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Ten Easy Ways to Avoid Foot Problems

New Life Ministries 1. Protect your feet!  The most important thing you can do to keep your feet from injuries and infections is to not go barefoot.

2. Stretching alleviates foot pain.  Stretch the muscles in your feet and legs daily.

3. Strengthen your feet!  Do strength-training exercises 2-3 times a week for your feet, your ankles, and legs.

4. Do your socks fit?  Be sure socks or nylons are not too tight to keep toes from being squeezed or bunched under your feet.

5. Variety is the key!  Change your socks daily. Don’t wear the same pair of shoes every day (including work shoes).

6. Keep your feet clean and dry. Wash and carefully dry your feet daily  - especially between your toes.

7. Trim those toenails.  Cut your toenails straight across to keep from getting in-grown toenails.

8. Be wary of high, high heels!  High heels can contribute to knee and back problems, falls, and an unnatural gait. Try to keep heel height at ¾ inches.

9. Let your activity choose the shoe.  If you are standing for long periods of time, select well-cushioned shoes. For exercising, pick shoes that fit the type of exercise you are performing.

10. Do your shoes fit?  Measure your feet every time you buy shoes. Be sure to try on both shoes. You don’t want any uncomfortable pressure points. Make sure your toes aren’t squeezed and that your heel isn’t too loose.

Copyright © 2006. Used with permission of New Life Ministries.

New Life Ministries, founded by Stephen Arterburn, is America's largest national faith-based broadcasting and counseling organization, specializing in treating relational and marriage difficulties, depression, eating disorders, addictions, anxiety, sexual problems, and more. For counseling on these topics, call New Life Ministries toll-free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-NEW-LIFE or visit their Web site,

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