Founder, Walk Thru the Bible (WTTB) Ministries & int’l training organizations
Bestselling author, latest, YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS (Multnomah 2009)
Has sold 22+ million books in Breakthrough series, w/ two #1 NY Times best-sellers, The Prayer of Jabez & A Life God Rewards
Media: Today Show, Larry King Live, CNN’s Talkback Live, etc.
Phd, M.Div, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary
Graduate, Northeastern Bible College
Married to Darlene Marie wth three children, six grandchildren
Bruce Wilkinson: Be the Miracle
Bruce Wilkinson and his wife Darlene felt like God was calling them to move to Africa in 2002. This happened during the busiest months of his speaking and writing for his bestseller The Prayer of Jabez. The Wilkinsons felt they had a renewed sense of the needs of the continent. They went and worked with charitable groups, African organizations, government agencies, and many volunteers to meet goals that stretched their faith.
The Wilkinsons kept asking God for miracles and took risks of faith. God did show up, and by the time they returned to the United States, their thinking had changed in two ways. First, they were convinced that doing good deeds alone would never be enough to meet today’s desperate needs. Second, they learned that it is often people who have been Christians for a long time that resist miracles the most. Many Christians don’t expect miracles, don’t ask for them, or don’t know how to partner with God to allow them to happen.
Everyone at all times is in need of a miracle, and God is ready to meet those needs supernaturally through ordinary people who are willing to learn how Heaven works. Anyone can help others experience miracles in most areas of life, such as finances, practical help, relationships, purpose, and spiritual growth.
The miraculous can actually be a normal way of life. We are all invited to do God’s work by God’s power. Bruce calls these miracles “predictable,” meaning that when we do God’s work God’s way, He reveals Himself to be a miracle-working God. Miracles will take place so regularly that their occurrence will seem predictable to you – not because of how or when they occur but because they will occur. Bruce also says, “Most of us don’t think about miracles that we could possibly do. We don’t have a vocabulary of how God works with the specific things that He does, and we don’t know how to align ourselves with what He is doing so that we can be His vehicle on the earth to deliver a miracle.”
There are practical things a person can do if he or she wants to participate in the delivery of a miracle to someone else.
Bruce defines a miracle as when God in Heaven decides to meet a need of a person on earth. Miracles are done by God, since God is the only One that can do miracles. Also, God doesn’t need miracles done for Him. He is the One who wants the miracle done for people because of His love and care for them.
Bruce also says, “People can’t do miracles and are not responsible to do miracles, but people can pick up miracles from God and hand it to another person – a miracle happens when that occurs. When a person partners with God in delivering a miracle to another person, they have done what they were supposed to do; God can then deliver the miracle to the other person.”
God initiates miracles through people. The average person is reluctant to do miracles and don’t believe that miracles can be done through them. For something to be considered a miracle, a person has to tell you it’s a miracle. It is when God shows up in such a way that the person knows it’s God and experiences God. Bruce also says that too many people think coincidence are miracles. Coincidences aren’t miracles.
Identify the person. Who is the miracle for? God gives “nudges.”
Isolate the need. Look for the need that is at the top of God’s agenda for us and for the person we’ve identified.
Open the heart. Prepare the recipient’s heart to receive the miracle. We want the person to let us in and show us what matters.
Deliver the miracle. Facilitate, invite and respond to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Transfer the credit. Help the person find their way from the experience with God to God Himself.
Bruce says God wants His people to partner with Him in delivering His miracles of provision and blessing. We were born for this. Bruce shares Keys, and stories of how to be available to God and see the miraculous results. Among them: The Master Key is to fervently ask God to send us and mean it. The People Key is how to make God’s agenda and heart for people your own. You yield your rights in advance. That way He can deliver a miracle through you at any time. With the Spirit Key, you partner with the Holy Spirit to deliver a miracle by God’s super-natural power. You pre-commit to cooperating with the Spirit at every opportunity to accomplish God’s work. This attitude certainly takes you out of the “Land of Good Deeds.” The Risk Key is a purposeful action you take, in spite of discomfort or fear, to exercise your faith during a miracle delivery. You take the risk depending on Him to come through. When God supernaturally bridges the gap, He enables you to deliver His miracle and demonstrate His glory.
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