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Dr. Michael Roizen on 'You: Having a Baby'
Author of You: On a Diet and most recently You: Having a Baby Dr. Michael Roizen says that it is time to dispel the myth that it’s okay for an expectant mother to “eat for two.” He points out that if a pregnant woman looks at the adequate calorie consumption for growing a healthy baby that the correct principle is “eating for 1.1.”
“When you are pregnant, you only need to consume 10 percent more than the number of calories you ordinarily eat to maintain your weight,” says Dr. Roizen.
It is important that a pregnant woman gets enough calories to feed her developing baby with the proper nutrients but not too many calories that it overwhelms the placenta because of poor food choices.
During the first trimester, a mother should shoot for an increase of about 100 calories per day, or the equivalent of an extra glass of milk. During the second trimester, there should be an extra 250 calories per day, or the equivalent of a healthy midafternoon snack of ten walnuts plus an apple. During the third trimester, an extra 300 calories should be added per day, the equivalent of three pieces of fruit. More and more evidence suggests that adult diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes are linked to mom’s early nutritional influence on the fetus. It is likely, according to Dr. Roizen, that the least amount of weight is gained in the first trimester and the extra weight gain will occur primarily in the second and third trimesters.
Dr. Roizen says by eating minimally processed foods, a pregnant woman can keep her hormones in balance and weight under control. However, pregnancy causes some hormones to fluctuate and affect the appetite in unpredictable ways. Seventy-five percent of women experience cravings. Scientists speculate that women crave foods that contain the nutrients they need or simply the calories, both of which may be necessary for fetal development. On the other hand, eighty percent of mothers experience nausea or morning sickness and can’t eat at all. The important thing is to get nutrients to the baby and for the mother to stay hydrated.
Pregnant mothers should strive for nine or more servings of fruits and vegetables, three or more servings of whole grains, three or more servings of lean protein, skinless poultry, low-mercury fish, nuts, beans, lentils and tofu. The smartest thing to do is to eat five or six small meals throughout the day rather than the three traditional meals. Maintaining an even blood sugar level will also help avoid nausea. Mainly it will help the mother feel satisfied and avoid food cravings.
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