Lessons Learned While Killing a Church
Joe Oakley Pastors.com
-- Editors Note: We want to thank Joe for his courage in sharing this
article. We think the body of Christ would be healthier if everyone were so honest
and transparent. I recently had the privilege of sitting down and talking
church with Rick Warren for an hour. Its an incredible story that I wish I
had time to tell, but here I was, the pastor of a small, new church, sitting down
with the man who wrote the best-selling book on the church in history!
learned we cant adopt the 'field of dreams' mentality and just sit around waiting
for people to show up." | I
found Rick easy to talk to, and I was amazed that he was willing to answer all
my questions. However, he didnt stop there. He also wanted to know about
me, the church I pastor, how we got started, how were doing, etc. He truly
is a pastors pastor. In the course of the conversation, I told Rick that
Id previously started a church that died a long, slow, painful death. He
asked me what I learned from that experience and then actually started taking
notes as I spoke. Of course, Im thinking, What can Rick Warren learn
from me? Fortunately, I actually HAD learned some major lessons from the
death of that church, so I immediately responded with a long list. Surprisingly,
Rick seemed impressed and asked me, Would you be willing to write an article
for my web site? I think pastors need to hear this. I realized that Rick
was interested in what I had to say because of his pastors heart to help other
pastors. Of course I had to think about it for about 5 milliseconds.
I was eager to share what I learned with other pastors so that they might be spared
some of what I went through. First, let me give you a little background: My
wife, Deborah, and I started a church about 10 years ago called The Love of Christ
Community Church (TLC for short). We grew from a handful of people to about 100
within a couple of years. Unfortunately, our growth stagnated and for a
number of reasons, we began a slow decline. Ultimately, we closed the church,
vowing to never go through that pain again. We were out of ministry for
a few years, simply attending church and healing. Eventually - after some
major soul searching and seeking the will of God - we felt led to plant a church
in a new growing area. We started Grace Fellowship Church with six
people in a home about a year ago, and were now up to about 150 people. We
determined to make the death of our previous church experience a learning experience.
We do not want to repeat the same mistakes. So, here we go with
10 lessons I learned from the death of a church. Lesson
#1 Get On Your Knees and Fight Like a Man While we were in the healing
process, my wife and two other ladies began meeting for a year to pray about a
ministry they thought they would be starting. Its a long story, but it
turns out they were praying for our church plant all along. When we finally
submitted to the Lords call to plant another church, our first priority was prayer.
At TLC, we felt we could effectively plant a church. This time around we know
we cant. Its the Lord who builds His church. Our part is to pray,
hear from Him, and do what He tells us. We bathed this new church in prayer long
before our first service. We recruited everyone we know to pray and intercede
for us. We learned that the enemy attacks new works.
You can see this pattern clearly in the Bible. When God sent Moses to deliver
Israel, Pharaoh killed all the babies. When God sent His Son to redeem the
world, Herod killed all the babies. Satan attacks new works because they
are most vulnerable in their infancy. We were not prepared at TLC for the
incredible amount of spiritual warfare that would take place. The enemy attacked
us, our family and our church. This time, we learned to pray and
do spiritual warfare before even starting. We learned that prayer is a priority
we can never let slide. Prayer is the hardest thing to sustain because its
the thing the enemy fears the most. Lesson #2 - You Cant Do It
Alone When we started TLC, we did it all alone. Since that time God
gave us a greater revelation of His kingdom. We came to see that there is
one church with many congregations. There is one body with many parts.
We need each other! As a result, this time we networked with other
churches. We joined a group of churches for fellowship and support even before
we decided to start a church. We just knew God was up to something, and
we wanted to be plugged in with other churches. When we did start Grace,
the other churches helped by providing prayer, people, training and resources. We
learned we need the body of Christ. We really do need each other and we
really do complete each other, not compete with each other. Lesson
#3 - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work When we started TLC, the team was
me, my wife and a close friend. Right before our first meeting, our friend
informed us that she was moving to another state. So we were all alone.
We forged ahead, but ended up frustrated and burnt out. We learned you cannot
do ministry alone. We need a team of leaders around us. I learned my job
is to raise up a team of leaders who will raise up other leaders. This time, we
did not start Grace until we had a committed team of leaders. Lesson
#4 - Location, location, location We started TLC in a home, then moved
to a hotel on Sundays and a daycare on Wednesday nights. Doing portable church"
is very difficult, and we soon looked for a building. The only thing we could
afford was far from our target area. We got a great deal on a great building,
but it was in a declining area that was becoming more industrial. The people
who lived in the area had been there for years and were not interested in a new
church. The people we had were not excited about the area we were now in. I
learned that when you start out, where you start out is important. This
time, we started in a booming area where thousands of people will be moving in
the next few years. God is bringing the mission field to us. Lesson
#5 - The Sick Need A Physician; The Well Want Out of the Hospital We
had a target audience at TLC of people from the recovery movement (support groups,
etc,) and what I call dechurched Christians. These are people who had
been in church at one time, but who left because of hurt, burn-out or other reasons.
