Randy Travis: Road to Redemption
By Sandy Engel and Lisa Ryan
The 700 Club –
Randy Travis was the first Country artist to break the multi-platinum sales
barrier. Now he ‘s setting records with his gospel recordings. Randy’s Rise and Shine album just hit gold status, and his single, "Three Wooden
Crosses," has been nominated for Single of the Year and Song of the Year by
the Country Music Association. But no award compares to the value of his newfound
music ministry. That’s what he talked with Lisa Ryan about from his home
in Santa Fe.
RYAN (reporting): In Randy’s amazing Santa Fe home, crosses abound.
But Randy gives the credit for these crosses—and a whole lot more—
to the woman who began as his manager and became his wife, Liv.
RANDY TRAVIS: After you’ve been married quite a few years, you
learn to take orders; it just comes easy.
LISA RYAN (reporting): That may be all that’s come easy to Randy.
For over a decade, he was turned down by every record label in town.
RANDY TRAVIS: When Storms of Life, that first album, was released,
to have a platinum album that was a million selling album in less than a year—the
first time it had ever happened on a debut Country album—that was a surprise!
LISA RYAN (reporting): But in the small town where he and his brother
Ricky grew up, Randy was no stranger to fame.
RANDY TRAVIS: We were well known in that area, not in a good way,
for sure. I got into the drug thing, I totaled two motorcycles, and I got
in at least 30 fights. The verse in the Bible that says, 'He’ll give
His angels charge over you to protect you'—that in itself tells me that
verse is very true because I should have been killed a long time ago.
LISA RYAN (reporting): Things went from bad to worse when Randy was
arrested for stealing cars and breaking and entering. He also started singing
in the club Liv managed.
RANDY TRAVIS: Having her in court the last time, saying that I was
not drinking, not using drugs, not running with the same people anymore—that
kept me from going to prison.
LISA RYAN: Did you have any kind of religious upbringing when you
were a kid?
RANDY TRAVIS: No. I was in church a little bit as a very young kid,
but, as they say in the South, 'it didn’t take.' None of it took with
me. My Mom and Dad had six kids, and four of the six were going down
the same road I was.
LISA RYAN: When did your personal spiritual journey and search for
peace of mind start?
TRAVIS: Again, I have to look to my wife. When I got into my early 20s,
I was going to bed one night—I was still drinking, still using drugs,
and probably was drunk or high or both—when I just picked up the Bible
and started reading to go to sleep. I was amazed at how well I slept, but
even beyond that, the next day, there was this peace of mind that was still
there that I wasn’t used to. I never had peace of mind. I never felt
at peace with anything or anybody.
LISA RYAN (reporting): Randy continued to read his Bible, but it was
10 years before he surrendered his life to the Lord and was baptized along
with Liv.
RANDY TRAVIS: I know I’m forgiven for those things, as bad as
they were, in the past. There’s forgiveness if you ask forgiveness, you
truly repent, and you do make an honest effort not to do that anymore.
LISA RYAN: The last time I interviewed you, your first gospel album,
Inspirational Journey, had just come out. You were just beginning to
play churches and Christian venues and giving your testimony. How is that
different from the concert halls and the Country shows?
RANDY TRAVIS: I didn’t know what I was getting into. I never
even heard the term 'music ministry.' I didn’t even know I had one, you
LISA RYAN: What’s a testimony?
RANDY TRAVIS: Yeah. What is a testimony? I’m singing.
I’m a singer! It has turned into literally a music ministry because people
coming in who didn’t normally go to church, some cases never went to
church, some of them had drifted away from the Lord, coming to hear us because
of Country hits, and then coming and getting saved, altar calls. You’ll
see 100 people, 125, and one night 150 people coming to accept Christ. It’s
just unbelievable.
LISA RYAN (reporting): Randy has just released his third gospel album,
Worship & Faith, which includes…
RANDY TRAVIS: Some pretty unusual versions of songs like "Just a Closer
Walk with Thee;" "Turn Your Radio On," and "Peace in the Valley."
LISA RYAN: Is there a greater satisfaction in that than even on all
the record sales you’ve had, all the people that have come to your concerts,
when you see people come up and receive the Lord as Savior?
TRAVIS: Oh yeah, it's a totally different thing. We hear about people
changing their lives, getting baptized, stopping the drugs, the alcohol. I
mean it’s all kinds of thing. I never thought I’d
be a good influence on anybody with anything I did or said or sang.
LISA RYAN (reporting): Today Randy Travis continues to make a positive
impact. Like the music he loves most, Randy’s life has become his personal
story song with a powerful gospel message.
RANDY TRAVIS: It’s not what you take when you leave this world
behind you. It’s what you leave behind you when you go.
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