Miracles I and Miracles II: All Things Are Possible, are compelling one-hour specials that show the modern-day power of our miracle working God. And during the next few weeks, all across America, millions of people will be seeing real-life testimonies of God’s intervening love.
This is our opportunity as Christians to send a message to the major networks, that people of faith want and support quality programming. If you’ve ever complained about the kinds of things that are broadcast on the airwaves today – this is your chance to let your voice be heard – just by watching this show and asking those you know to watch it too.
Please pray for those that will see a Miracles primetime special. Many have never heard of the grace and mercy of God. Pray that they will trust in Jesus and believe for miracles in their own lives. Pray too, that other television stations across America will air this important program.
Thank you. May God use this special to build your faith for your miracle and bring many souls into his Kingdom. |
Pat Robertson's book, Miracles Can Be Yours Today

Touched by the Hand of God,
a DVD of inspiring testimonies