The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Ralf Hennig

Author, Four Way Burn (Rodale Books, 2007)

Medical exercise specialist CPT, CCS, CCES, gold-certified by the American Council on Exercise and designated a master trainer by IDEA

Has been trainer to former president Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, in addition to a large roster of other notable clients

Founder of Dynamic Fitness in Bedford, New York

Featured Book
The Four Way Burn
(Rodale, 2007)
Free Factsheet

Move Your Way to Fitness

Medical exercise specialist Ralf Hennig shares specific movements based on his book Four Way Burn that increase flexibility and strength.


Ralf Hennig: Feeling the Burn

By The 700 Club A Lifestyle, Strength, Conditioning Specialist, and Personal Trainer to President Bill Clinton, Ralf has set the pace for over 25 years.  A highly accomplished and regarded member of the fitness community, Ralf continues to bring ingenuity and creativity to the industry.

His peers have recognized him with certifications, ranging from Gold Certification as a Clinical Exercise Specialist by the American Council of Exercise, to the awarded title of IDEA Master Personal Fitness Trainer by the International Dance and Exercise Association (IDEA). IDEA is an international consortium of over 23,000 fitness professionals dedicated to setting industry standards to affirm a trainer’s commitment to the highest standards and qualifies individuals based on education, certification, experience and community service. Ralf is one of a small elite group of trainers awarded the title of Master by IDEA as well as Presenter for IDEA and NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Assoc.).
Ralf is a German-born U.S. resident who began his education in fitness and wellness while very young. Using classic medicine balls and methods as a young man inspired him to develop the concept of controlled motion into a total body-conditioning program called “Performance Ball® Training Method”, which he has detailed in his new book Four Way Burn.

Building the method from the ground up, Ralf completely redesigned the outdated medicine ball into the contemporary user-friendly Performance Ball, which is weighted, textured, and sized for a personal fit for the individual.
Ralf has had tremendous success using the Performance Ball Training Method with his clients, who include former President Bill Clinton, as well as Senator Hillary Clinton; fashion models Emme and Yasmeen; Saks Fifth Avenue chairman Philip Miller, and Citi Group Chairman Sanford Weill.

– (Above bio courtesy of


The Four Way Burn is comprised of 40 movements using a 4lb. “performance ball.” It may look like a medicine ball, but it weighs less and is used differently. The use of the “performance ball” not only creates a workout that is fun, but one that engages the brain as well as the body, for a complete body-mind workout.

This all-in-one workout improves strength, flexibility, agility, and eye-hand coordination, and can easily be tailored to couch potatoes and dedicated exercisers alike. The program involves four one-month cycles, each of which consists of 10 techniques to be performed, optimally, three sessions per week.

There are three levels of these cycles – beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Since the progress of the program is incremental and very personalized, a person can decide how quickly or slowly they want to go. Ralf maintains that if people stay on the program, they will see overall improvements in their bodies.

Learn more about Ralf's fitness program

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