Foundations Quiz
- What are the major divisions of the 39 books of the Old Testament? Answer...
- What are the three primary names of God from the Old Testament? Answer...
- What are the three parts of man? Answer...
- What is original sin? Answer...
- The first sin in the universe came through ________ . Answer...
- What was the primary title that Jesus used to describe himself during his earthly ministry? Answer...
- Work out your ________ with ________ and ________, for it is God that works in you. Answer...
- Jesus said, 'You are Petros,' which means ______ in the Greek, 'and on this Petra,' which means ______ 'I will build my Church.' Answer...
- When Jesus returns, He will establish His kingdom on earth for ______. Answer...
- What is the oldest Christian creed? Answer...