The Christian Broadcasting Network


A Marketing Secret That Never Fails

By Tim Smith
The 700 Club

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Freedom from Financial Fear

Escaping the Paycheck to Paycheck Life

You Can Love Your Work - Giselle Aguiar was excited about her move to Pheonix, Arizona. She found plenty of places to hike, and had also landed a great job as a mid-level manager in a marketing firm. Then the recession hit in 2008, and she was laid off.

"My whole world just fell apart, totally," says Giselle. "And unemployment hadn't kicked in yet."

Giselle soon went through her savings and had a tough time keeping up with her bills.

"I had been unemployed for well over a month, the creditors were calling. I also knew at that time too, that the only thing that would help me out of this would be God."

At the time Giselle would give to her church, but only on occasion. Now when things were at their worst, she decided it was time to start tithing faithfully.

"God says, 'Test me on this.' So I'm like, 'OK, God. I'm testing You on this because I have nowhere else to go.' I was just prompted to give 10% of what was in my bank account. So if I had $21, I would give $2.10. If I had $30, I would give $3."

She did the same when her first unemployment check arrived.

"And I immediately wrote a check to my church for 10% of that, and then I got a call for a contract job, and I worked that job for about four months."

Giselle landed other contracts, but the work wasn't steady. So in January of 2012, she started a side business as a social media consultant, and tithed off everything she made. Within six months, Giselle was able to work on her business full time.

I had enough money coming in. I had some clients on contract. And that was my goal – by June to be self-sufficient.

She also started giving to CBN.

"I see the stories of these villages in these 3rd world countries that don't have fresh, drinkable water. So just the fact that you can bring in a well, and that people can have fresh drinking water, something that we take for granted here every day, and I want to be a part of that."

Today, her business is thriving.

"I have not had to pay for any marketing or advertising, or pay to join any organization. I just go networking, and the people start calling me. Business keeps falling in my lap."

Giselle believes that God blesses her business, and her life, because she's faithful to give.

"It doesn't make any sense to the human brain, it really doesn't, but God says, 'Trust me and lean not on your own understanding.' And that's what you have to do. You have to try it. Test God on it, and it really works. It really works."

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Giselle. She made herself available for God's love to flow through her to others, and she is reaping a blessing herself as well. Join her in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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