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Hiding Money from Your Spouse

By Dave Ramsey
Author, The Total Money Makeover – These days it pays to be smart about money. That's why it's important to take this wise counsel from financial expert Dave Ramsey.

Dishonesty is not the best policy

Dear Dave,

I don’t hide debt from my spouse, but I do hide money from her. I’ve been squirreling away money for emergencies without her knowledge. She’s not terrible with money, but she always finds something to spend it on. We were never able to save anything before I started doing this. After hearing you talk about “financial infidelity,” I began to worry about her reaction when she finds out I’ve been doing this. What’s your advice?

– Paul

Dear Paul ,

I think you have every reason to worry. Not just about her reaction, but what this represents in your marriage. I believe in saving up for emergencies. I mean, I’m Mr. Emergency Fund. I talk all the time about saving up three to six months of expenses. But deception is never a positive thing in a relationship. You’ve got to man up and tell her.

I know this won’t be easy, and you have to make sure you tell her in the right way. Don’t try to blame this on her. Basically, you’ve deceived her about this, and your lying isn’t her fault. Let her know that you’re sorry for not being honest with her, but you also need to explain that the reason you hid the money was you were afraid to speak up and disagree. Ask for her forgiveness, and let her know you’re committed to never letting it happen again.    

At the same time, you’ve got to grow a backbone so you can let her know when you’ve got a problem. Managing money in a marriage is a “we” thing. Decisions should always be made together. It means you each have a vote, but it also means you have to stand up and vote no if she wants to spend money on something silly when you guys haven’t taken care of business!


Closing the account

Dear Dave,

Do you have any suggestions for closing a credit card account? I just paid off my last debt, and I want to close the account once and for all.

– Krista

Dear Krista,

I’d start with a phone call. Let them know the account is paid off and you want it closed permanently. Also, ask for written confirmation that the account has been closed. If you don’t see something like this in your mailbox in a few days, you’ll need to check your credit bureau report for an update on the status of the account.

If it’s not showing the account closed at this point, you’ll probably have to call them back and jump somebody’s case. Make sure they understand that you want to see verification in writing that the account has been closed. If they’re still dragging their heels at that point, you’ll need to send them—via certified mail, return receipt requested—your demand that they permanently close the account.

But usually a phone call is all it takes. The problem with talking to them is you’ll have to listen to all their stuff about how dumb you are for cutting them loose. Trust me, they’ll fuss and cry and offer you stuff to try and get you to keep the account open. Stand firm and don’t listen to them, Krista. Close the account!


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Dave SaysDave Ramsey is a nationally-syndicated radio talk show host and author of the New York Times bestselling books, Financial Peace Revisited and The Total Money Makeover. His life-changing advice in the area of personal finance helps people get out of debt, stay out of debt and build wealth that will last a lifetime and beyond.

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