divided
Christians, has since evolved and been adopted by churches worldwide.
It involves a quiet service of meditation, reflection, readings
and music that is open to all faiths.
"It's a respite for me from a busy day and time to reflect on
the blessings of life," says 70-year-old Jean Crowder of Boulder,
who attended the service with her husband Ray.
They, like the others, are seeking a way to quiet the soul.
"The world is so busy and we get so into our schedules and the
idea that we have to be productive all the time that we forget
that spiritually we have to produce too," says the Rev. Terry
Zimmerman, pastor of First Christian Church.
Worshippers are given a program as they enter the sanctuary that
lists each part of the service. When all are gathered and quiet,
the service begins. Organ music is introduced and a cantor begins
singing the first refrain, with everyone encouraged to join in.
Other instruments eventually come into play; on this particular
evening it's a flute and clarinet. The music is an integral part
of the worship, and each refrain is repeated numerous times, much
like a chant.
The church's director of music, Vincent Mirandi, describes these
refrains as musical meditations.
"There's traditional church music and there's contemporary church
music, which tends to be loud," explains Mirandi. "But Taize music
is at the other end of the spectrum; it is quiet and meditative
compared to the other two."
Interspersed between the musical refrains are readings from Scripture,
along with periods of silence. Zimmerman does the readings sitting
in the shadows at the back of the sanctuary.
"I try to be unobtrusive," says Zimmerman. "Just the voice is
The spans of silence are contemplative parts of the service for
people to reflect and join in prayer. After the last musical refrain,
when participants have completed their personal prayer and meditation,
they are invited to partake of communion by intinction in which
the bread is dipped into the wine. At the Taize service communicants
go to the altar and dip the bread themselves. Though not included
in normal Taize services, Zimmerman offers communion because it's
part of First Christian's tradition.
All told, the service lasts roughly 45 minutes.
It is an individual experience, but one that is shared with all
who are assembled. Ideally, the service finds its true meaning
in the active participation of the entire congregation.
"It's contemplative, yet you're in community," says Zimmerman.
"The energy that is radiated by one person in prayer or singing
can combine with that of a person they are close to."
Many who were there didn't know quite what to expect of their
first Taize service, including 63-year-old Rosemary Campbell of
"The reason I'm here is because I heard it was quiet and peaceful,
that's all I know," she says.
Did it meet her expectations?
"I thought it was wonderful!"
Many who attended were older, but Zimmerman is trying to recruit
all ages for an upcoming Taize service on Dec. 7.
"We're doing it on a Thursday night because we're hoping that
we can get some students interested," he says.
The church will continue to conduct the services if enough people
express an interest in them. Zimmerman is very moved by the service
and hopes that other people will take advantage of the opportunity
to attend.
"We're not giving up our more traditional services," says Zimmerman.
"This is just another option."
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