We did a great job attracting these people and they came. However,
we soon realized that hardly anyone wanted to do anything other than sit, be fed
and get healed. Thats okay, but we needed others to help minister to those
in need. I felt the Lord asked me this question much later, What do people
want when they are in the hospital? My answer was simply, They want to
get well. I felt the Lord impressing me that there was more than this obvious
answer. As I thought about it, this came to me: when you are in the hospital,
not only do you want to get better, but you want to get out of there as soon as
possible. That was our experience at TLC. People did get better, but
when they did, they left! They did not want to hang around all the other sick
people. They wanted to be in a more healthy environment. We learned
you must focus on health, not sickness. Also, you need enough doctors, nurses
and attendants to care for the sick. Lesson #6 - Leader of the Band In
reading The Purpose Driven Church, I learned that Rick regrets
underestimating the power of an excellent music ministry at the beginning of Saddleback.
Likewise, our worship at TLC mainly consisted of me on an acoustic guitar. As
we started Grace, we determined to have a good band with good sound from
the beginning. We spent the money to get nice equipment, and we recruited
musicians from a sister church who had an overabundance. They started with
us in our first service outside of a home. The wonderful thing is that experienced
musicians attract other experienced musicians. We learned that great worship
and praise, good musicians and sound are important. Lesson
#7 - A Little Child Shall Lead Them At TLC, we just rotated parents
to take care of the children. The childrens ministry was more like babysitting
than teaching. One of the main reasons for our decline was that the building we
were renting sold, and we had to move out immediately. We went from a building
with abundant space for children and youth to a hotel with no room for either.
People with children began to leave. They loved us, but we had nothing to
offer their children. When we started our new church, God graciously sent
a mature, seasoned couple who have an incredible heart for children. Many unchurched
families have come to our church and stayed, not because of me or our great worship,
but because the kids beg them to come back every week. I learned that an
exciting, fun, informative childrens ministry is vitally important. Lesson
#8 - If You Build It, They May Not Come Looking back at TLC, Im amazed
we drew anyone. We really did nothing to tell people what we had to offer.
We just started meeting and prayed people would show up. Our field of dreams became
an empty field of nightmares. I read a quote from Tommy Barnett once that
really impacted me: Without vision, people perish. Without people, the
vision perishes. Vision is one thing. Communicating it
is something else. We learned we cant adopt the field of dreams mentality
and just sit around waiting for people to show up. After all, the Great Commission
is to go - not to stay, wait and grumble when they dont show up. We learned
that having a vision, building or great events are not enough; you must get the
word out. Come and see must be balanced by Go and tell. Lesson
#9 - You Get What You Expect At TLC, we had low expectations of our
people and did not require much from them. After all, they were recovering,
burnt out people. They lived down to our expectations. We learned to raise
the bar on expectations. I was impacted by a book by Thom Rainer entitled High
Expectations. In it, he presents research proving that growing churches
have high expectations of their members. This was confirmed by Rick in The
Purpose Driven Church. I saw Saddleback required covenantal commitment
at every level, from congregation to core. They had a membership covenant,
a maturity covenant, a ministry covenant and a mission covenant. The expectations
were high and clear to everyone. At Grace, we have taken this covenantal
approach. We were committed at TLC, but now the commitment goes both ways. Lesson
#10 - Failing Is Not Final I learned from John Maxwell to fail forward
by learning from my mistakes. Failing is not failure unless you keep
repeating the same mistakes or give up. Every living thing has a life
cycle - including churches. Some live long, some not so long. However,
I do believe we can shorten the life cycle needlessly. Before planting
another church, I prayed, studied and sought counsel so I could learn from my
mistakes in order to not repeat them again. Prayerfully, this will help
someone else not to repeat them either. I have taken much comfort from the
fact that we ministered to many people at TLC and had a major impact in their
lives. To this day, many come up to me and say, I wouldnt have made it
if TLC was not there for me at that time. Thank you. Even though
that congregation no longer exists, I know that many lives were touched, changed,
or restored, and they are now productive members of other churches. Or
should I say, our church, the one church. Developing a kingdom mentality
will drive out competition with other churches when we realize we are all in this
together and it takes us all to reach our world! I pray that something I
have learned will help you as you extend the kingdom of God in your area! This
article originally appeared in Rick Warren's Ministry ToolBox, a free, email newsletter
available from pastors.com.
Used by permission. The Ministry ToolBox is for ANYONE serving Jesus Christ.
For a free subscription, you can sign up at www.pastors.com.
Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback
Church in Lake Forest, CA., a congregation that now averages 16,000 in attendance
each weekend. Rick is also author of "The
Purpose Driven Church," and founder of
Pastors.com, a global Internet community for those in ministry. You may reprint
this article in your publication with the following attribution: From Rick Warren's
Ministry ToolBox, a free weekly e-newsletter for those in ministry, www.pastors.com.