CBN Partners
Couples and Finances: Unity Needed
By Tim Smith
The 700 Club
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| - After Lance McCaughey asked Brittany to marry him, they began to plan the wedding and their life together. They agreed to consolidate their finances during their engagement. They both agreed tithing was important, but they never seemed to have enough to pay their bills.
Brittany: “I’d tell Lance, ‘We really need to tithe.’ And he’d say, ‘Well I really need gas so it’s not gonna happen.’”
Lance: “Bills would just pile up, late fees on credit card payments. Something goes wrong with the car, and we couldn’t afford to fix it.“
As expenses piled up, Brittany and Lance stopped giving all together.
Brittany: “We are paying bills and bills and bills, and there’s nothing extra. What are we doing wrong? What aren’t we doing? We’re not tithing. And it was just a little light bulb moment. Oh! That thing we’ve been trying to do that we’ve been a little chaotic about. He finally got our attention”
Both Lance and Brittany knew God was speaking to them about their giving.
Brittany: “God got our attention and said I want you to increase what you’re giving. I want you to give me something that is a sacrifice for both of you.”
Once Lance and Brittany started tithing, their financial problems turned into financial blessings.
Lance: “You’re giving away money but in the same sense god is really providing for you and blessing you in another way that is so much more than a human can do for themselves.”
Lance and Brittany give $40 a month to CBN, and Brittany loves Operation Blessing.
Brittany: “They’re able to use a portion of what little we are giving right now to do such a great big thing. It just touches our hearts. It’s so amazing to be a part of that.”
Lance: “The great thing about CBN is they have the power to reach everybody in the world, whereas we’re just in an isolated area.”
Brittany: “Together we’ve grown as a couple because we’ve chosen to tithe. And I know that god has blessed that. Tithing has actually caused us to delve a little further into what other things are in the bible.”
Brittany: “It was very freeing because once we finally let go and let God take over, and give Him back what is already His, that He’s already provided in the first place. And just trust Him enough to say, ‘I give this back to you,’ He’s going to unleash all the blessings you can think of. It’s amazing.”
Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for this family. They made themselves available for God's love to flow through them to others, and they are reaping a blessing themselves as well. Join them in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.
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