Madeline Balletta
President and Founder
God's Pharmacy: Why
I Believe in Natural Products
Twenty years ago, if you were to ask me about the role
of natural products in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I couldn't have
answered you. I had no idea what an important role natural products
can play in our lives! Today, I can't imagine my life without them
and I thank God everyday for His "pharmacy" nature where
He has created so many wonderful substances for the benefit of mankind.
It took a serious detour in my own health to wake me up to the benefits
of good nutrition and natural products. Over the years, as I've learned
more, I've become a "true believer" in the role they can play
in a healthy lifestyle.
I'm not alone. According to the Herb Research Foundation, sales of
herbs doubled in the period of 1981-1991 to more than $1.3 billion
annually. More and more doctors are promoting the virtues of vitamins,
herbs and dietary supplements, along with a nutritious diet, to support
a healthier lifestyle. Renowned medical schools are now offering courses
in alternative medicine and insurance companies are increasingly beginning
to cover alternative health practices. By and large, people are becoming
more educated and demanding a broader and more holistic approach
to their health care.
The primary reason that I believe in natural products is because
they were created by the Master Pharmacist! They have been around
since God created the earth. In the Garden of Eden, God told Adam
and Eve, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of
the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They
will be yours for food." (Gen. 1:29) Surely God knew what was
best for His children. In creating the world and everything in it,
He has provided us with a whole pharmacy of healthy and nutritious
substances in nature.
I also believe in natural products because they have a long history
of effective use throughout the world. Since creation, natural medicine
has been used for centuries in various cultures around the world to
help people maintain healthier lifestyles. The use of natural products
is rooted in the Word of God and tested in the laboratory of human
As the human race has advanced in knowledge, however, natural health
care has been overshadowed by orthodox medical practices. As remarkable
and beneficial as many of these scientific and medical advances have
been, I don't believe scientific medicine is the only answer or the
only treatment we should seek. There continues to be growing concern
over the reliance and safety of many drugs and surgical procedures.
There also appears to be increasing evidence that many drug therapies
suppress symptoms, while ignoring the underlying causes.
We should not forget that dietary supplements and natural food products
can promote well-being truly benefiting our health. Including natural
products as part of our overall health regimen should not preclude,
but complement traditional, or orthodox medical practices.
My real wake-up call regarding diet, nutrition and the use of natural
products, however, came through my own experience. In 1982, as a suburban
homemaker with two small children, I woke up one day feeling more
tired than usual. It was a feeling that just seemed to linger, until
eventually caring for my children and my family became very difficult.
Desperate for an answer, I spoke to medical practitioners and tried
many different "orthodox" therapies. Nothing seemed to work.
After a year-and-a-half, I found help through a friend who told me
about the importance of good nutrition and introduced me to a natural
substance called Royal Jelly. Used in the Orient therapeutically,
Royal Jelly is a food substance created naturally in the beehive.
After taking it for a few months, I began to really see a difference
and I felt better than ever! I had more energy, stamina and vitality.*
It was the first time I had ever realized that good nutrition and
natural dietary supplements can play a major role in how we feel every
day. From then on, I dedicated myself to learning as much as I could
about nutrition and natural products.
I believe that God helps us, as He chooses, in three ways. First,
and most beautiful, is His divine intervention - when He heals us
miraculously. I also believe He uses traditional medicine to help
us. And finally, I believe He uses "alternative" products
from nature that we can add to our daily diet. In 1984, I founded
Bee-Alive, Inc., to help others discover the benefits of good nutrition
and a healthier lifestyle through natural dietary supplement products.
As you explore therapies and practices for your own healthy lifestyle,
I encourage you to visit the wonderful world of God's pharmacy
and discover the healthy benefits of natural products.
Madeline Balletta is Founder and President of Bee-Alive, Inc., a
national health and nutrition company based in Valley Cottage, New
York. Madeline is a former President of the Bee Products Association
and a member of the National Nutritional Foods Association.
Under her direction, Bee-Alive continues to research today's most
pressing health issues and find workable, affordable solutions for
its customers.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. As with any natural product, individual results
will vary.
For more information about Bee-Alive or Royal Jelly, please visit
If you purchase Bee-Alive Royal Jelly products, part of the proceeds
support CBN ministries.
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