Learn more about heaven's spiritual servants and get answers to questions such as:
- Should Christians pray to angels?
- Does everyone have a guardian angel?
- Why did God create angels?
- Are there good and bad angels?
- Can you ask God for angelic help?
In this exclusive DVD teaching, Pat answers these questions and more as he reveals scriptural truths about God's heavenly host and teaches about the powerful influence these spiritual agents have in the world around us—and what it means for believers.
You'll also witness real people's stories of their encounters with angels, and you'll see how those encounters changed their lives forever! Your faith and joy will increase in the revelation of just how vast and detailed God's dominion extends across the heavens—and into your life—through the work of His mighty messengers and protectors! Peace and praise will naturally flow into your heart in the knowledge of how God orders His angels concerning you.
Get Pat Robertson's newest DVD teaching today Angels: Their Power, Purpose and Presence —it's yours when you become a 700 Club member.
Here's what you'll learn in Dr. Pat Robertson's new DVD teaching:
What The Bible Says About Angels:
Discover the truth about angels in Pat Robertson's new DVD, Angels: Their Power, Purpose and Presence.
Get Biblical insights about angels in Pat Robertson's new DVD, Angels: Their Power, Purpose and Presence.
Bruce was pinned under a diesel truck with 10,000 pounds of metal crushing his body. Watch his miraculous story.
Jessica thought all angels were good and loving. It never crossed her mind that there could be evil angels.
The Merritt family's beautiful day on the water was about to become a dangerous, life changing nightmare.
Four lives intersected that day, on a rain-slicked road in Texas. Each had a supernatural encounter that changed their life forever.
Do You Believe in Angels?:
Scott Ross ask people in New York what they think about angels.
"Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him. They are very powerful, functioning as God's messengers and protectors to those people who are heirs of salvation."
— Pat Robertson
In addition to your exclusive DVD, you'll also get access to these special bonuses:
You'll get instant access to a watch the Angels DVD on your computer or smart phone'accessible anytime from anywhere.
You'll also get instant access to watch over 1500 video titles, teachings and Christian programming for the family.
You'll also get new monthly teachings exclusively every month by Pat and Gordon Robertson when you join through online giving or Pledge-Express.
- Our Gift To You—Angels: Their Power, Purpose and Presence DVD, providing you with biblical insights into these mysterious spiritual creatures and the important role they play in God's kingdom. You can learn how God created these heavenly servants to help you.
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