The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Dr. Asa Andrew

Book: Empowering Your Health

Former member of the Power Team;

Host of “Empowering Your Health”, a nationally syndicated radio talk show.

Appeared on numerous television programs: ET, Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS news, Hard Copy, TBN, INSP, The Harvest Show and Good Morning Atlanta. Publications include: People Magazine, Charisma and USA Today.


Dr. Asa Andrews: Radical Changes Equal Radical Results For many years, Dr. Asa Andrew has helped people with every kind of health condition such as: migraine headaches, allergies, high cholesterol, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes and weight loss. He has pursued good health for many years, and since college, being in top shape was critical.

However, after accepting an invitation to join the Power Team in 1995, Dr. Andrew was faced with a major challenge he needed to overcome. At 210 pounds, he was the smallest member on the team, which left him feeling as if he needed to get bigger.

So, in order to gain more weight, Dr. Andrew made the choice to purposely overeat and ingest massive amounts of calories. After a while, he began eating everything. He ate three and four helpings of food until his stomach ached; and buffets were his favorite because of the large amounts of food he could consume.

After about two years, Dr. Andrew reached his goal by weighing in at over 300 pounds. Nevertheless, his great accomplishment came at a price. After gaining the weight, he began noticing disturbing physical changes.

“I put the wrong type of calories and foods in my body, and it created a health crisis and disease,” he says.

Asa was sleepy after meals, perspired profusely and carried extra fat around his waist. Fatigue became a huge factor, and after seeing a doctor, Dr. Andrew realized that he ate himself into diabetes by eating too much of the wrong foods. With the diabetes, rising and falling of his blood sugar and problems with his pancreas, Asa faced a life-altering diagnosis and knew he had to make a change.

“God told me, if I can lifestyle my way in, then I can lifestyle my way out,” he says.            

Dr. Andrew knew that with the intensity it took to gain the weight, he would have to do at least the same to take it off. His eating had to change radically. He began eating lean sources of protein, fruits, vegetables and good fat. He also reduced the amount of food he ate by half. After six months, Dr. Andrew dropped from over 300 pounds down to 235.

“I didn’t do gastric bypass, stomach stapling, the lap band or any other unusual weight loss programs. I simply made a decision to get well, to lose the weight, so I would be able to accomplish all that God had for me to do,” he says.


Dr. Asa Andrew was a football player for the Florida State University football team. On October 13, 1993, he gave his life to Christ during a monthly team meeting with an evangelist. His coach, Bobby Bowden, would have guest speakers come to speak to the team at least once a month. It was during the meeting on October 13th that Dr. Andrew realized he needed Christ.

“I had a void in my heart, and I knew that I needed Christ. He was the missing link in my life, and I wanted to live my life for Him,” he says.

Dr. Andrew went home and opened his Bible for the first time to the book of Joshua 1:1-9, and at that point, God spoke to his heart – telling Asa He was going to use him to speak to the nations.

“I cried that night,” he says. “A week later, I was randomly asked to share my testimony and 75 kids came forward to accept Christ that day. From that point, I knew I was called to share my testimony.”


• The Total Gym

• Stretch Bands

• Free Weights

• Exercise Ball

• Mini Trampoline

• 5 Essentials for a Winning Life workout DVDs from trainer Chris Carmichael

• Jump rope

• Gym membership

• Organic/health food store gift certificate

• Heart rate monitor

• Bicycle

• Nike + iPod running system

• The Fitness Challenge board game

• Sporting goods gift card (i.e. REI, Big 5)

• Personal Trainer gift certificate

• George Foreman Grill       

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