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How Boehner's Resignation Impacts Defunding Abortion


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House Speaker John Boehner's sudden announcement that he will resign the end of October comes as a shock to many.

His decision comes after Senate Democrats stopped a bill to defund Planned Parenthood.

In an effort to avoid government shutdown Boehner and House Republicans planned to draft a fast-track reconciliation bill that would make the fight easier to strip Planned Parenthood's funds.

According to The Hill, Boehner and other leaders were going to address a new strategy in a closed-door conference Friday. Instead, in that meeting Boehner told the GOP caucus that he would resign.

"This isn't about me. This is about the people. This is about the institution," Boehner said during a midday press conference.

The New York Times described the lawmaker as "the most passionate opponent of abortion ever to wield the speaker's gavel."

Boehner has been instrumental in the effort to defund Planned Parenthood.  In 2010, he insisted on a prohibition of federal funding for abortion organization, which almost led to a government shutdown.

LiveAction President Lila Rose spoke with CBN News about Boehner's resignation and how that could change House Republicans strategy to defund the abortion giant.

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