May 31, 2006
How I Got Roped
into This
Last Friday, I wandered into the office kitchen to heat
up my favorite Lean Cuisine entrée and ran into
the Health Channel Producer of I began to tell
her how the Lord had helped me overcome one of my biggest
obstacles to losing weight -- staying motivated!
When I finished, she said, “You should start a
Being one who believes that in the counsel of many
there is great wisdom, I called a few friends to run the
idea by them, waiting for the inevitable, “Have
you lost you mind?” Well, no one said that, so here
I am.
Let me start by sharing the story that got me into this.
A few months ago, I joined the local YMCA and began working
out. I loved the atmosphere there (no spandex-clad perfect
bodies to make me feel like I should be sneaking in the
back door).
I shared with a friend that working out was having a
great effect on my joints, energy level, and sense of well-being
and a TERRIBLE effect on my eating. Because I was working
out, I felt entitled to eat much more!
Wanting to help, my friend said her son had lost weight
while eating a lot of food. He just filled up on vegetables.
My response was, “But vegetables are not fun!”
There was no way munching on carrots was going to work
for me!
Never one to give up easily, my friend continued, “So
what would be more fun for you than food?” My answer
was getting together with a friend. She said, “Fine.
Every time you go an entire week eating according to your
food plan, we’ll go do something fun.”
I agreed.
The next morning when I woke up, the thought that ran
through my head was, “I am so busted!” I knew
my friend had hit on the one thing that could motivate
me to stick with a weight-loss program. A week later,
I was 5 pounds thinner and amazed that I had not cheated
even one day.
Since I typically start a diet on Monday and it usually
ends by Thursday (on a good week), this was nothing short
of a miracle.
Now we’ll see how long I can keep this going. Each
Monday and Wednesday I’ll be updating you on my
If you’d like to join me in this weight-loss adventure,
on to our message board. Share your secret for staying
motivated to lose weight and read what others have to