Making Money in a Slow Economy
By Cheryl Wilcox
The 700 Club
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CBN.com -Burt and Natalia Zinser can hardly wait for the day they bring their first child home. But a new baby isn’t the only thing they’re excited about. In the past few years, Burt’s real-estate business has been hopping.
“My average sale has increased more than three times. And, so that means the average commission has increased proportionately as well," says Burt.
They say they’ve discovered the secret to financial success. According to Burt, “We have just seen phenomenal things happen as a result of tithing and now as soon as the check is deposited, we go online and start giving.”
But that wasn’t always the case. When the couple married, Burt was just getting started in real estate. However, before he could get momentum, the bottom fell out of the housing market.
“There wasn’t enough money coming in.” Natalia added, “We had to move out of our house and move into an apartment and we had to lease our house to get by the hard time in the financial crisis.”
Even though the couple downsized, they still struggled to make ends meet.
“It was hard. Instead of putting people in my car and showing them homes, I didn’t have much to do," says Burt. "We were at the worst point financially, and emotionally; sitting home in the apartment watching Netflix. Then one day Natalia says, 'I think we should start tithing.'”
They heard about tithing through the biblical teaching and watching The 700 Club, but they had never acted on it, until now.
“We just decided to give because it didn’t feel like that 10% is going to make anything worse,” said Natalia.
Then, even in a depressed market, Burt’s real estate business started picking up, and just kept getting better.
“And 2009’s income was better than 2008. We continued tithing 10% straight off the top; off the gross, and 2010’s income was more than 2009’s. It sounds like a broken record, but 2011 was higher than 2010. 2012 was higher than 2011. And 2013 doubled 2012, just so far.”
All the while, the Zinser's tithed to their church. They also started giving to The 700 Club.
According to Natalia, “We put our money is where our heart is. And so that was a turning point, but then watching how CBN has increased our giving so much because we just saw what the ministry does for other people and we wanted to be a part of it.”
Burt and Natalia’s finances have never been better. And they’ve since moved into a new home, just in time to get the baby room ready. They say it’s because of their giving, and God’s faithfulness.
“Now, today, when we tithe, it’s not blind fait," says Burt.." We have experience; we have a track record with Him providing. When you trust God with that money, you’re going to end up trusting Him with every aspect of your life. And it’ll be the best decision that you can make because he is almighty God who loves you and who wants the best thing for you.”
Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Burt and Natalia. It can make a difference in your life too! Join them in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.
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