Robert Crayhon
Consultant to Bee-Alive
Beat Stress Before It Beats
Can you imagine what your life would be like without any stress?
Unfortunately, stress is a fact of life. It's something every one of us has
to deal with, everyday of our lives. It's all around us, from job pressures
to family situations. From road rage to the nightly news -- we can't escape
stress. As society becomes more fast-paced, our lives become even more stressful.
A life without stress? Well, we may have to wait until we get to our Father's
house to experience that kind of bliss. For now, our houses are filled with
stress. And while it's foolish to think you can escape stress, it's vitally
important for your health to learn how to manage the stress in your life.
Stress can jeopardize our health. Surveys show that 43 percent of adults
suffer from adverse health effects due to stress. Stress can deplete our bodies
of B vitamins, which are essential for our nervous system. It can also reduce
the absorption of nutrients in our system from the foods we eat and the supplements
we take. When you say you're feeling "stressed out," it's more than
just an emotional thing. It's affecting your body in more ways than you can
But there is good news. There are some very practical steps we can take to
fight back -- to beat stress
before it beats us! Try incorporating these
simple steps into your lifestyle, so your body is better prepared to handle
the stress of everyday life:
1. Get adequate sleep. It's been proven that sleep really helps to
reduce stress. It restores the body and mind, and helps us maintain our mental
and physical health. Studies have shown that "people who get seven to
eight hours of sleep each night enjoy better health and live longer than people
who get less sleep." (Mid-Columbia Medical Center, Oregon) According
to Dr. David Posen, in the Canadian Journal of Continuing Medical Education,
"chronically stressed patients almost always suffer from fatigue. Fatigue
makes us less able to cope well with stressful situations. These dynamics
can create a vicious cycle. When distressed patients get more sleep, they
feel better and are more resilient and adaptable in dealing with day-to-day
events." Don't discount the old-fashioned notion of a good night's sleep!
It's doing more for your health than you know.
2. Eat a balanced diet for nutritional defense. As mentioned earlier,
stress can deplete our bodies of B vitamins and reduce the absorption of vital
nutrients. So it's important to make sure our diets are nutritionally balanced.
The manner in which one experiences or responds to stressful events depends
as much on diet as it does on coping skills. Eating the right foods and maintaining
a balanced diet can help reduce stress and promote higher energy. Also, try
to make your meal times calm and relaxed. Eating on the go usually leads to
poorer food choices and a rushed atmosphere that only contribute to greater
3. Enhance your diet with quality supplements. In addition to eating
a balanced diet, supplements are important for overall health and nutrition.
Taking supplements is a great way to support your nervous system, which is
at greater risk during times of stress. For greater support of the nervous
system, science has shown that B12 is the primary nutrient because it promotes
nerve cell activity in the body.* And the Food and Nutrition Board recommends
that people over the age of 51, whose absorption may not be quite as good
as it used to be, supplement their diets with a B12 vitamin or fortified food
4. Avoid or limit caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that actually
generates a stress reaction in the body. (Dr. David Posen, Canadian Journal
of Continuing Medical Education) People who lower or eliminate intake
of caffeine report feeling more relaxed, less nervous, with more energy and
improved sleeping patterns. Next time you want that cup of coffee
it a decaf!
5. Exercise regularly. Exercise is key to stress reduction! According
to Dr. David Posen, "Nothing beats aerobic exercise as a way of draining
off stress energy." It's generally recommended that we engage in some
form of aerobic activity for at least 20 minutes, three times per week. If
you're not exercising, find an activity that works best for you and get started!
6. Enjoy simple pleasures. Sometimes, it's the little things that
really count. It's amazing how therapeutic simple pleasures can be in reducing
stress. Take a walk around a lake. Play with your kids. Read a book. Make
the time in your schedule to do some of the simple things that bring you joy!
7. Pray. Last on our list
but by no means the least important!
There are so many reasons to pray. Stress relief is just one benefit of a
praying lifestyle. God's Word is full of admonitions to pray (1 Th. 5:17,
Ja. 5:13, Ph. 4:6). And now, science is catching up! In 1997, it was reported
that at least thirty of the top medical schools in the United States offer
teaching programs on the subject of faith and the role of prayer in the healing
process. According to Dr. Herbert Benson, president of the Mind/Body Medical
Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, 60 percent of
physician visits are due to stress-related illnesses that can be remedied
or improved with the physiologically soothing effects of prayer.
We'll never eliminate stress from our lives -- at least not until we get
to heaven! And these lifestyle tips can be very beneficial but only if you
do them consistently. Even if that's not possible, it's important to supplement
your diet every day with a high quality B12 supplement.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
As with any natural product, individual results will vary.
For more information about Bee-Alive or Royal Jelly, please visit www.beealive.com.
If you purchase Bee-Alive Royal Jelly products, part of the proceeds support
CBN ministries.
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