The Christian Broadcasting Network


Misguided Priorities and $700,000 in Debt!

By Debbie White
The 700 Club

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Freedom from Financial Fear

Escaping the Paycheck to Paycheck Life

You Can Love Your Work - “We enjoyed nice things, and we spent money and we always thought, well, we will figure it out later,” remembers Pam Plastow.

“You know, just trying to live the American dream,” recalls Pam’s husband, Bob.

Bob and Pam Plastow began overspending in 2004.  That’s when Bob left a comfortable job as a network analyst to start a computer consulting firm. The company began to thrive. That’s when Bob says he wanted to show off his success.

“I had the feeling of, ‘okay, I’ve got my own business, I’ve got people working for me,’” says Bob. “I need a nice car, I need a nice house.”

The credit card companies were happy to help the couple spend more money than they had.

“We justified it because we would pay a good chunk off on this one or a good chunk on this one and say, ‘well they are not maxed out, we are okay,’” remembers Pam.

“At one time, we had four different car payments on four different vehicles all at the same time,” says Bob.

As the debt mounted, so did the stress on their relationship. Bob and Pam will never forget the night they added up all their debt.

“That number was over $700,000 of debt between cars and credit cards and business loans, and house stuff and school loans,” remembers Bob.

“I remember looking at him and saying, “ How in the world, how in the world, did we do this?’” says Pam.

Despite their massive credit card debt, Bob and Pam always gave to their church and they became CBN partners in 2004. Pam says she received hope from the 700 Club.

“I believe it was Gordon that said, ‘if you have some financial difficulties, just cry out to God,’” recalls Pam.

Bob was praying about their financial condition too.

“That was definitely my moment of, okay, I humble myself before you God, I’ve made mistakes, I’m sorry about those mistakes,” remembers Bob.

Bob and Pam drastically cut their living expenses, no more dining out or expensive trips.

“For fun we would play games, we would go for walks,” says Pam.

“We had so much more time together which is really what we were wanting,” remembers Bob.

Then, Bob sold his brand new custom designed GT Mustang.

“I loved that car and I loved that car and I loved that car,” says Bob. “And I really felt God telling me, ‘You have to rid of that car.’ That’s the icon of where you went wrong and I bought with cash, a car that I could afford.”

The Plastow’s made another unique decision. They increased their giving.

“It seemed like the more we gave, the more our debt went away,” says Pam.

They used a graph to track their debt. Month by month, they saw it decrease. In 2006, their business profits tripled over the former year and then doubled again in 2007.  In early 2011, after only 7 years, Bob and Pam paid off the last of their 700,000 debt.

“I had to evaluate really what was valuable to me in life,” says Bob. It wasn’t the stuff, it was the relationships, it was my family, my wife, my kids.”

“He can have fun making the money, and the more money he makes, the more fun I have giving it away,: says Pam. “When you tithe and when you are obedient with what he gives you, He blesses you.”

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for the Plastows. They made it possible for God's love to flow through them to others, and they are reaping a blessing for themselves as well. Join the Plastows in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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